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Literacy – Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine Fiction Genres – Mystery stories Analysing and identifying different story genres e.g. fantasy, science fiction, historical, mystery, etc. Looking at the features of each – types of character, setting and plot.
Literacy – Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine Fiction Genres – Mystery stories Analysing and identifying different story genres e.g. fantasy, science fiction, historical, mystery, etc. Looking at the features of each – types of character, setting and plot. Use of class story ‘ The Lift’ by Anthony Horowitz, to stimulate the writing of our own detective stories. Focusing on: characterisation, use of quality vocabulary including expanded noun phrases, writing short paragraphs with a range of different sentence types and use of 2 subordinate clauses in a sentence to create different effects. Reading comprehension using a range of fiction genre. Weekly Grammar and Punctuation sessions focusing on passive voice, prepositions and a range of advanced punctuation. Numeracy Fractions, decimals and percentages – Finding equivalent fractions, converting mixed numbers and improper fractions, converting fractions to decimals and percentages, finding fractions and percentages of quantity. Ratio and proportion – Identifying ratio and proportion, using ratio and proportion to solve problems. Time – analogue and digital – converting to and from 24 clock to 12 hour clock, calculating differences in time, timetables. ICT Control technology using Lego NXT buggies (external provider from eLearning centre) Michael Morpurgo video competition project Art/DT Art:- Perspective drawings of Victorian streets. Sepia portraits Silhouette profile pictures Lace patterns D.T:- Making a Zoetrope Nottingham in Victorian Times R.E/ Music/P.E etc Music:- Singing songs for production, Wizard of Oz. P.E:- Real P.E. R.E:- Importance of Christianity in Victorian Times. SEAL:- Rights of Children and Crime and Punishment in Victorian times. Philosophy sessions to discuss a range of social issues. Science Workshop Focus: Dissolving / solutions / reversible and irreversible changes Workshop 1: Investigating which solids will dissolve to become solutions. How can solids be separated from solutions (filtration/evaporation) Workshop 2: Investigations focussing on dissolving eg: how does the temperature of water effect how quickly salt dissolves? Plotting results on line graphs and interpreting line graphs Workshop 3: Investigating changes that are reversible (eg: melting chocolate, freezing water) and changes that are irreversible (eg: burning paper) Programme of investigations for science day Humanities Industrial Revolution – Use of extracts on Nottingham and what it was like at the time. Looking at reasons for change between 1744 and 1831. Use of the Wool Alley Census to look at living conditions. What was it like to work in the lace industry? Use of photographic evidence. Cross curricular writing – 1862 Factory Inspector – write a report to the government (in role) about conditions encountered. Global dimensions Link with schools in Spain, sharing work and ideas about different cultures.