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OBJEK MATERIAL DAN OBJEK FORMAL STUDI ISLAM. Sumber Islam Al-Qur’an As.Sunnah Sejarah Islam Dakwah dan Penyiaran Hukum Islam Ilmu Kalam Filsafat Islam Tasawuf. Politik Islam Pendidikan Islam Ekonomi Islam Seni Islam Budaya Islam Sosial Islam, Wakaf Komunikasi Islam, dsb.
Sumber Islam Al-Qur’an As.Sunnah Sejarah Islam DakwahdanPenyiaran Hukum Islam IlmuKalam Filsafat Islam Tasawuf Politik Islam PendidikanIslam Ekonomi Islam Seni Islam Budaya Islam Sosial Islam, Wakaf Komunikasi Islam, dsb. Keluarga Islam Dll (masing-masing masih dapat dijabarkan lagi menjadi sub-sub yang lebih kecil) OBJEK MATERIAL STUDI ISLAM
OBJEK FORMAL STUDI ISLAM(Opsional) • Pendekatan sui generic (teologis, normatif, agamis) • Pendekatan filosofis 3. Pendekatan “saintifik” (ilmiah): a. Pendekatan sejarah b. Pendekatan antropologis c. Pendekatan sosiologis d. Pendekatan psikologis e. Pendekatan komparatif f. Pendekatan geografis g. Pendekatan tematis h. Pendekatan tipologis i. Pendekatan feminis j. Pendekatan fenomenologis k. Pendekatan ekologis, dsb. 4. Pendekatan sintesis (scientific-cum-doctrinaire, integrasi-interkoneksi, ilmiah-agamis)
CONTOH TOPIK-TOPIK STUDI ISLAM • History of Muslim Civilization (From the Advent of Islam till the fall of Bagdad i.e 1258 A.D) • History of Muslim Civilization in the Medieval Period-Sundry Dynasties • Islamic Religious Sciences: The Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Tasawwuf • Development of Muslim Sects, Kalam and Philosophy • Non-Muslims Contribution to Islamic Studies • Islam in the Indian Sub-Continent • Islam in the Modern Age (From 1800 A.D. onwards) • Muslim Reform Movements and Thinkers • Major Word Religions (Aryan and Semitic Religions) • Special Study of Medieval Muslim Contribution to Science, Technology and Fine Arts
History of Muslim Civilization (From the Advent of Islam till the fall of Bagdad i.e 1258 A.D) • Pre-Islamic Culture of Arabia. • Islamic society during the time of the Holy Prophet and the Pious Caliphs: 1. Religious & social life. 2. Education. 3. Administration and political set up; • Islamic society during the Umayyads: 1. Political changes after the pious caliphate. 2. Social and economic life. 3. Administration. • Islamic society during the Abbasids: 1. Abbasid revolt-nature and causes. 2. Social and economic life, ruling class, mawalis, slaves 3. Commerce, industry and agriculture.Science, literature, arts and architecture. • Other dynasties: 1. The Fatimids 2. The Muslim east: 3. A brief surveyThe Crusades.
History of Muslim Civilization in the Medieval Period-Sundry Dynasties • The rise of the Turks: 1. The Samanids and the Ghaznawids: revival of Persian language and culture. 2. The Saljuqs in power: scientific and religious development. • The Fatimids: • 1. Establishment of the Fatimid state and its characteristics. 2. Economic, scientific and literary progress. 3. Arts and architecture. • The Mamluks: 1. Establishment of the Mamluk rule and its distinguishing features. 2. Contribution to sciences and literature. 3. Development of arts and architecture. • The Timurids: 1. Establishment of their rule and characteristics 2. Contributuion to sciences and culture. • The Safavids: 1. Origin and development of Safavid rule. 2. Contribution to arts and sciences. 3. Socio-religious conditions.
Islamic Religious Sciences: The Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Tasawwuf • The Quran: 1. The Quran - revelation (wahy), collection and compilation. 2. Origin and development of Ilm-i Tafsir. 3. A brief introduction to major tafsir works of the classical period:(Tabari, IbnKathir, Razi Baidhawi, Zamakhshri and Jalalain). 4. An introduction to some important Urdu tafsir writers:Sir Syed, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Maulana Azad, Maulana Maududi, Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi, • Hadith: 1. Ilm-i-Hadith: meaning, origin and significance. 2. History of compilation of Hadith.Categories of Hadith. 3. Principles of Hadith criticism-Riwayat and Dirayat. 4. Sihah-i-Sittah - compilation and significance. • Fiqh: 1. Development of Islamic Fiqh, origin and its sources. 2. Emergence of schools of Fiqh: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafai, Hanbali and Jafri. 3. Contemporary debate on Islamic law; insurance; stock exchange; commercial interest. • Tasawwuf: 1. Origin and Major doctrines. 2. Development of Sufism (Dhu al-Nun, Bayazid, Junaid, Mansural-Hallaj) 3. Emergence of the Sufi orders with special reference to their Salient features: Chishti, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and the Qadri.
Development of Muslim Sects, Kalam and Philosophy • Muslim Sects and the development of Kalam. 1. Muslim ummah, unity and conflict - a brief survey of the Pious Caliphate. 2. Origin and development of Ilm-e-Kalam. 3. The emergence of Kharjites, Qadirites, Murjiites, Shi’ites, Mu’tazilites, Asha’rites & Maturidite sects. • Development of Muslim Philosophy: 1. Greek philosophy and the Arabs. 2. Muslim philosophers with special reference to: 1. Al- Kindi 2. Al-Farabi 3. Ibn-e-Sina 4. Ikhwanus- Safa 5. Ibn-e-Rushd 6. Al-Ghazzali 7. Ibn-Khaldun • Mystical Philosophy in Islam---Shahabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi, Ibn-i-Arabi, Al-Jili, Sadruddin Shirazi.
Non-Muslims Contribution to Islamic Studies • The Origin and Development of Orientalism: Medieval European Orientalism. ( A brief introduction) • The rise of Europe and the beginning of the modern studies on Islam. • Non-Muslim contribution to Quran: 1. Translation 2. Glossary 3. A critical study of orientalist writings on QuranSirah Literature (A critical study of orientalist writing on Sirah. • Some of the important modern non-Muslim scholars of Islam: 1) Sir Hamilton Gibb 2) P.K.Hitti 3) Goldzihr 4) S.Zaidan 5) W.C.Smith • The study of Islam as a Living Reality in the Contemporary Era. • Muslims Response and Reaction to Orientalism. • Hindus Contribution to Islamic Studies. 1. To Islamic History 2. To History of Muslim Civilization with special reference to India 3. Hindu ascribers and calligraphers. 4. Hindu authors an Islamic faith and creeds. 5. Hindu press and publishers of books on Islamic Studies. 6. Hindu translators of Quran, Sa’adi, Hafiz, Khayyam and Rumi
Islam in the Indian Sub-Continent • Early Indo-Arab relations. • Arab conquest of Sind and Multan - brief survey. • India on the eve of theTurkish conquest - social, political and religious conditions. • Development of Indo-Muslim culture during the medieval period. 1. Religion: Sufi movement, Muslim intellectual perception of Hinduism, Bhakti movement, Mahdawi movement, Ranshonia movement, 2. Cultural exchange, The origin and growth of Urdu language, social and economic conditions of Muslims. 3. Fine arts:- Architecture- Painting- Music • Development of Learning and Religious Thought in India. 1. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi and his religious thought. 2. Traditional education during the medieval period. • Transiation from Medieval to Modern: 1. Dars-i-Nizami 2. Shah Waliullah • Role of muslims in the freedom movement. • Sub continent: The post- independence era: 1. Islam in secular India. 2. Pakistan and Bangladesh - aspirations and realities
Islam in the Modern Age (From 1800 A.D. onwards) • West Asia and North Africa. 1. Muhammad Ali in Egypt. 2. Development of Arab nationalism. 3. Emergence of Arab nation states. 4. Contemporary socio, religious, cultural scene. 5. Palestinian Problem. • Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey and Central Asia. 1. Westernisation under the pahlavis in Iran. 2. Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran. 3. Reforms of Amanullah in Afghanistan. 4. Afghanistan since Amanullah. 5. Emergence of Turkey as a secular state. 6. Islamic revivalism in Turkey. • Central Asia: 1. Russian occupation of Central Asia and Muslim resistance movements. 2. Emergence of independent Muslim republic • South East Asia: 1. Islam in Malay region in the modern period (Malaysia, Indonesia & Brunei) 2. Prominent Muslim religious organisations and institutions in the region.
Muslim Reform Movements and Thinkers • Jamaat Mujahidin, Reshmi Rumal Tehrik (Silken Scarf Conspiracy), Jamiat ul Ulama, Tablighi Jamaat; Jamaat Islami, Jamiat Ahl-i-Hadith. • Deoband, Aligarh, Nadwah, Jamia Millia Islamia. • Wahabi Movement; Sanusi Movement, Mahdawis in Sudan, Tijaniyah, Nurucu Movement, Nahdatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah • Allama Shibli; Allama Iqbal; Mawlana Abul Kalam Azad; Mawalan Ashraf Ali Thanwi. • Jamaluddin Afghani; Muhammad Abduh; Rashid Rida; Ziya Gokalp; Abdur Rehman al Kawakabi; Imam Khomeini; Ali Shariati, Nurcholish Madjid, Abdurrachman Wachid
Major Word Religions (Aryan and Semitic Religions) • What is religion? • Approaches and the methods for the study of world religions. • Aryan Religions: 1. Hinduism:chief characteristic, historical development, Vedic traditions, epic literature, Sectarian Hinduism; 2. Buddhism: Life of Gautama Buddha, basic teachings, Sangha, development and decline of Buddhism in India, Mahayana and Hinayana. 3. Zoroastrianism: Life and teachings of Zarthursta, Zoroastrian monotheism, Zoroastrianism today. 4. Sikhism: Life and teaching of Gru Nanak, development of Sikh religion and culture, contemporary trends. 5. Jainism: Life and teachings of Sri Mahavir, Jainism today. • Semitic Religions: 1. Judaism: Significances of history in Judaism, monotheism. 2. Christianity: Basic teachings, Curch its history and organisation, important Christian sects - Roman Catholics, Orthodox, protestants, crisis of Christianity in the modern west.
Special Study of Medieval Muslim Contribution to Science, Technology and Fine Arts • Medicine • Historiography • Geography • Mathematics • Astronomy • Chemistry • Technological Development • Painting • Architecture • Calligraphy • MusicPottery • Textiles