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Learn about risks of wildlife accidents on roads, how to act in case of an incident, and the importance of warning reflectors. Stay safe on the roads!

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  1. ULUKID LIIKLUSES 2010 - 2018 Koostaja: Urmas Salmu, märts 2019

  2. Koond - hukkunud ulukid liikide alusel

  3. Liiklusvahendite arvu muutus 2010 – 2018 lõpp

  4. Mida saaks jahimees muuta? • Koostada käitumisjuhis ulukiga õnnetusse sattunule • Teavitustöö ohtliku aja saabumisest • Teha ametkondadele ettepanekuid - ohtlike piirkondade paremaks markeerimiseks • Tuua näidiseks helkuritega piirdepost, mis valgustab teeserva ja võiks tõrjuda ulukeid teelt. • Nii säästame inimesi, ulukeid ja tehnikat. • Mitte väheoluline - Tõstame jahimehe väärtust iga vähegi mõelda oskava kodaniku registrites.

  5. "General" - Wild Animal Warning Reflector Metslooma hoiatav helkur Beilharz Road Equipment

  6. Tegutsemisjuhis liiklusõnnetusse sattunule – väljavõte autokooli juhendist Wildlife accidents. Võimalikud ohuallikad. Greatest risk of wildlife on the road • Dusk and dawn. (Varahommik ja hilisõhtu) • May–June and September–October. • Salted roads. (Soolatud teed) • Open fields. (Lagedad alad) • Close to a water course. (Veekogude läheduses) • Start and end of a wildlife fence. (Metsavahelised lõigud) Accidents involving moose Accidents involving moose are the most dangerous type of wildlife accident. The reason is that the body of the moose, which weighs around 700 kg, is at the height of the windscreen of the car. In case of a head-on collision, there is a great risk of the moose ending up inside the car, injuring the passengers. Once a moose has started crossing the road, it will in all likelihood continue straight ahead. It is therefore best to go behind the moose, if you have to choose which way to swerve.

  7. Tegutsemisjuhis liiklusõnnetusse sattunule – väljavõte Rootsi autokooli juhendist Meil tuleks teha juhend – kuidas käituda sellises olukorras! • What to do if you hit a large animal • Warn other road users with your hazard warning lights and warning triangle. • If the animal is killed, try to move it away from the road. • If the animal is wounded and runs away, you shall mark the location of the accident. This makes it easier for a hunter to track the wounded animal. • If the animal is wounded, you are obligated to inform the police. You are also obligated to contact the police if the animal you hit (regardless of whether it is wounded) is one of the following: • Moose - Põder • Bear - Karu • Wolf - Hunt • Boar - Metssiga • Lynx - Ilves • Deer - Hirv • Roe deer - Metskits • Otter - Saarmas • Mouflon – Mägilammas (Muflon) • Eagle - Kotkas

  8. https://www.beilharz.eu/en/delineator.html https://youtu.be/GjW3cnT8nO4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwY4Q9JCdec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wLHTt4uKm8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND0D3bVbM7Y

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