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How my mattress and pillow protectors helped me get a good nights sleep.
Title: How my mattress and pillow protectors helped me get a good nights sleep Content: After a hectic day at work, all anyone wants is to relax in a super comfortable environment; I’ve found that my bedding plays a major role once getting to bed. I realised this when I was trying anything to get a proper sleep, and – after changing my duvet, pillow and even mattress – I finally bough myself some crisp fresh bedding that I noticed a big difference. A new mattress and pillow (and duvet) really did help, but I always felt something was just missing! This came to me when I visited my friend, a mother of two, that I noticed her bedding. It was really beautiful, and to my surprise she told me that she’s had them for years, but to me still looked so crisp. This was despite having two energetic young kids at home, who make it their duty like to jump on almost anything, bed included!
But my journey to a good nights rest didn’t end there. I asked my friend how she kept them looking good for so long, and she showed me what I had failed to notice before; her mattress and pillows were adorned with protectors. I was always under the impression that protectors served only to keep the mattress or pillow clean, but I failed to realise what that meant for the actual sheet and bedding – namely that I don’t need to constantly wash my sheets because I feel they are the only thing keeping my mattress and pillow clean and fresh. Below are some intereting things I’ve come to discover since using protectors. Helps keep the bedding clean
As I’ve smentioned above: it keeps your bed clean and fresh. You may be surprised learn of the amount we sweat during the night –it isn’t too pleasant to think of that! That’s besides make-up and dirt build- up which ends up seeping through bedding onto your pillow or mattress. Using a protector not only makes sure your matress and pillow stays clean, and by simply popping the protector in the wash, you’re back to a good, clean nights sleep. Prevent spills and mites ruining your bed Accidents happen: Having a protector prevents it becoming an expensive accident! Having growing kids at home means sometimes dealing with soiled beds - a waterproof protector really can be your savious when it comes to spills and nighttime accidents. Dust mites can also manifest on damp and hot mattress, so keeping it covered with a washable protector is an absolute must. Longesvity of your mattress Sometimes even a small stain on your mattress can void it being eleigible for a return, so having a protector keeps it looking good as new. Of course everyone wants their mattress to be loing-lasting and offer years of comfort, so keeping it covered will only improve that! These are just some of the benefots of a pillow and mattress protector. For me, it means the cleanliness and hygiene of my bed is one less thing to worry about. Finding the right protector (cotton, waterproof or something perhaps affordable) can be a little daunting. My (not-so) secret place I buy my bedding from is online at My Duvet and Pillow. I’ve found they offer what I’m after at great prices and they’ve really proven themselves. Shop online at - https://www.myduvetandpillow.co.uk/collections/protectors