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17 Tricks About Flower Decoration You Wish You Knew Before

Decorating the house with fresh and lively flowers has been done since old times. There are numerous other items through which we can decorate our houses, however, the most appealing have been flowers and plants. We can bet that you will hardly find a house these days without a plant or flower pot in it. Though we are doing this for a long time now you might have always thought of some tricks about flower decoration you wished you knew before. Plants are delicate creatures and it needs some tips and tricks to handle them properly this is what we will discuss in this article.

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17 Tricks About Flower Decoration You Wish You Knew Before

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 17 Tricks About Flower Decoration You Wish You Knew Before Tricks About Flower Decoration You Wish You Knew Before

  2. Introduction Decorating the house with fresh and lively flowers has been done since old times. There are numerous other items through which we can decorate our houses, however, the most appealing have been flowers and plants. We can bet that you will hardly find a house these days without a plant or flower pot in it. Though we are doing this for a long time now you might have always thought of some tricks about flower decoration you wished you knew before. Plants are delicate creatures and it needs some tips and tricks to handle them properly this is what we will discuss in this article. Flower decoration made easy There are numerous ways you can decorate your house and garden with plants and flowers. There are thousands of types of flowers present in nature, however, most of them are not a feasible option, due to their delicate nature or maybe their process of growth. Keeping in mind the above point, we should start with the most common flowers around us. We would also like to request you to use flower baskets and flower bunches along with eatables such as cakes and chocolate for that fresh feel. Flower decoration is something that might seem easy, however, it takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to do it right. It is not something that can be done just once but this is a continuous process and regular upkeep and maintenance of flowers and plants are critical otherwise we might kill them even before we know it. Let us talk about some tricks about flower decoration you wish you knew before.

  3. List down 17 tricks for flower decoration: 1. Clean flower pots and vases regularly The first step toward flower decoration is to keep the containers clean. It takes some time to do this on a regular basis but the results can motivate you to do it with more zeal as time progresses. 2. Keep the water in the pots clean One of the most important steps that people tend to overlook is to keep the water in the vases and pots clean. Change the water in the pot periodically and you will be amazed to see the results.

  4. 3. Grow the plants from seeds Buying grown-up plants seem pretty easy, however, it is best to grow your plant from seeds. This way, you will know what is best for your plant and the plant will also respond in the same manner. 4. Use stones In order to enhance the beauty of your flowers, fill the flower pot with smooth circular stones. These stones will create a contrast effect and will look great in your home. 5. Take unwanted household items and use them as pots There are items in our homes that become useless after some time. Instead of throwing them away, use them as a flower pot and see the magic happen in front of your own eyes. 6. Use liquor In case you want to speed up the growth of your plants, use alcohol such as vodka. 7. Buy a new designer vase The market is flooded with different types of vases, just go to the market and buy some new sleek ones to increase the appeal of your flowers.

  5. 8. Increase the use of zip ties Zip ties are perfect when it comes to giving shape to your flowers and plants. They do their job and get hidden with ease. 9. Try multiple-colored flowers in a single vase If you would like, plant different colored flowers in a single vase and make your home look like a mini garden. 10. Rose petal decoration Rose petals can be disintegrated to form a heap of flowers, keep it on the center table and it will look mesmerizing. 11. Make flower Bouquets It is not difficult to make bouquets, just join a bunch of flowers and hang them on the walls and your walls will come alive. 12. Use Unused utensils Plant your flowers in unused bowls and dessert plates. This is our personal favorite so just try it once. 13. Watering tricks Use warm water and then water the plants with cold water if you want to make your flowers blossom quickly. 14. Trim those unwanted parts Trimming is the most important step, as it saves the plants nutrients to be used by unwanted leaves and stems. 15. Be creative, use DIY techniques Your brain has everything you need. Just try out new things, many of them will work for you. 16. Do not throw those glass bottles Colored glass bottles give your flower a complete makeover that will enhance the decoration of your home. 17. Keep fallen leaves out Always make sure that the fallen leaves are cleared and the pot should be clean for that squeaky clean look.

  6. Conclusion Now you don’t have to think about tricks about flower decoration you wish you knew before because you already know about it. Just follow these simple tricks and tips and keep on increasing the beauty of your home. Also, try to use your edible flowers in your meals in front of your friends and family and they will also be amazed by the kind of job you have done with respect to your flower decoration.

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