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“GUILT” in victims of internet scams. Dr Elizabeth Tindle FAPS QUT Victims of scams meeting 29 th Oct. 2011. Qld. Police H.Q. Roma St., Brisbane, Qld. Trying to understand guilt and its manifestations. Why do we have guilt? Context of scams and losing large sums of cash.
“GUILT” in victims of internet scams Dr Elizabeth Tindle FAPS QUT Victims of scams meeting 29th Oct. 2011. Qld. Police H.Q. Roma St., Brisbane, Qld.
Trying to understand guilt and its manifestations • Why do we have guilt? • Context of scams and losing large sums of cash. • What is it? Theoretical frameworks • How does it differ from “shame”? • What can we do about its negative/debilitating affects?
Theories! • Genes and memes • Biological and sociological • Biological – our genes ; our DNA has to get into the next generation – and the next- this is our immortality ad infinitum • We are “hard wired” to find a “mate” like any creature on the planet.
References • The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins (Zoologist/Biologist) • The Mating Mind Geoffrey Miller • Breaking the Spell - Daniel Dennett (Philosopher)
Memes • Inheritable beliefs that influence the way we live /or we think we are supposed to live our lives. • Our core beliefs which can bring guilt or life problems.
Religions of the World • Powerful memes are passed on through generations. We internalise them and own them. • If we think we have “transgressed” or behaved outside the mores or norms of our cultural expectations – we may suffer guilt.
Shame v Guilt • Some cultures/religions are shame rather than guilt based • Eg Family honour – kill, stone, whip, excommunicate, disown (fatwa). • Shame is more blame other; guilt is more blame self.
Kohlberg’s Hierarchy of Moral Development • There can be guilt at every developmental level.
Freud Psychodynamic theory • Three levels. ID = Instinctual Drives for sex, a mate, another person. • Ego = The self “I” “ME” • Superego = developed conscience. • The battle between ID and Superego produces anxiety/inner conflict.
LAW • In court – looking for guilt or innocence (level 4 of Kohlberg’s hierarchy). If guilty- punish Latin word for guilt is CULPA • Mea culpa = my fault. • Old English = gylt = sin, fault, crime. Gyltig = guilty.
MORAL DEVELOPMENTKohlberg (1958 Phd Thesis. 1981- book) • Stage1 obedience and punishment • Stage 2 Self-interest (What’s in it for me?) • Stage 3 Interpersonal conformity (good boy/girl attitude) • Stage 4 Law and order morality (Social order) • Stage 5 Social contract • Stage 6 Universal ethical principles (good of humanity and the planet)
BIBLE - Christianity • Sin/guilt must always be punished • Says we are born with sin therefore need baptism • Do penance; flagellation; fasting; praying. (40 days and nights “Get thee behind me Satan!”) Died for our sins!!
CREED/Confession • I believe in … • “things I ought to have done – and didn’t… things I ought not to have done – and did” • Forgive me. • Roman Catholic – regular “Confession”.
How do we deal with guilt? • Challenge core beliefs • Look for evidence • Socratic argument; questions, questions, meaning. • Change some beliefs and behaviours • A- B- C ( Activating event/Beliefs/ Consequences)
Collective v individual guilt • We can feel guilty for what our culture, country, leader, group or family does. (genocide; war behaviours; torture; crime, DV) • We have little control over their decisions and yet we may be vicariously implicated.
QUESTIONS and COMMENTS • Thankyou for your time, attention and interest in this topic. • Elizabeth