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INSTM is a consortium that promotes and supports research on Materials Science and Technology, facilitating collaboration between universities and industries. With over 2,000 scientists and 48 member universities, INSTM aims to advance knowledge in the field of materials.
INSTM, a consortium for material science and technology INSTM Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali i www.instm.it
INSTM: • groups all the Italian Universities (48) where research on Materials is carried out • more than 2.000 scientists • integrates a “critical mass” of knowledge About INSTM i www.instm.it
INSTM: • promotes and supports the research on Materials Science and Technology • develops and improves exchanges between Universities and Industries • supports technological transfer, spin-off activities and training for enterprises • promotes the public understanding of Materials Science and Technology What INSTM aims to achieve i www.instm.it
Administration Board (48 members) ExecutciveBoard (3 members + Director +President) President Teodoro Valente INSTM structure Director Andrea Caneschi ScientificCouncil (9 members) Research Units i www.instm.it
1. High mechanics, construction and transportDirector: Prof. Tiziano Manfredini, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia 2. Energy and environmentDirector: Prof. Fabrizio Cavani, University of Bologna 3.Systems for processing, transmission and storage of informationDirector: Prof. Enrico Dalcanale, University of Parma 4. Healthcare and foodDirector: Prof. Riccardo Pietrabissa, Polytechnic of Turin INSTM scientific sections i www.instm.it
1. Conservation and valorization of cultural heritageDirector: Prof. Francesco Paolo La Mantia, University of Palermo 2. Computational calculus Director: Prof. Orlando Crescenzi, Federico IIUniversity, Naples INSTM ad hoc committees i www.instm.it
1. Transformation technology for polymeric and composite materials Coordinator: Prof. D. Acierno, Federico II University, Naples 2. Surfaces and nanostructured interphasesCoordinator: Prof. S. Bordiga, University of Turin 3. CRIMSON - Reference Centre for the modelling and simulation of molecular organisations and nanosystems Coordinator: Prof. C. Zannoni, University of Bologna 4. Bioactive polymeric materials for biomedical and environmental applications Coordinator: Prof. F. Chiellini, University of Pisa 5. Research centre of nanosized materials for microelectronic and related applications Coordinator: Prof. I. L. Fragalà, University of Catania INSTM Research Centres i www.instm.it
6. LINCE - Laboratory of technology and engineering of ceramic materials Coordinator: Prof. L. Montanaro, Polytechnic of Turin 7. Reference Centre for controlled porosity materials Coordinator: Prof. P. Innocenzi, University of Sassari 8. NIPLAB - Laboratory of nanocomposites and multifunctional polymeric hybrid materials Coordinator: Prof. J. M. Kenny, University of Perugia 9. LAMM - Laboratory for molecular magnetism Coordinator: Prof. D. Gatteschi, University of Florence 10. CASPE - Laboratory of catalysts for sustainable production and energy Coordinator: Prof. S. Perathoner, University of Messina 11. Semi-crystalline polymeric materials Coordinator: Prof. G. Guerra, University of Salerno INSTM Research Centres i www.instm.it
12. LASCAMM - Laboratory of synthesis and characterization of organometallic-based molecular materials Coordinator: Prof. M. Ghedini, University of Calabria 13. M3-VILLAGE - Virtual italian laboratory for large-scale applications in a geographically distributed environment Coordinatore: Prof. V. Barone, Scuola Normale di Pisa 14. LITS - Laboratory of surface treatments engineering Coordinator: Prof. T. Valente, La Sapienza University, Rome 15. PREMIO - Centre for the preparation of innovative materials with optimised chemical-physical properties Coordinator: Prof. P. Mustarelli, University of Pavia INSTM Research Centres i www.instm.it
Keuro Keuro INSTM annual budget * Budget forecast i www.instm.it
N° INSTM industrial contracts - 1 i www.instm.it
Keuro INSTM industrial contracts - 2 * Budget forecast i www.instm.it
Numbers of patents applications 2013 8 italian, 4 european + PCT INSTM patents applications 2014 8 italian, 5 european + PCT 2015 9 italian, 8 european+PCT i www.instm.it
Numbers of publications 2013 540 INSTM publications 2014 623 2015 608 i www.instm.it
ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Universities) evaluation of INSTM research (2004-2010), Area 03 – Chemical Sciences, Interuniversity Consortia Category: Ranking 1st Excellent research products 94% Area 09 – Industrial and Interuniversity Engineering, Consortia Category: VQR 2004-2010 Ranking 1st Excellent research products 83% INSTM participates in the evaluation of research 2011-2014. i www.instm.it
1. Molecular approach to nanomagnets and multifunctional materials (MAGMANet, concluded in 2009) INSTM Coordinator: Prof. D. Gatteschi, University of Florence 2. Integrated design of catalytic nanomaterials for sustainable production (IDECAT, concluded in 2010) INSTM Coordinator: Prof. G. Centi, University of Messina 3. Nanostructured and functional polymer-based materials and nanocompositeds (Nanofun-poly, concluded in 2008) INSTM Coordinator: Prof. J. M. Kenny, University of Perugia INSTM in FP6: Networks of Excellence i www.instm.it
European Institute of Molecular Magnetism (EIMM) MAGMANet European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC) IDECAT European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers (ECNP) Nanofun-poly From NoE to European Institutes i www.instm.it
HiGh spEed TuRbinE cAsing produced by powDer HIP technologY (GETREADY) Clean Sky Joint Technologies Initiatives Nanomaterials for conservation of European architectural heritage developed by research on characteristic lithotypes (NANO-CATHEDRAL) Horizon 2020 Innovation Action High-frequency ELectro-Magnetic technologies for advanced processing of ceramic matrix composites and graphite expansion (HELM) Collaborative Project - Large-scale integrating project REtrofitting Solutions and Services for the enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Public Edification (RESSEEPE) Collaborative Project - Collaborative Project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs) European projects-1 i www.instm.it Further informations: http://www.instm.it
Scaling-up of the aluminium plating process from ionic liquids (SCAIL-UP) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project Environmentally friendly biomolecules from agricultural wastes as substitutes of pesticides for plant diseases control (LIFE EVERGREEN) LIFE+ 2013 Environment Policy and Governance project application Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Comfort by Smart Light Transmittance Control (EELICON) Collaborative Project - Collaborative Project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs) Nanocrystalline Permanent Magnets Based on Hybrid Metal-Ferrites (NANOPYME) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project European projects-2 Further informations: http://www.instm.it i www.instm.it
Visible-Light Active Metal Oxide Nano-catalysts for Sustainable Solar Hydrogen Production (SOLAROGENIX) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project Bottom-up fabrication of nano carbon-inorganic hybrid materials for photocatalytic hydrogen production (CARINHYPH) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project Self-Assembly in Confined Space (SACS) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project Development of injection and blow extrusion molded biodegradable and multifunctional packages by nanotechnology: improvement of structural and barrier properties, smart features and sustainability (DIBBIOPACK) Collaborative Project - Large-scale integrating project European projects-3 Further informations: http://www.instm.it i www.instm.it
Detection of olfactory traces by orthogonal gas identification technologies (DOGGIES) Collaborative Project - Small or medium-scale focused research project Electron Spin Noise Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (ESNSTM) Marie Curie Industry - Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) WAste Bio-Feedstocks Hidro-Valorization processES (WAVES) CAPITA ERANET European projects-4 Further informations: http://www.instm.it i www.instm.it
Nuove sfide nel nanomagnetismo molecolare: dalla dinamica di spin al quantum-information processing Riferimento INSTM: Dr. Lorenzo Sorace (UdR Firenze) Supramolecularly templated synthesis of homochiral carbon nanotubes for photovoltaic applications (SUPRACARBON) Riferimento INSTM: Dr. Giovanni Di Santo (UdR Trieste – Sincrotrone Trieste) Rete Integrata per la Nano Medicina (RINAME) Riferimenti INSTM: Prof. Dante Gatteschi (UdR Firenze), Prof. Guglielmo Guido Condorelli (UdR Catania), Prof. Alessandro Lascialfari (UdR Milano) Approcci nanotecnologici per la teragnostica dei tumori Riferimento INSTM: Dr. Loredana Casalis (UdR Trieste – Sincrotrone Trieste) INSTM and MiUR: FIRB Projects Further informations: http://www.instm.it i www.instm.it
Eccellenze alimentari toscane tracciate natura-benessere (Tuscany-NATURBEN) Tuscany Materie Plastiche Bio-degradabili per la Filiera agroindustriale Sicily Accordo per la sperimentazione d'iniziative di sviluppo, valorizzazione del capitale umano e trasferimento dei risultati della ricerca con ricaduta diretta sul territorio lombardo Lombardy INSTM and Italian Regions Further informations: http://www.instm.it i www.instm.it
Collaboration agreements has been signed between INSTM and: • Kyoto Institute of Technology • Aviospace • Regione Lombardia • Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) • GE Oil & Gas – Nuovo Pignone • Ospedale San Raffaele • Provincia di Mantova • RSE – Ricerche sul Sistema Energetico INSTM Italian and international partners INSTM collaborates with: • Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) • Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano i www.instm.it
President Teodoro Valente ICMMPM Departement, La Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18 00184 Rome (Italy)Tel: +39 06 44585893 E-mail: teodoro.valente@.uniroma1.it ; tvalente@instm.it Director Andrea Caneschi INSTM contact points Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Via della Lastruccia, 3 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Italy)Tel. +39 055 4573327 E-mail: andrea.caneschi@unifi.it Secretariat Claudia Bettaccini INSTM Consortium, Via Giusti, 9 50121 Florence (Italy)Tel. +39 055 233871 E-mail: cbetta@instm.it i www.instm.it