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An Eye For An Eye, Does It Work?

An Eye For An Eye, Does It Work?. Dustin Martino Section 621. Some issues on death penalty. Deterrence- The idea that as more criminals are put to death others will stop committing crimes for fear of the death penalty. Innocence- Some inmates, on death row may be innocent.

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An Eye For An Eye, Does It Work?

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  1. An Eye For An Eye, Does It Work? Dustin Martino Section 621

  2. Some issues on death penalty. • Deterrence- The idea that as more criminals are put to death others will stop committing crimes for fear of the death penalty. • Innocence- Some inmates, on death row may be innocent. • Execution of juveniles- Anyone under the age of 18 being executed for their crimes. • Race discrepancies- There is a discrepancy between the races as to who will get executed, and what race the victim was.

  3. Facts • In recent years, some states have banned the death penalty as a form of punishment, but many states still retain the punishment as useful, and so they continue to use it. • Since 1976, the crimes punishable by death have increased and become more broad in the states that still have the death penalty.

  4. Religion on the death penalty • Most, if not all, religions are against the death penalty. • The idea of the death penalty pulls on the idea of revenge and in many cases, revenge is not for the person to do. • Many supporters for the death penalty draw on Biblical support for the issue, but the problem with that is that the quotes they use are cut short and are not quoted in context. Matthew 5:38-40 (King James Version)  38Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:  39But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

  5. Court cases/decisions on the death penalty. • Texas- Added death penalty for repeat sex-offenders whose victims are children. • Many states, signed bills that banned juvenile execution. • Pennsylvania passed two bills that allow for DNA analysis of inmates to check for innocence and they allowed studies of inmates who were found innocent. Texas legislation vetoed a law that would make it illegal to execute anyone found of being mentally retarded or unstable during the commission of the crime that they are being executed for.

  6. Sources used • "Death Penalty." Death Penalty Information and Resources. 2007. 8 Nov 2007 <http://www.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dp.html>. • "Death Penalty Info." Death Penalty Information Center. 2007. Death Penalty Information Center. 8 Nov 2007 <http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/>. • "Info." Capaign to End the Death Penalty. 2007. Capaign to End the Death Penalty. 8 Nov 2007 <http://nodeathpenalty.org/content/page.php?cat_id=1>. • "New King James Version." Bible Gateway. 2007. Bible Gateway. 8 Nov 2007 <http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205:38-40;&version=9;>. • "Abolish the Death Penalty." Amnesty International. 2007. Amnesty International. 8 Nov 2007 <http://www.amnestyusa.org/Our_Issues/Death_Penalty/page.do?id=1011005&n1=3&n2=28>.

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