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Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality 28 - 30 October 2013 Ottawa, Canada Improvement of access to European microdata Outcome of the Project „Decentralised and Remote Access to Confidential Data in the ESS“ ESSnet DARA Maurice Brandt DESTATIS. Outline.
Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality 28 - 30 October 2013 Ottawa, Canada Improvement of access to European microdata Outcome of the Project „Decentralised and Remote Access to Confidential Data in the ESS“ ESSnet DARA Maurice Brandt DESTATIS
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Goals and Content of ESSnet DARA 3. Results 4. ESSnet DARA Remote Access Pilot 5. Outlook
1. Introduction • Increasing demand for statistical microdata • Access to national datasets in Member States (MS) • Access to 8 EU statistics via Eurostat, (EU) No 557/2013 • Request for detailed confidential microdata • For European statistics: access via Safe Centre in Luxembourg • Very high barrier due to local constraints • Feasibility study: “ESSnet on Decentralised Access to EU microdata sets” (2009-2010) • Idea: set up a secure network of national Safe Centres
2. Content of ESSnet DARA ESSnet on “Decentralised And Remote Access to confidential data in the ESS” (ESSnet DARA) • Project has started in October 2011, Duration: 25 months • Partners • Groupe des Écoles Nationales d'Économie et de Statistique, France • Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Hungary • Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom • Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Portugal • State Statistical Institute Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany • Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, Germany (co-ordinator) • Funded by the European Commission (70%) • Task: Implementation of a pilot of a Remote Access connection from National Statistical Institute (NSI) Safe Centres to the EU statistics at Eurostat
3. Results • WP1: Handbook for National Statistical Authority (NSA) staff and researchers with description of workflow and accreditation criteria for Access Facilities • WP2: List of user and safety requirements for remote access • WP3: Cost / Benefit analysis • WP4: Proof of concept with a pilot remote access infrastructure with 5 access points in Europe to a central node in France (GENES) to a public use file of LFS - Infrastructure is implemented and tested - Test of alternative connections from MS to Eurostat (sTesta) - Investigation on other types of connection • WP5: Many presentations at meetings and conferences
4. Alternative Remote Access pilot • Central node at Eurostat was not ready to use; therefore we implemented a short term alternative pilot for testing purposes only • A network between partner MS with one MS (France) as central node with testdata • This pilot has been implemented for a practical test of the workflow and to gain experience to establish IT-infrastructure between MS
4. IT infrastructure for Remote Access Description of the ESSnet DARA pilot until the Eurostat final implementation
5. Outlook • Clear recommendationfor European remote access: • The DARA pilotwithEurostatascentralnode ! • or a systemthatfulfills all defineduserandsecurityrequirements, whereas • the DARA pilotis an examplethathasbeentestedaccordingtothespecifications • Thereare still investmentsnecessaryforthe final system at Eurostat Test of Eurostat implementation Connection of MS • Member States need to agree on a specific remote access system – this can be only the final implementation! • Accreditation of Access Facilities, starting with NSIs • Build up a circle of trust and competences for microdata access for scientific purposes in Europe • Strategy, roadmap and timeline for the next steps after DARA is needed soon 11
Thank you for your attention • Decentralised and Remote access to Confidential Data in the ESS: • http://www.safe-centre.eu • Eurostat ESSnet Projects: • http://www.cros-portal.eu Maurice Brandt Federal Statistical Office Germany Research Data Centre Tel. +49-611-75-4349 maurice.brandt@destatis.de http://www.destatis.de http://www.forschungsdatenzentrum.de