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2014 DGE Seminar

LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. 2014 DGE Seminar. Friday, July 4, 2014. John Walker DGE Seminar Chairperson. Welcome and Introduction. Wayne A. Madden LCIF Chairperson. Introduction and Overview. Our Foundation. SightFirst Helping others Grants Lions Quest Melvin Jones Fellows

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2014 DGE Seminar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION 2014 DGE Seminar Friday, July 4, 2014

  2. John Walker DGE Seminar Chairperson Welcome and Introduction

  3. Wayne A. Madden LCIF Chairperson Introduction and Overview

  4. Our Foundation • SightFirst • Helping others • Grants • Lions Quest • Melvin Jones Fellows • Hope

  5. What comes to mind when you think of LCIF?

  6. LCIF at a Glance • Official foundation of Lions Clubs International, giving support to clubs • Provides grant funding for large-scale projects • Relies mostly on donations • More than $826 million in grants awarded to date

  7. Providing Disaster Relief • LCIF’s first grant awarded was for flood relief • Grants provide short and long term relief • Ongoing disaster relief efforts include locations like the Philippines, USA storm areas, India, and more

  8. Saving Sight • SightFirst: • Focuses on the major causes of blindness • Improved or restored vision for more than 30 million people • Reaches underserved populations in need of basic eye care

  9. Supporting Youth • Providing life skills through the Lions Quest program • 85+ countries • 13 million students • Building or equipping youth centers • Schools, orphanages, day care centers and more

  10. Meeting Humanitarian Needs • Empowering people with disabilities • Special Olympics Opening Eyes Partnership • Affordable Hearing Aid Program • Handicapped-accessible playgrounds for children • Addressing global health issues • Measles vaccinations • Diabetes prevention

  11. One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative • 330 children still die daily • Severe complications • brain damage, hearing loss and blindness • Can be prevented through a safe and inexpensive vaccination • Lions provide physical support through social mobilization and advocacy

  12. Working with LCIF Coordinators District Governor LCIF Steering Committee • District Governor Team • 1st and 2nd Vice District Governor • GMT and GLT Leader • LCIF Coordinator • Treasurer • Secretary Multiple District Coordinator District Coordinator Clubs Clubs

  13. LCIF Coordinator Responsibilities • Promote the work of LCIF • Educate Lions through presentations • Support fundraising efforts • Assist with recognition • Work with DG teams

  14. Video: Support for LCIF

  15. Rebecca Daou LCIF Manager Initiatives and Grants

  16. How Does LCIF Help? • Helps Lions respond collectively to humanitarian concerns • Enables Lions to help Lions • Funds projects too big for districts/clubs • Develops grant-making initiatives to help Lions better serve communities

  17. Types of Grants

  18. Our Global Impact • During the 2012-2013 year, we awarded approximately US$37.26 million in grants, helping an estimated 19.23 million people through May 31, 2013 *through May 31, 2013

  19. SightFirst Grants • Focus on the major causes of blindness • Reach underserved populations • Funds sustainable projects that: • Deliver eye care services • Develop infrastructure • Train personnel and/or provide rehabilitation • Provide education in underserved communities

  20. Standard Grants • Broadest category of LCIF funding • Matching funds from US$7,500 to US$75,000 • Support large scale Lions projects (equipment or construction - no operating costs) • Lions identify/develop projects • Provides local impact and community visibility

  21. Core 4 Grants • Support special initiatives under the four primary service commitments of Lions: • Grants are given on a 3-to-1 matching basis in most instances (25% local funding), up to US$200,000 • Lions Quest grants are under ‘Serving Youth’ for up to US$100,000

  22. International Assistance (IAG) Grants • Support for international projects • Lions clubs in at least two countries must partner • Sponsor club/district fundraise and apply for grant • Host club helps implement • Supports club twinning projects; US$5,000 to US$30,000 (one per district)

  23. Disaster Grants • Emergency Grants: Provide US$5,000—US$10,000 for districts impacted by natural disaster • Lions purchase & distribute supplies, including: • Food, water • Clothing, bedding • First aid supplies • Hygiene products • Cleaning supplies Major Catastrophe Grants: Awarded for long-term rebuilding efforts after catastrophic disasters

  24. Emergency Grant Regulations • Disaster must be large in scope, affecting 100 or more people • LCIF funds Lions-led relief activities • Grant must be requested within 30 days • Funds must be spent within 60 days • One grant per disaster, per district • Final reports to be submitted to LCIF with receipts for goods purchased by Lions

  25. Tips for Grant Applications • Contact LCIF staff and area coordinators before applying • No funding for completed projects • Lions financial contributions and involvement required • Project must be large-scale with clearly defined objectives • Income and expense budget is required • Submit application in its entirety before deadline

  26. Role of DGs • Become familiar with the types of grants and pertinent details for the application process • Work with LCIF Coordinators in your District and MD • Carefully review and sign all grant applications • Only the District Governor can apply for emergency grants • Decision from LCIF usually given within 24 hours for emergency grants

  27. Special Olympics Athlete

  28. Video: LCIF is Your Foundation

  29. Concluding Remarks Wayne A. Madden Chairperson, LCIF

  30. Role of DGs • Work with the LCIF Coordinators in your District and MD • Utilize LCIF Coordinators and their knowledge of local grant and donation history • Encourage timely payments on remaining CSFII pledges • Encourage ongoing generosity to LCIF

  31. Why Support LCIF? • We are changing the world • Grassroots presence = quick response • We are saving the sight of more than 30 million people • Giving measles vaccinations to millions of children worldwide • Giving disaster relief to millions of people annually • Teaching life skills to 13 million youth

  32. Enriching Lives WE ARE COMPASSIONATE AND CARING - enriching lives in communities all over the world! We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.



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