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Comprehensive Web Layout Elements Overview

Explore the fundamental, intermediate, and advanced components of webpage design. Discover how to effectively structure your online presence using basic, complex, and ad layout samples. Learn how to incorporate interactive multimedia elements. Ideal for web development novices and enthusiasts.

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Comprehensive Web Layout Elements Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PAGE LAYOUT CONTENT BASIC Not the most basic but quite common and useful: Basic Sample 1: Main Page Sample 1: Secondary Page LOGO NAV LOGO NAV basic CONTENT SUB CONTENT FOOTER FOOTER Sample 2: Main Page Sample 2: Secondary Page LOGO LOGO SUB basic basic NAV CONTENT NAV CONTENT FOOTER FOOTER Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences ~ Sheridan

  2. PAGE LAYOUT CONTENT COMPLEX Most corporate sites are combinations of these elements: Complex Sample 3: Main Page Sample 3: Secondary Page LOGO OTHER LOGO OTHER basic NAV NAV CONTENT REL SUB PATH REL CONTENT FOOTER FOOTER Sample 4: Main Page Sample 4: Secondary Page LOGO OTHER LOGO OTHER NAV CONTENT REL NAV PATH REL CONTENT SUB FOOTER FOOTER Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences ~ Sheridan

  3. PAGE LAYOUT CONTENT ADS Any combination of these types of ads can be used: Ads LOGO BANNER AD TEXT AD OTHER PATH RELATED NAVIGATION CONTENT SPONSOR BOX AD SPONSOR BUTTON AD SKYSCRAPERAD SUB NAVIGATION SPONSOR FOOTER Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences ~ Sheridan

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