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What does it involve?What is its aim or purpose?What does it produce?. Philosophy: What do you think it is?. MythologyReligionSciencePhilosophy. The Big Picture The Big Explanation. Stories: early Greek mythologyHomer Iliad, OdysseyHesiodTheogany, Works and DaysEarly Greek education sys

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Presentation Transcript

    1. What is philosophy? Philosophy

    2. What does it involve? What is its aim or purpose? What does it produce? Philosophy: What do you think it is?

    3. Mythology Religion Science Philosophy The Big Picture The Big Explanation

    4. Stories: early Greek mythology Homer Iliad, Odyssey Hesiod Theogany, Works and Days Early Greek education system Mythology

    5. Why would people believe mythological stories? How are these stories justified? Mythology

    6. Stories Bible, Koran Why believe these stories? What justifies them? Religion

    7. Stories? ? Theories Natural laws Why believe these? What justifies them? Science

    8. Sense Experience Reason Observations Logic and Argumentation Hypotheses Testing Hypotheses Revising Hypotheses Established Theory Scientific Method

    9. Stories ? Concepts Theories Conceptualzing Frameworks Philosophy

    10. Sense Experience Questions/Reflection Articulate Concepts Argument/Logical Analysis Hypotheses Thought Experiments Revise/Defend ideas Synthesis of ideas Unified View Method in Philosophy

    11. Concepts the basic units Empirical (from experience) Dog, Star, Chair, Gold A priori (without sense experience and more abstract) God, Freedom, Rights Concepts determine how we see the world Philosophy

    12. Conceptual Framework The big picture Worldview Philosophy

    13. Leads to science and supports science Physics, social sciences, psychology, biology, mathematics, etc. Philosophy

    14. Big Questions and Long-standing Philosophical problems Philosophy

    15. Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology E.g., ethics and aesthetics Logic Fields of Philosophy

    16. Metaphysics Ethics Logic Epistemology Aesthetics Philosophy of . Philosophical Questions

    17. See pages 29-40 in the Solomon book. More questions

    18. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions Conceptual Analysis

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