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Modeling of Photonuclear Reactions & Transmutation of Long-lived Nuclear Waste in High Photon Fluxes. TRAMU@GSI M.-L. GIACRI-MAUBORGNE , D. RIDIKAS, J.-C. DAVID DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN, CEA/Saclay, F-91191 Gif/Yvette, France M. B. CHADWICK, W. B. WILSON
Modeling of Photonuclear Reactions & Transmutation of Long-lived Nuclear Waste in High Photon Fluxes TRAMU@GSI M.-L. GIACRI-MAUBORGNE, D. RIDIKAS, J.-C. DAVID DSM/DAPNIA/SPhN, CEA/Saclay, F-91191 Gif/Yvette, France M. B. CHADWICK, W. B. WILSON Los Alamos National Laboratory (T-16), Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA giacri@cea.fr
Applications of photonuclear reactions • Production of RNB • Neutron production • Non-destructive characterization of nuclear waste • Detection of nuclear materials (235U, 239Pu) • Radioprotection of electron accelerators • Transmutation of nuclear waste
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr Contents • Development of a photonuclear cross section library for CINDER’90 evolution code : • use of the IAEA photonuclear evaluation library • use of HMS-ALICE and GNASH to complete the library • use of GSI fission model for photofission-yields • Example: transmutation in photon fluxes for 90Sr, 237Np and comparison with neutron fluxes
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr CINDER’90 CINDER’90 (LANL) – material evolution in neutron fluxes Photonuclear activation data library is needed to extend it for photon fluxes Similar efforts for proton induced activation will make CINDER a multi-particle activation code
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr HMS-ALICE : Light nuclides Cross sections of light nuclides are difficult to reproduce whatever the model In HMS-ALICE model for light nuclides needs to be improved
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr HMS-ALICE : Heavy nuclides Good agreement for 208Pb 181Ta not as good : total absorption cross section has a different shape Calculations for heavy nuclei are good enough to be use in CINDER’90
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr HMS-ALICE : Absorption cross sections HMS-ALICE model for absorption can not be employed for actinides - sum of two Lorentzians should be used Work is in progress to change the absorption model for actinides in HMS-ALICE
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr Photoabsorption new model
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr HMS-ALICE : Conclusion HMS-ALICE should be used with certain precaution for photonuclear reactions Our approach to prepare CINDER’90 library: • Use of the IAEA evaluations when available • Use of GNASH for nuclides of interest to get better accuracy • Complete the library with the HMS-ALICE predictions Next improvements in HMS-ALICE will focus on: • Total absorption cross section model (new parameterization) • Inclusion of photo-fission yields (GSI fission model)
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr GNASH : 235U and 239Pu Input: σabsfrom the IAEA evaluations Good agreement with experimental data for separate channels
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr GNASH : 237Np Data on σabsare inconsistent We fix this value according to the total integral, using the systematic from the IAEA for neighbor actinides We made a compromise between two experimental data to obtain a integral equal to 3.54 barn.MeV
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr GNASH : 237Np Photo-fission evaluation between the two experimental data Good agreement for photoneutron production
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr GNASH : Conclusions GNASH is a powerful tool for photonuclear data evaluations Good agreement with experimental data when the total absorption cross section is used as input Might be very time-consuming to use GNASH to build the entire library. However, it can be used to increase the accuracy of cross sections for some elements and actinides in particular
PhotofissionYields TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr • Data • on the photofission of 235Uand238U with Bremsstrahlung spectra very limited • a few mass and charge distributions, some isotopic yields • P/V ratios, <LM> & <HM> • Calculation procedure • total absorption cross section (GDR parameterization) • fission-evaporation in competition (GSI model) • calculation of independent fission yields and residual nuclei
Example: photofission of 235U TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr • both bremsstrahlung and monoenergetic photons are tried • 15 MeV photons are equivalent to 25 MeV bremsstrahlung
Search for the systematic from (n,fiss) TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr n + 234Uorn + 235U at 6-8 MeVmight be a good combination More careful checks on charge and isotopic distributions to be done!
Fission Yield : Conclusion TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr • we’ve got a working model for photofission(still in validation process) • preliminary results are encouraging but sensitivity due to different parameters still to be tested • in the near future we will provide for a number of actinides • fission cross-section predictions • mass, charge and isotopic distributions of FFs and residual nuclei • delayed neutron yields and time-dependence; and search for the systematic from neutron induced fission
Decay Irradiation TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr Example : Transmutation of 90Sr 1 year irradiation in the flux of 1017.cm-2.s-1 7 years decay Results are in agreement with T. Matsumoto NIM A 268 (1988) 234-243 Total activity decreases by 30% compared to the natural decay of 90Sr The same result can be obtained with a flux of 1016 nth cm-2 s-1 At 1018.cm-2.s-1 activity is decreased ~20 times.
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr Example : Incineration by fission of 237Np 1 year irradiation as a function of flux intensity 5 %/year incineration: - 5x1016 .cm-2.s-1 - 7x1014 nth.cm-2.s-1 - 2x1015 nfast.cm-2.s-1
Transmutation : Conclusion • Transmutation by photonuclear reaction does not create elements heavier than the initial nuclei • It tends to reduce the long term activity • Photon fluxes need to be one to two orders of magnitude higher than neutron fluxes
TRAMU@GSI 9/5/03 giacri@cea.fr Conclusion and perspectives • Thanks to the photonuclear library (by now it includes ~600 isotopes), with CINDER’90 we can do activation analysis in photon fluxes • The library will be more precise by improving predictive power of HMS-ALICe • Fission yields still have to be added to the library • The integrality of the library still needs to be validated-tested by dedicated experiments