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Highlights of Proposed Specification

Highlights of Proposed Specification. Noah Horowitz Sr. Scientist Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Session Outline. Terminology Gut Check. Basis for New Specification. Key Elements of Proposed Specification. Terminology. ON: “active”, “full power”

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Highlights of Proposed Specification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Highlights of Proposed Specification Noah Horowitz Sr. Scientist Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

  2. Session Outline • Terminology Gut Check. • Basis for New Specification. • Key Elements of Proposed Specification.

  3. Terminology ON: “active”, “full power” SLEEP: After x minutes of inactivity, monitor goes to lower power usage mode. “low power” OFF: “Standby” Remember: ON, SLEEP, AND OFF

  4. Current ENERGY STAR Specification • Sets minimum wattage levels in low-power or “sleep” mode. • First Sleep Mode:  15 watts • Second or “Deep Sleep” Mode  8 watts

  5. Why Revise the Current Specification? • Virtually all monitors meet current ENERGY STAR specification. • Large percentage of monitors are not sleep enabled (i.e., we are not getting the energy savings we could be). • Recent NRDC research shows energy use in “on” mode is 80 –90% of total kWh/yr. • For “on” and “off” modes, wide range of performance between similar-sized models. • Broad interest in limiting standby power use.

  6. Goals for Revised Specification • Incorporate all 3 operating modes: • On (active) • Sleep (inactive) • Off (standby) • Performance-based specification. • One specification for all monitors, not one for CRTs, one for LCDs, etc. • Equal or better performance compared to non-ENERGY STAR labeled models.

  7. The Core Requirements • Maximum allowable power consumption levels for each mode: On, Sleep, Off • Consensus test method for measuring active power usage. • Minimum consumer acceptance criteria (brightness, warranty, etc.) • Product and package labeling.

  8. On Mode: Active Power Use • Sets maximum allowable active power (W) Power as a function of mega pixels: Y = 30 + 20X • Testing to be done via test method in Section 5 (save questions till later on: what settings?) Example: monitor has resolution of: 1280 x 1024 = 1,310,720 or 1.31 mega pixels Y = 30 + 20 (1.31) = 56 W

  9. On Mode (cont.) • Technology neutral, agnostic to monitor type (LCD or CRT), size (15”, 17”, etc.). • If monitor yields more information, allow a little more power consumption.

  10. Sleep Mode • Just one sleep mode level. • Maximum allowable power: 4 W • If multiple sleep modes, all must meet 4W requirement.

  11. Sleep Mode Advisory Language • For consideration in updated ENERGY STAR computer specification: Maximum default time: 15 minutes Maximum recovery time: 5 seconds • Goal – increase likelihood that users actually use and are not annoyed by energy management features.

  12. Off Mode • Synonymous with standby. • Power consumed when device is plugged in, but switched off:  2 W. • Working to harmonize with Executive Order for Standby Power Consumption (i.e. make ENERGY STAR off reqt and FEMP standby spec identical)

  13. Consumer Acceptance Reqts. • Must be: bright enough, easy-to-read, reliable. • Brightness: minimum luminance of 100 nits (candelas/m2). • Contrast: minimum contrast ratio of 200:1. • Defective Pixels:  5 sub-pixel faults per million sub-pixels. • Warranty: at least 2 years. • User Interface: UI Standard recommended

  14. Labeling Requirements ENERGY STAR logo must be displayed on: • top/front of product, • product package, • product literature.

  15. Save Those “Other” Questions Later sessions to cover: • Why base the on mode spec on pixels and not per inch of screen, etc.? • Test methods: “How do we measure it?” What settings do we use? • How/why did you pick the levels you did?

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