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Maui and te Ra

Maui and te Ra. Retold and Illustrated by Room 2. The sun was going to fast Maui and his brothers could not work and the kids could not play. Maui and his brothers were talking about how the sun was going to quickly across the sky they made a plan to catch the sun.

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Maui and te Ra

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Maui and te Ra Retold and Illustrated by Room 2

  2. The sun was going to fast Maui and his brothers could not work and the kids could not play.

  3. Maui and his brothers were talking about how the sun was going to quickly across the sky they made a plan to catch the sun.

  4. Maui and his brothers made strong ropes and a net out of flax.

  5. Maui and his brothers travelled to the sun’s pit by the eastern mountains.

  6. Maui and his brothers put the flax nets over the pit and hid behind the clay walls

  7. The sun rose slowly from the pit.

  8. The brothers pulled on the rope. Maui ran towards the sun and hit him. “Stop! Yelled te Ra.

  9. The sun promised to go slowly across the sky.

  10. Now Maui and his people had plenty of time to fish, and plenty of time to hunt, and plenty of time to eat their food- All in the light of the sun.

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