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BoardsMTO. ARSL 2012 Conference. Strategic Thinking designed expressly for…. Michael Kumer, Boards Made to Order 2012 michael@boardsmto.com. We’re a CBO!. The Board’s Number One Leadership Responsibility!. Create the Future!. Dream Bigger Dreams!.
BoardsMTO ARSL 2012 Conference Strategic Thinking designed expressly for… Michael Kumer, Boards Made to Order 2012 michael@boardsmto.com
The Board’s Number One Leadership Responsibility! Create the Future!
Dream Bigger Dreams! "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." -Michelangelo "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." -Marcus Annaeus Seneca "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live a life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau "I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want." -Mark Twain
Vision Statement Your dream vacation
Sample Vision Statements A national association dedicated to seniors:A hunger-free country by 2020. A social services agency: We will have a community in which no one is cold, hungry or alone. A behavioral care agency:Our community is sober and healthy for all its residents. A Big Brothers Big Sisters entity:Every child in our community has the support, guidance and friendship of an adult mentor. A community development agency: Downtown Pittsburgh is one of America’s great urban centers.
Vision Statement Attributes • One sentence (“fits on a tee-shirt”) • Is community based • Concisely expresses a specific destination • Specific, measurable & time-bound
Mission Statement Mission vs. Vision? add “ARY” to the end
Sample Mission Statements • American Heart Association:To reduce death, disability and risk from cardiovascular disease and stroke. • Beaver County Humane Society:To provide shelter for unwanted stray animals.
Mission Statement Attributes • One brief sentence (“fits on a tee-shirt”) • Is agency based (and unique to your agency) • Statement of Purpose • Answers the question: Why do we exist? • Bold language that appeals to the head and the heart
Values Statement • Boards face values-based dilemmas at the board table all the time: • Are there groups from whom it is not ok to accept donations? • When a board member betrays a confidential matter, what should we do? • If our organization survives for year-to-year, but the community is no different, is that OK? Why or why not? • If our organization experienced tight budget times, would we sacrifice: program quality; number of programs; none of the above? • When is it OK to cut corners?
Sample Values Statement • Center for Creative Leadership • We believe: • Leadership can be learned – every individual has the opportunity to exercises leadership and the ability to grow his or her leadership skills. • Leadership is a shared process exercised collectively by groups of people. • Smart people are not enough. What truly matters are the relationships between the people you have. How well they work together defines what they can accomplish together.
Sample Values Statement • North Hills Community Outreach • Our Values • Faith: Recognizing the love of God for everyone • Compassion: Treating all individuals with dignity, understanding and caring • Empowerment: Fostering self-sufficiency and improved quality of life • Stewardship: Managing our resources in a trustworthy and responsible manner for the good of the community
Sample Values Statement Community Design Center of Pittsburgh key to that growth and our region’s livability are… Great places and buildings (they provide quadruple ROI: economic, environmental, social & visual) we firmly believe… Pittsburgh is on the verge of growth (in the coming years, we’ll be netting new investment and population) And we won’t have a quality system without… A broad civic alliance campaigning for better results (to keep the system accountable to the vision and voice of “we the people”) but new investment won’t be protected and sustainable without a… High quality, high-performing planning and design system (the public policies, plans, people, and processes that aid and manage growth)
Strategies How do we get from here to there
Strategy Development • Use large Post-it notes and felt-tipped pens • Brainstorm (Bill Gates dropped by and gave us…) • Remove duplicates • Place in columns (“families”) • Title each column (examples…)
Sample Categories • Programs • Resource development • Board and staff development • Advocacy • Marketing
Who is Pareto? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Organization Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
Board & Staff Responsibilities • Board • Determines vision, mission and values • Staff • Generates the detailed plan • Exception • Board Development is solely the board’s responsibility
The Three W’s • What? • Who? • When?
Sample Tactical Plan Strategic Plan For:________________________ Date:____________________ Strategy
Monitoring Develop a program to regularly monitor the progress of the Plan Connect… board meetings, with… the monitoring program, with… the reporting system.
Updating Regularly (i.e., every 6 months or so) update the Plan to acknowledge changing conditions.
Chief Accountability Officer • Assure that the Board of Directors keeps the Plan at the forefront of its thinking • Ensure that the Plan has a presence as a high priority Agenda item at each and every board meeting • Accentuate the implementing, monitoring and constant updating of the Plan • Assure that contemporary board decisions are reflected in subsequently updated versions of the Plan • Monitor Board members (individually and through committees) and the CEO in terms of their accountability, deadline date(s), and anticipated completion of a strategy.
Quote From Anthony Robbins The truth of the matter is that there's nothing you can't accomplish if: (1) You clearly decide what it is that you're absolutely committed to achieving, (2) You're willing to take massive action, (3) You notice what's working or not, and (4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way. -Anthony Robbins American Author, Speaker, Peak- Performance Expert/Consultant
What did you learn? What will you do with what you’ve learned?
Resources Michael Kumer BoardsMTO michael@boardsmto.com 412.965.5791