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The Argo Data System. Argo Science Workshop Tokyo, Japan 12-14 November, 2003 Bob Keeley and Sylvie Pouliquen. keeley@meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca. sylvie.pouliquen@ifremer.fr. The Argo Data System. Data collection and certification. Prepare data for distribution. Data sent ashore in hours.
The Argo Data System Argo Science Workshop Tokyo, Japan 12-14 November, 2003 Bob Keeley and Sylvie Pouliquen keeley@meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca sylvie.pouliquen@ifremer.fr
The Argo Data System Data collection and certification Prepare data for distribution Data sent ashore in hours Information about Argo Long term archive Here is the master copy of the data Regional analyses Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Functions • - • - • - • - - Delayed mode QC - Interface with DACs PI • - • - DAC • - • - - Data collection - Real Time QC - Interface with PIs - National Distribution - Archive UnderPIControl Provide a unique access both in Real Time andDelayed mode to all the Argo data processed by the DACs GDAC - Delayed mode QC at Basin Level- Elaboration of Products RDAC Data from Instruments Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Argo data quality control elements * All data can be obtained from the two Argo Global Data Assembly Centres: Coriolis at IFREMER, and USGODAE at Monterey. Real-time (RT) data stream Function: Apply agreed RT QC tests to float data. Assign quality flags. Users: Operational centres, data assimilation, researchers needing timely data. Timeframe: 24-48 hrs after transmission. Who/Where: Perform by National Data Assembly Centres. Data from floats Delayed-mode (DM) data stream Function: Apply accepted DM procedures to float data. Provide statistically justified corrections using accepted methods. Provide feedback to RT system. Users: All needing adjusted data with error estimates. Timeframe: 6-12 months after transmission. Who/Where: Perform by PIs with DM Agencies or Regional Centres. Regional Analysis Function: Provide basin-wide synthesis of all float data with other available data. Users: Researchers of climate change and model validation. Timeframe: Lifespan of float. Who/Where: Perform by Regional Centres. FUTURE Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Argo real-time QC All data from the float Preliminary processing to convert data stream from float to a profile. optional Automated QC Tests (ranges, spikes, density inversions,..) Manual check of failures All data sent to GDACs All data sent to PIs Passed data sent to GTS Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Argo delayed-mode salinity QC procedures Float salinity that are deemed by RT to have a “good” relative vertical profile (ie. PSAL_QC = 1, 2, 3) are put through the DM process. Float salinity that are deemed “bad” by RT (ie. PSAL_QC = 4) are unadjustable. Manual evaluation to detect anomalies on the relative profile, such as spikes, upper ocean anomalies, etc, that are not detected in RT. Do not use in least squares fit Use in least squares fit. PSAL_ADJUSTED = adjust as rest of profile PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR = FillValue PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC = 4 Compare with statistical recommendation obtained by accepted methods and reference database. Slope or offset is not significant (< 2x statistical uncertainty) Slope or offset is significant (> 2x statistical uncertainty) Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Slope or offset is not significant (< 2x statistical uncertainty) Slope or offsetis significant (> 2x statistical uncertainty) PI evaluation PI evaluation Accept float salinity as good. No adjustment needed. Cannot accept float salinity as good. Accept statistical recommendation. Cannot accept statistical recommendation. PSAL_ADJUSTED = original value PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR = statistical uncertainty PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC = 1 PSAL_ADJUSTED = value recommended by statistical analysis PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR = statistical uncertainty PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC = 1 PI decision PSAL_ADJUSTED = correction provided by PI PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR = correction uncertainty provided by PI PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC = 1, 2 or 3 PSAL_ADJUSTED = original value PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR = FillValue PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC = 4 OR Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Data and Information Access Information on Argo http://argo.jcommops.org/ Data from GDACs http://usgodae1.fnmoc.navy.mil/argo/argo.html http://www.ifremer.fr/coriolis/cdc/ Global Argo Data Repository http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/argo/latest_data.html Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Set up Calendar • February 2002 :Coriolis and GTS • August 2002 : USA (AOML), Japan (JMA) and Canada (MEDS) • April 2003 : synchronisation of the two GDACs Coriolis and US-GODAE • August 2003 : UK (BODC) and Australia (CSIRO) • 909 active floats 01 Oct 2003 • 1376 floats available Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Profiles at GDACs (Oct 2002-Oct 2003) 29,438 Profiles from more than 900 active floats qualified in real-time Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
FloatOriginators USA UK Australia Coriolis Japan Japan Canada Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
Statistics • Data coming from DACs : • Profiles • Trajectories • Métadata Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
At the GDACs By ftp DACs Area Time Inventories IDs, dates and times of files listed Incoming data moved to area and time directories Select by area, by time, or use inventory to precisely select by float Users Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
At the Monterey GDACMark Ignaszewski: iggy@fnmoc.navy.mil Area Time ID DAC By http Select by: Get: • maps • tracks • profiles • Download profiles, trajectories, technical data • for any or all selected floats in netCDF or ASCII Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
At the IFREMER GDACSylvie Pouliquen:sylvie.pouliquen@ifremer.frData Center email: codac@ifremer.Fr By http Select by: • Ocean and ID • Project • Map • Area, time, • variables, metadata Get: • maps / tracks • profiles, T-S, q • overlays • waterfalls • sections • Download profiles, trajectories • for floats selected in netCDF • or ASCII Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
At the Global Argo Data Repository Ocean Data View Historical profiling float data collected during WOCE • Present data with format compatible with • ODV and JOA • Create hardcopy for offline distribution Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
At the Argo Information Centre • Lots of information including • maps of profile locations, float trajectories, float ages,… • general information on deployment and opportunities • links to GDACs, DACs • float identification and operational information • more 921 floats as of 20 Oct, 2003 Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003
A demonstration outside In the exhibition area a PC connected to Internet will allow us to show the different WWW sites of the Argo Data Management Network. Argo Science Workshop Nov, 2003