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Avoid Negativity. Non- Violence I want to av oid creating aggressive atmosphere Those around me only want the best for me and Bruno 2. Truthfulness I am true to myself . I say only what I mean I use nurturing words that promote a safe and wonderful birt h. Practice Positivity.
AvoidNegativity • Non-Violence • I wanttoavoidcreatingaggressiveatmosphere • Thosearound meonlywantthebestfor me and Bruno • 2. Truthfulness • I am true tomyself. I sayonlywhat I mean • I usenurturingwordsthatpromote a safe and wonderfulbirth
PracticePositivity • Purityisthe light in thetunnel of new life • Eachcontractionmeansbringing Bruno closerto my arms. • I wanttomaximizethepurpose of eachcontraction. • 2. Acceptance. • I accept my circumstances. • I madetherightchoices and I am in control of everything in thismoment.
Awareness of theBody – Asanas Breath – Link betweentheBody and theMind
Early Labor Itisthestart of labor. Itisimportantfor me tobeginpractieof concentration and meditationbyusing my asanas and breatingtechniques Thepainmayseemdifficultbutitisonlythebeginning and I am increasing my paintreshold I havetold Bruno my birthintentions and we are committedtoworkingtogether
Early Labor 12 poses as a flowbetweencontractions DeepOceanBreating and SilentOmExhalation– inhale deeplythroughthenose and exhale throughthenose. I start labor from a calmstate and help my body relax.
Active Labor I needtostay in control of my labor My asanashelp me use gravitytostimulate my babymovingintopelvicstation +1 While I am in three-partbreathing, I visualize Bruno movingdownthebirth canal and dilatationmovingpast4 cm My intentionis my reminder and my promisetomysleftokeep my labor a wonderfulexperience
Active Labor One at a time forseveralcontractions Elevator - three-partbreetingwithlongOmsound I havepower and strenght
Transition Thepainisconstant and requires my discipline Firebreathingwillget me throughtheintensity and I willbeabletoremaincalm I am in my yoginirythm and recognize my innerstrenght Firebreathinggives my energy. My painconvertstoenergy Bruno needs me toworkwithhimhere as he ismakinghis final descent.
Transition Asanaswillget me throughthefeeling of pushing FireBreathing– Inhale deeplythroughthenose and exhale four/five times withforcethroughthemouth Firebreathingwillrejuvenate me
Delivery I am mindful of thebreathing I am in my yoginirythm and recognize my innerstrenght Bruno needs me otworkwithhim as he makesthe final descent Eachbreathispushing Bruno downthebirting canal
Delivery Exhale downtowardsBruno’sfeet EasyComfortableBrithing – 1. Long breathin throughthenose, hold, beardown, push 2. Quick breath in throughthenose, hold, beardown, push 3. Quick breath in through the nose, hold, bear down, push 4. Quick breath in through the nose, hold, bear down, push 5. Lond exhale and relax untilthenextcontraction Bruno isborn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!