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Summary presentation. Aid on Budget Workshop Rwanda 6 to 9 October 2008. Agreement on. Criteria Process and information changes to implement criteria Forward work. Criteria to decide on treatment of aid projects/programmes. IF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES ARE:.
Summary presentation Aid on Budget Workshop Rwanda 6 to 9 October 2008
Agreement on • Criteria • Process and information changes to implement criteria • Forward work
Criteria to decide on treatment of aid projects/programmes IF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES ARE: ODA to the government sector (excludes funds to CSOs where they are not third party Signed by GoR (refine GoR) Are in plans/budget submissions of Line Ministries (therefore in time) AND Under control of Government BUT Not under control of Government AND used by central government BUT used by districts, autonomous entities NOT ON PARLIAMENT BUT ON BUDGET ON PARLIAMENT
What does under control of government mean? • The responsible budget agency is active in decisions on the allocation of funds for the project • Disbursement of the funds is approved by the budget agency’s Chief Budget Manager • The project submits its accounts to the responsible budget agency • Supporting documents for financial transactions are kept by the responsible budget agency • If there is a third party as implementing partner (NGO, consulting firm, etc), a contract must be signed between the budget agency and the implementing partner and MINECOFIN
Processes • Transparency and coordination • Agreeing on streamlining of processes very important • Importance of getting good information on time in order to implement criteria • Coordination in MINECOFIN
Process reforms • Process reforms: • EFU unique entry point in MINECOFIN • Before budget goes out EFU provide list • Unique project identification number • Sector working groups and Public Investment Committee • Cross checking with donors • When project signed should include assessment of whether on budget • MINECOFIN and recipient signatories • Budgetmaster • Responsibility of MINECOFIN and chief budget manager • Donors • Provide information on time in right formats (triangulation); planned direct payments (cash, TA, imported equipment); one agency • Information reforms • Chart of accounts formats
For further work • Need to enhance transparency and coordination • Process issues that belong to MINECOFIN • Internal processes to coordinate • What does signed by GoR mean? Who will do assessments and what weight of where project should be? • Integrating aid into the macro-framework • How are ceilings set and how realistic are they? • What are criteria for adjusting aggregate project/programme spending to ceiling? • What is process for adjusting? MINECOFIN needs to define right base • What does approval mean at what point.
Way forward? • Document setting out workshop outcomes • Further work on outstanding issues • Adopted by MINECOFIN • Integration into Aid Manual, Budget Processes Manual • Discussion with implementing agencies