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TAXES. By Stevie VanDeVelde. Topics. Purpose of taxes Different types of taxes What taxes you can expect to pay How to calculate the amount of federal income tax you owe Complete a 1040EZ. What is the purpose of taxes . Support schools Support building Maintain roads
TAXES By Stevie VanDeVelde
Topics • Purpose of taxes • Different types of taxes • What taxes you can expect to pay • How to calculate the amount of federal income tax you owe • Complete a 1040EZ
What is the purpose of taxes • Support schools • Support building • Maintain roads • Provide for the nation’s defense
Tax • Required contribution of money • Ultimately paid to the government • Raise revenue to pay the cost of government
Direct Tax • Paid directly to the government • Examples: income tax and property tax
Indirect Tax • Shifts the tax burden • Example buy gasoline, cigarettes – then pay tax on them
Direct Tax Can Become An Indirect Tax • Landlords property taxes increase (direct tax) • Your rent increases due to it (indirect tax)
Types of Taxes • Income Tax • Paid based on the money you earn and profits a business makes • Paid to Federal, State and sometimes Local Government • Paid on salary, wages, tips and savings and investment income • Pay for the overall costs of governments
Types of Taxes - Continued • Payroll Tax • Paid to support Soc. Security taxes • Both you and your employer make a contribution • Help provide you with retirement income/benefits • Some occupations (teachers and government workers) pay into a state retirement program rather than Soc. Security
Types of Taxes - Continued • Sales Tax • State and Local Governments • Tax is added to the cost of the items • Sales tax in Illinois is 6.25%
Types of Taxes - Continued • Estate, Inheritance and Gift Tax • Estate tax – assessed on the value of the deceased’s property before it is passed on • Inheritance tax – taken out of each person’s share of the will • Federal – Estate Tax • State (some) – both Inheritance and estate tax • Gifts up to a certain amount are tax free. Over that amount a gift tax is imposed
Income Tax • History • 1913 – Federal Income tax imposed • The 16th amendment gave the government the right to tax • Wisconsin – 1st state to administer an income tax • By mid-1970’s – almost all states have an income tax
Federal Income Tax • Who Must Pay? • Individuals • Corporations • Trusts • Estates • Business owners (pay through their individual income taxes) • Citizens of other countries who earn income in the U.S.
Federal Income Tax • Who Doesn’t Have to Pay? • Low Income Families • Nonprofit Organizations (churches, charities) • Some hospitals
Federal Income Tax • Part of being a good citizen • Graduated income tax • Seen as fairest type of tax • Those who earn more – pay a higher percentage
State Income Tax • Most have a graduated income tax • Some use a flat rate • Your income is $25,000 and your spouse’s income is $35,000, therefore, you would pay 6% on all income or $3,600
Taxable Income Your total income - Adjustments to Income (paid alimony, contributions to IRA) = Your adjusted gross income - Deductions and Exemptions = Taxable Income
Reduction of Income Tax • Tax laws: Those who meet certain requirements can reduce the amount of income which is taxed
Determining Your Deductions • Mortgage Interest • Property Taxes • Contributions to Charities and Churches
Tax-Free Income • Allows a certain level of tax-free income • Marital status • Number of dependents • Thus, • Larger families generally pay less tax • Married couples generally pay less tax
Determining Your Exemptions • Yourself (if not claimed by your parents) • Any Dependents
Taxable Income Your total income - Adjustments to Income (paid alimony, contributions to IRA) = Your adjusted gross income - Deductions and Exemptions = Taxable Income
Taxable Income and Tax Table • Use Taxable Income • Determine the Amount of Tax you Owe
Taxable Income and Tax Table • Taxable income $15,235 • Tax (single) $1,919
Your Turn • Based on the table, how much tax does a married couple filing jointly owe on an income of $15,742? • How much does a single person owe on the same amount?
Tax Credits May Reduce Your Figure from the Tax Table • Amount of tax due may reduce by any tax credits • Child Care
Compare • Tax Owe to Tax Paid • If too much withheld – refund • If too little withheld – owe difference
Tax Form • Due April 15 • Sign • Interest and Penalty if late
“Filing” • Process of completing and submitting an income tax return • Can be simple or complex • Not Filing = Tax Evasion
Eligibility for filing a 1040EZ • Filing status – single or married filing jointly • No dependents • No student loan interest deduction or an education credit • Not age 65 or over (you or your spouse) • Taxable Income less than $100,000
Eligibility for filing a 1040EZ – Cont. • Only had wages, salaries, tips and taxable scholarships, unemployment compensation, qualified state tuition program earnings or Alaska Permanent Fund dividends • AND your taxable interest income was not more than $1,500. • Did not receive any Advance earned income credit payments • Did not owe any household employment taxes on wages you paid to a household employee
Filing a 1040EZ • On paper • Telephone • Computer
IRS Web Site • www.irs.gov
John Nye – Class Activity Preparing a 1040EZ
Introduction In 2005, John Nye worked after school and all day Saturday at Rudden’s Ice Cream Parlor. In late January 2006, John received a W-2 Wage and Tax Statement from his employer. John went to the post office and picked up a Form 1040EZ and the instructions for completing this form. (You can also download them from the web site).
Introduction - Continued John also received a 1099-int – Interest income earned from from his local bank. He had earned $63.00 in interest income. With this information he was able to complete his 1040EZ.
Other Types of 1040’s • 1040A • Dividend and Capital Gains from Stock • Deductible Student Loan Interest • 1040 • Itemize rather than taking the standard deductions • Receive income from rental property
Let’s Do Some Calculations! Suppose you make $370 a week. Each year you pay $2,884 in federal income tax, $578 in state income tax, $262 in sales tax, $88 in property tax, $1,472 in FICA tax, and $158 for other taxes. How much do you pay for taxes during the year? How many weeks must you work just to pay taxes?
Calculation #2 Suppose you earned an annual salary of $27,000 and your spouse earned $32,000. If there were a flat tax on income of 5%, how much income tax would your family have to pay?
Calculation #3 Using the tax table, determine the amount of tax you owe, if your wages were $15,178.00, tips were $1,132.00 and interest income was $220.00. The amount of tax withheld from your employer was $1,596.00.
Review Questions • What do taxes pay for? • Name some types of taxes • What is it called if you have earned income and fail to file an income tax return? • If you are married, can you use form 1040EZ to file your federal income tax return? • What is a Graduated Income Tax?
Review Questions - Continued • What is a flat rate tax? • What are deductions? • What are exemptions? • What date must you file your taxes by?