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Stock taking of the Bruges Communiqué. 2012 interim reporting approach Mara Brugia Head of Area Enhanced cooperation in VET and lifelong learning. Bruges: objectives for 2020 + measures by 2014. Stock taking 2012 focus on the 22 national-level short-term deliverables (STD) + synthesis
Stock taking of the Bruges Communiqué 2012 interim reporting approach Mara BrugiaHead of Area Enhanced cooperation in VET andlifelonglearning Bruges Communiqué - Stock taking
Bruges: objectives for 2020 + measures by 2014 Stock taking 2012focus on the 22 national-level short-term deliverables (STD) + synthesis 2014 VET policy report strategic objectives – STDs – systems and context fully-fledged policy report Europe 2020, annual growth survey: continuous monitoring Milestones Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
What has happened so far ? Bruges Communiqué STDs • Developing approach and consultation (DG EAC, Copenhagen working group) • Draft questionnaire discussed with and sent to ReferNet (Dec 2011, end January 2012) • ReferNet responses since 31 May 2012 (deadline) • Developing concept for country fiches Country X STD1…. . . . STD22… European tools monitoring 22 STDs Analysis Questionnaire Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
The approach • Analyse the diverse STDs in a structured way • Develop a specific focus for each STD • Identify indicators to help assess progress towards an STD • Identify STDs to include in ReferNet questionnaire ReferNetPolicy reporting questionniare Q: How have policies supported partnerships? a) Innovation and creativity clusters involving VET providers b) …. Who benefits? Which part of VET? STD 13 Encourage partnerships for creativity and innovation Who starts? How? Level of action? How tomeasure? Sources for baseline (2010) Sources for 2012 Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
Questionnaire: • Closed questions (scalereflectingprogress) and open questionsforexamples of practice • Notincluded: • European tools andprinciples • Keycompetences in IVET • Mobility • EU-level IVET statistics Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
Where are we now? • Examining ReferNet input, asking to complement/clarify • Testing and finalising concept for country fiches (in cooperation with ETF) • Developing concept for STD fiches EU tools & principles monitoring Country X Structure: Bruges/E&T2020 overall objectives Bruges strategic objectives STDs: Baseline 2010 + Progress: scale + qualitative info STD 3 STD 2 Analysis of ReferNet input STD 1 Other sources Statistics Bruges review European semester E&T 2020 Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
What’s next? • Synthesis + overview by country & STD (September) • Discussion at DGVT meeting (October) • Policy messages at Council meeting (November) Contact details: Bruges2012@cedefop.europa.eu Jasper van Loo andEleonora (Lore) Schmid Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking
Thank you very much Bruges Communiqué - Stocktaking