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Looking to get certified in ACLS online? At Nationwide Health Training, we provide all the training and ACLS study guide materials you need. Start your comprehensive online ACLS certification course today.
What is a ACLS Certification Course Nationwide Health Training accredited online classes are fast & convenient. We have been training healthcare professionals for 7 years and certifying thousands of happy customers each day. Get your CPR AED certification conveniently online! We offer ACLS Certificationcourses and training that follow aha CPR guidelines.
What is ACLS ? Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS)is treatment of cardiac arrest, stroke, myocardial infarction. Types of ACLS Algorithms 1. Cardiac Arrest Algorithm2. Acute Coronary Syndromes Algorithm3. Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)/A systole Algorithm4.Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)/Pulseless Ventricular 5.Tachycardia (VT) Algorithm6.Bradycardia Algorithm7.Tachycardia Algorithms8.Respiratory Arrest Algorithm9.Opioid Emergency Algorithm10.Post-Cardiac Arrest Algorithm11.Suspected Stroke Algorithm
How to get ACLS Training ? 1) Understand the benefits of ACLS Certification will teach you.2) Find a ACLS course. You can find either online or in-person courses in most areas.3) Take a Demo class.4) Adjudge the time commitment.
Choosing Your Learning Way Make sure you meet the all criteria for ACLS courses. Students in ACLS courses should already have a experience of BLS skills and other medical support skills including: CPR& AED use Understand numerous heart rhythms Knowledge of different type of management tools Good knowledge of common drugs and first aid used to treat cardiovascular emergency Look for an American Heart Association (AHA) program Check on the AHA website to find an AHA training center in your local area. Course materials were created using American Heart Association guidelines in conjunction with medical literature and are reviewed and updated to coincide with the ECC guidelines set forth by the AHA.
Our ACLS Certification Courses Our ACLS certification online course contains higher levels of training than BLS and should only be performed by certified personnel. Healthcare providers that are usually required to obtain their ACLS certification are critical care doctors, nurses, dentist, paramedics and other emergency responders.
How our courses work ! Our courses are all-inclusive so they do not require you to purchase any additional study materials or provider manuals. Each course includes the following: 1) Complete ACLS online training material covering all information you'll need to pass the exam 2)Online exam 3)Instant PDF printable card you can use for immediate proof of coverage 4)Hard copy provider card 5)Free shipping for hard copy card to you anywhere in the continental US 6)2 years of coverage before card expires 7)Support for all major device types (desktop computer, laptop computer, tablets and mobile phones)
Frequently Asked Questions 1)Our Courses Nationally Accepted? Answer:Yes, our classes were designed by a nationally trained AHA instructor. Our classesfollow all the latest AHA and ECC guidelines and are accredited nationally. Please check with your organization or work place to ensure classes fulfill their requirements. 2. What Happens If I Don’t Pass The Test At The End Of The Course? Answer: You’ll be able to take the test as many times as needed to pass the test and receive your certification with no additional charges. 3. What Kind Of Questions Are On The Test? Answer: the test consist of 25 questions true/false and multiple choice questions that are converted in the online training program. 4. How Long Is My Certification Training Good For? Answer: All of our online certification training programs are good for 2 years from date of issue. 5. What Are The Cost Of Your Online Training? Answer: Our online course cost as follows $19.95 for the ACLSTraining and the combo course which includes CPR/AED and First Aid for $32.95. 6. Do I Have To Finish A Course Program In One Sitting? Answer: No you don’t, you will have 90 days to pass any of our programs at your own pace. Just remember to go to your mail and click on the manual or test link for the class.
What to Expect When Looking for ACLS Online Course Authenticity of the course When you search for the best institutions to do your ACLS online course from, make sure to look for proofs of authenticity which assure you. It is very important for their course to be recognized and affiliated by the medical licensing board, or it would do you no good. Cost of the course If you are taking an online course for the first time, you might consider it to be more costly than taking physical classes and getting your certificate. However, there is not much of a difference in the cost of the two, but you need to compare costs between the courses of different websites, and see which suits your budget.
No time restrictions If you are going for an online course, you should expect that there are no time restrictions for completing the course. Avoid choosing a course that restricts the time you have to complete the course, because it will hamper your learning. Also, there are some institutions which let you complete the exam with no time limit, and also allow you to take an unlimited number of retakes. If you opt to take your course from one of these websites, you will be mentally relaxed, and will be able to learn freely. Good Reviews If you are new to online learning, you should always ask around. Word of mouth is one of the best sources for receiving authentic and genuine reviews about anything. You can search for someone in the medical fraternity who must’ve attempted the course online, and you can take their advice to go forward with it. The websites which offer you these online courses also have reviews and testimonials on them, which greatly help you to make your decision.
Contact us NATIONWIDE HEALTH TRAINING P.O. BOX 40157, BELLEVUE, WA98015 866-672-2235