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adumbrate arcane covert educe fathom. 6. impervious 7. limpid 8. manifest 9. nebulous 10. translucent. Lesson 6- Clarity and Vagueness. 1. adumbrate (verb). To give a sketchy outline of. To disclose partially or guardedly. To prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow.
adumbrate arcane covert educe fathom 6. impervious 7. limpid 8. manifest 9. nebulous 10. translucent Lesson 6- Clarity and Vagueness
1. adumbrate (verb) • To give a sketchy outline of. • To disclose partially or guardedly. • To prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow. Related Word: adumbration Ex: The details of the marketing plan were kept secret; but the company president briefly adumbrated the basic strategy at the staff meeting.
2. arcane (adj) • Known or understood only by a few; esoteric. Ex: The system if addressing English nobility by different titles seemed arcane to Americans.
3. covert (adj; noun) • Concealed; hidden; secret. • Covered or covered over; sheltered. • A covering or cover. • A covered place or shelter; hiding place. Related Words: covertly; covertness. Ex: The man was arrested for making covert sales of arms to rebel forces.
4. educe (verb) • To draw or bring out, elicit. • To assume or work out from given facts; deduce. Related Words: educible; education. Ex: The director educed an emotional performance from the seemingly unresponsive actor.
5. fathom (verb) • To get to the bottom of and understand. • To determine the depth of; sound. • A unit of length equal to six feet used in the measurement of marine depths. Related Words: fathomable; fathomless. Ex: With painstaking effort Marion ultimately fathomed the confusing passage in The Canterbury Tales.
6. impervious (adj) • Incapable of being penetrated. • Incapable of being affected. • Not open to argument or suggestion. Related Words: imperviously; imperviousness. Ex: My new raincoat is impervious to water and wind.
7. limpid (adj) • Characterized by transparent clearness. • Easily intelligible. • Calm and untroubled; serene. Related Words: limpidly; limpidness. Ex: Snorkeling in limpid water allows one to see the variety of fish in the ocean.
8. manifest (adj; verb) • Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious. • To show or demonstrate plainly; reveal. • To be evidence of; prove. Related Words: manifestation; manifestly. Ex: The gratefulness of the people rescued from the storm was manifest in every smiling face.
9. nebulous (adj) • Lacking definite form or limits; vague. • Cloudy, misty, or hazy. Related Words: nebulously; nebulousness. Ex: Until Monica could confirm her theory, she kept the nebulous idea to herself.
10. translucent (adj) • Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to make impossible the perception of distinct images. Related Words: translucence; translucently. Ex: Behind the translucent window shade, shadowed figures moved back and forth.