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Be careful! Some of the objects in our environment can damage cars paint. If you will not be careful it will end up needing a complete paint job. <br>
All you need to know about car’s Paint Care Waxing A nice wax intensifies the color of your car and make the paint last longer. Before applying wax you should know when to apply wax. If you are going to wax your avoid waxing in sun. It is so because the intensity of sun rays will harden the car wax so quickly. So wax your car in garage which offers shade so that sun rays will not harden the wax because the temperature will be maintained no so hot not so cool. So Indoor waxing is better option instead of outdoor waxing. Don’t try to wax your car in one single round. Divide it in 2 section it will give you better result. Don’t wax your car with any normal cloth instead you can use microfiber cleaning cloth/ microfiber pads to buff your car. Use these products to prevent scratches in the coat of a car. Don’t forget to buff your car after waxing. It will give your car brilliant finish. If buffing car in circular motion it will give you the best result. www.autofresh.in
Brush selection In the brush selection most of the people made mistakes. Common mistake done is that people use one brush for all the different tasks. They don’t know that one brush can’t justify the cleaning. If you bought a brush for carpet and if you use that brush for cleaning car’s bonnet then it will definitely scratch the surface and harm the paint. www.autofresh.in
Bristle of brush which is made for carpet are hard compared to the brush which is made especially for bonnet cleaning. So avoid harsh cleaning brush for cars body and use different brushes for cleaning to protect waxing or coating of the car. Shop brushes from India’s first and largest car care product store. Parking Parking place matters a lot. Parking car in direct sunlight will damage your cars paint. Because of direct sunlight paint will be faded. Ultra violet (UV) rays cause oxidation on cars body. www.autofresh.in
So to protect your cars paint park your car in shade. It will prevent your cars paint from fading. Parking your car in shade will extend the life of cars paint. Washing People wash their car only when they are going to attend any function or they are going on trip. But washing your car frequently will protect your cars paint. Debris and grime on your cars surface will damage your car in long term. Dead bugs damage cars body so wash your car once a week to prevent cars paint. Bird dropping also harms cars paint. Be careful when cleaning it or else it will scratch your surface. Most common ways paint can be damaged Automatic Car Washing damage cars paint Bugs and Tar Tree Sap www.autofresh.in
Acid Rain Bird Droppings Soft Drinks and Coffee Dirty car cleaning materials Construction debris There are numerous other things than can ruin a paint finish. Be careful with any of these to avoid car paint damage. Buy car care products from Autofresh to keep your car paint sparkly clean and spotless! www.autofresh.in