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AAP Opinion Poll

AAP Opinion Poll. AAP in partnership with Children’s Health Fund identified questions for a public opinion poll Purpose was to stimulate discussion on the use of resources related to disaster planning and response specific to children’s issues

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AAP Opinion Poll

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AAP Opinion Poll • AAP in partnership with Children’s Health Fund identified questions for a public opinion poll • Purpose was to stimulate discussion on the use of resources related to disaster planning and response specific to children’s issues • Purpose also to respond to guidelines from the Institute of Medicine that dismissed, on ethical grounds, prioritizing children above adults with the same condition when a disaster overwhelmed resources and required that prioritization occur

  2. AAP Opinion Poll • Telephone survey conducted by Marist College Institute for Public Opinion • Sample = 1,030 US residents older than age 18 • Results statistically significant within ±3.0 percentage points. The error margin increases for cross-tabulations • The majority of people surveyed supported giving higher priority to children and their needs over adults • Opinions remained consistent across various demographics, including region, household income, education, age, race, gender and political party

  3. AAP Opinion Poll • Q1 : If resources become severely limited during a disaster, children should be given a higher priority than adults for life-saving treatment (Strongly agree 26%, Agree 50%) • Q2: Federal money should be spent on saving the most lives as possible during a disaster, even if that means saving more adults than children because treatments for children are more specialized or more costly (Disagree 43%, Strongly Disagree 11%)

  4. AAP Opinion Poll • Q3 : If I had to make the decision during a disaster, I would choose to provide life-saving treatment to a child over that of an adult with the same medical condition (Strongly agree 25%, Agree 50%) • Q4: Our country should have readily available the same medical treatments for children as are available for adults for possible chemical, biological and nuclear agents that may be used in a terrorist attack (Strongly Agree 42%, Agree 50%)

  5. AAP Opinion Poll • Q5 : The federal government is better prepared to meet the physical/psychological needs of children in the aftermath of a disaster than it isfor adults (Disagree 43%, Strongly Disagree 11%) • Q6: The federal government should be better prepared to meet the physical and psychological needs of children in the aftermath of a disaster than it is for adults (Strongly Agree 23%, Agree 47%)

  6. AAP Opinion Poll • Questions and survey results can be used: • To encourage discussion around children’s preparedness and response issues • To promote planning for times when resources are scarce and tough decisions need to be made • To facilitate collaborations with constituents • To encourage funding and support for implementation of National Commission recommendations

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