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6.1a CORE COMPETENCIES. HOW does your organization determine its CORE COMPETENCIES? What are your organization’s CORE COMPETENCIES and how do they relate to your MISSION, competitive environment, and ACTION PLANS?. Indicators for Question 6.1a(1).
6.1a CORE COMPETENCIES • HOW does your organization determine its CORE COMPETENCIES? • What are your organization’s CORE COMPETENCIES and how do they relate to your MISSION, competitive environment, and ACTION PLANS?
Indicators for Question 6.1a(1) • The organization uses a variety of external data to help them identify their core competencies. • Objectivity and reliability of data sources used to help determine core competencies. • The organization has identified 4-6 major core competencies as opposed to a long list. • The 4-6 core competencies identified appear consistent with the organization’s reputation, position in the market, and past performance. • The core competencies are consistent with the organization’s mission and core business. • Several major processes are not identified as core competencies and these are farmed out to contractors/suppliers or partners, as appropriate. • The organization periodically reviews its list of core competencies to determine if they are still valid or need to be revised. • Core competencies identified make it likely that the organization will be able to accomplish its major action plans or strategies outlined in the strategic plan.
6.1a(2) HOW do you design and innovate your overall WORK SYSTEMS? HOW do you decide which PROCESSES within your overall WORK SYSTEMS will be internal to your organization (your KEY work PROCESSES) and which will use external resources?
Indicators for Question 6.1a(2) • Evidence of a systematic approach for process design. • All important groups and stakeholders have input to the design process. • Customer requirement/needs are an input to the design process. • The design process is quick and efficient and a good balance of focus on both cycle time and thoroughness. • Evidence of innovation in the design process. • Clear decision-making criteria for deciding on what work processes are done internally and externally. • Evidence that the organization actually followed this model in the past when making decisions about what work to farm out and what processes to perform internally. • The decisions about what work processes to do internally are linked to the identification of core competencies.
6.1b Work PROCESS Design (1) What are your organization’s KEY work PROCESSES? How do these KEY work PROCESSES relate to your CORE COMPETENCIES? How do these PROCESSES contribute to delivering CUSTOMER VALUE, profitability, organizational success, and SUSTAINABILITY?
Indicators for Question 6.1b(1) • All major Value Creation Processes are listed, and verbs are included in each. • Measures are listed for each process. • Measures are a mix of input, output, or outcome measures and process metrics. • There are clear and obvious links between process and output/outcome measures. • Standards or control limits are identified for all metrics. • Standards appear to be set based on research and linked to process capabilities, resource constraints, customer requirements, and other factors. • Control strategies have been identified for meeting standards or targets. • Control strategies appear to be appropriate and effective. • Processes are clearly linked to one or more core competencies of the organization. • Links between key processes and important customer requirements are clearly delineated. • How the key processes help the organization achieve financial result targets and other outcomes is clearly explained.
6.1b(2) HOW do you determine KEY work PROCESS requirements, incorporating input from CUSTOMERS, suppliers, PARTNERS, and COLLABORATORS, as appropriate? What are the KEY requirements for these PROCESSES?
Indicators for Question 6.1b(2) • Requirements are identified for all key Value Creation Processes. • Requirements come from research on customer or other stakeholder needs. • A systematic process is used to define requirements for each process. • Requirements are checked periodically to see if customer/stakeholder needs and priorities have changed. • Requirements research is through and appears valid. • Requirements are specific versus generic. • Requirements appear to drive customer buying behavior and loyalty when met. • Requirements for processes clearly link to important outcomes or output measures.
6.1b(3) HOW do you design and innovate your work PROCESSES to meet all the KEY requirements? HOW do you incorporate new technology, organizational knowledge, and the potential need for agility into the design of these PROCESSES? HOW do you incorporate CYCLE TIME, PRODUCTIVITY, cost control, and other efficiency and EFFECTIVENESS factors into the design of these PROCESSES?
Indicators for Question 6.1b(3) • Evidence of systems for communicating relevant information to product/service design personnel. • Extent to which such systems are actually used and have helped improve the design process on specific products/services. • Use of cross-functional product/service design and review teams. • Evidence that input is sought from diverse sources in the organization early in the design process when the input will be most valuable. • Involvement of operations/production personnel on design teams. • Thoroughness of design reviews so as to include all appropriate production/operational variables. • Link between customer requirements, process metrics, and standards for production/delivery processes associated with new products/services.
6.1c Emergency Readiness HOW do you ensure WORK SYSTEM and workplace preparedness for disasters or emergencies? HOW does your disaster and emergency preparedness system consider prevention, management, continuity of operations, and recovery?
Indicators for Question 6.1c • Degree to which the applicant has identified all major types of emergencies or disasters that could occur. • Disaster/emergency planning is done more thoroughly for events that are more likely and more devastating. • Appropriate resources are devoted to emergency planning and trained personnel are involved in developing and implementing these programs. • Plans and programs are periodically reviewed by outside experts to validate their potential effectiveness. • More focus is on prevention than on restoration. • Frequent drills or simulations are conducted to test the effectiveness of emergency plans. • Improvements have been made in emergency preparedness based on performance on these exercises or drills.
Indicators for Question 6.1c • Comprehensive plans are in place to restore the organization to being functional in the event of high likelihood emergencies or disasters. • Employees at all levels and locations are aware of emergency plans and their role in carrying them out. • Employees receive skill-building emergency preparedness training on a regular basis. • Tests are used in the training to measure their effectiveness. • Back-up plans exist for dealing with financial emergencies. • Systematic risk analyses are done to determine the appropriate resources to allocate to various types of emergency plans.
6.2a Work PROCESS Management (1) HOW do you implement your work PROCESSES to ensure that they meet design requirements? HOW does your subsequent day-to-day operation of these PROCESSES ensure that they meet KEY PROCESS requirements? HOW is CUSTOMER, supplier, PARTNER, and COLLABORATOR input used in managing these PROCESSES, as appropriate? What are your KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES or INDICATORS and in-process MEASURES used for the control and improvement of your work PROCESSES?
Indicators for Question 6.2a(1) • Evidence that controls are in place to ensure that process requirements are met. • Existence of documentation for key processes where it is required. • Scope and development of training on meeting process requirements. • Use of the best technology affordable to ensure process compliance. • Deployment of approaches like “lean enterprise” or “six sigma” where appropriate. • In-process measures are tracked on a real-time or frequent basis and fed back to appropriate personnel. • In-process measures are linked to output or outcome measures via research. • Standards or limits set for in-process metrics are based on research relating to process capabilities, customer requirements, resource constraints, and other factors. • Adequacy and thoroughness of control strategies. • Evidence that information from suppliers/partners is considered where appropriate to set process standards and develop controls. • Evidence that customer requirements and desires are reflected in process measures and standards and linked to important outcomes for customers. • Evidence that interactions between various processes are considered when setting standards and developing controls.
Indicators for Question 6.2a(1) • Prevention-based approaches are appropriate for size and type of organization and focus on the appropriate variables. • Relationships are identified between individual products/services and processes. • Approach to process control is preventive in nature. • Process owners and/or accountabilities are identified, if appropriate. • Degree to which process control is automated where appropriate and possible. • Frequency of measurement of key process variables. • Thoroughness of control mechanisms used to ensure that processes stay within specified tolerances or guidelines. • Control mechanisms for ensuring that processes based upon employee behavior are systematic and thorough. • Adequate sample sizes used to collect data on end-of-process measures. • Adequacy of in-process measures. • Use of valid statistical procedures for analyzing process data.
Indicators for Question 6.2a(1) • Number of different process measure for which data are collected. • Use of established and acceptable model for cause analysis. • Use of different processes for analyzing common-cause and special-cause problems. • Thoroughness and rigor of cause-analysis process. • Examples or evidence to suggest that the analysis process is successful for discerning the rootcauses of process upsets and other quality-related problems. • Clear linkages between customer requirements, process measures, and standards.
6.2a(2) HOW do you minimize overall costs associated with inspections, tests, and PROCESS or PERFORMANCE audits, as appropriate? HOW do you prevent defects, service errors, and rework and minimize warranty costs or CUSTOMERS’ PRODUCTIVITY losses, as appropriate?
Indicators for Question 6.2a(2) • Adequate sample sizes are used for testing to ensure overall product quality. • Testing/inspection is performed frequently enough to detect possible problems. • Automated equipment is used where possible to remove human error and judgment from inspections/tests. • Inspectors/auditors are thoroughly trained and there are reliability checks on their work. • Auditors/inspectors are objective and have no incentive to pass poor quality work. • Auditors/inspectors are given proper authority to do their jobs. • Testing/inspection methods are evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency and changed or improved as necessary. • Auditing/inspection instruments/tools are calibrated frequently. • Efforts have been made over the years to minimize inspection and testing by building in more prevention-based approaches. • Outside audits/inspections are done, if appropriate, to supplement internal data. • Evidence is shown of a prevention-based approach to ensuring product/service quality.
6.2b Work PROCESS Improvement HOW do you improve your work PROCESSES to achieve better PERFORMANCE, to reduce variability, to improve products and services, and to keep the PROCESSES current with business needs and directions? HOW are improvements and lessons learned shared with other organizational units and PROCESSES to drive organizational LEARNING and INNOVATION?
Indicators for Question 6.2b • Evidence that process improvement activities are directly linked to goals and strategies outlined in the strategic plan. • Use of a consistent model or approach for process analysis and improvement. • Scope of process improvement activities shows focus on a few critical success factors rather than having everyone work on improving their processes. • Teams or groups used to analyze and improve processes include members that are carefully selected for their expertise-having everyone participate in improvement teams is often a disaster. • Deployment of a systematic process analysis and improvement model throughout all parts of the organization. • Adequacy of training and coaching on use of process improvement model. • Evidence that process improvement is not always a reaction to performance problems—a preventive approach is preferred. • Use of outside data on technology, competitors, customer needs, and other factors to drive process improvement. • Consideration of the interaction between processes when selecting one to improve.
Indicators for Question 6.2b • Appropriateness of process analysis/improvement model for the type and size of organization. • Evidence that alternative models were considered before adopting an approach to process analysis/improvement. • Scope and adequacy of examples presented to show improvements in processes. • Link between process improvements and results shown in Category 7. • Evidence that process improvements implemented in one part of the organization are systematically shared with others and implemented where appropriate. • Systematic analysis of new and changing technology as a means for identifying process improvement opportunities. • Number of different stimuli used as impetus for process improvement efforts. • Use of competitor or benchmark data as stimuli for identifying opportunities for process improvement. • Evidence that process analysis is used as a stimulus for process improvement. • Breadth and scope of process improvements initiated via process analysis.