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NEW YORK-The historic patents battle between Apple and Samsung has with the ruling favoring Apple largely come to an end and it is likely to ripple throughout the smartphone industry. Apple and Samsung accused each other of violating software patents, Apple's allegations also included some design patents. California jury on Friday ruled that Samsung on the majority of the relevant software, including features such as double-tap zoom and scroll-and suggested that Apple will be awarded more than $ 1 billion in damages had violated patents. On the design front found many Samsung devices infringe hardware setup or style icon. Samsung is widely expected to appeal the verdict, but as it stands now, the judgment could significantly affect smartphone users, and other industry players. What happens to my Samsung phone? Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) and design software claims involved results of Samsung devices, including the Nexus S 4G and S II As a result of the scheme, Apple could request an injunction against the Samsung devices that have been found to have infringed on its patents. This means that Samsung might be forced to withdraw such devices from the market until they are changed. If you already have the equipment in question, but do not worry: even with a temporary injunction, no one can snatch the phone out of his hand. But it is possible that your phone a software update that could get pinched as it looks and works. What about my Samsung Galaxy Tablet? This category offered one good news for Samsung, the jury ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab tablet is not on Apple's design patents for the iPad against. What does the judgment for Google and Android? Samsung was able to prove any of Apple's patents invalid, which is the main point of the other smartphone industry titans could affect. Armed with many significant patents now before the court to be invalid, Apple could still. To sue other Android manufacturers, namely Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) and its hardware partner
Bradley Associates shows Apple-Samsung Case for your smartphone NEW YORK-The historic patents battle between Apple and Samsung has with the ruling favoring Apple largely come to an end and it is likely to ripple throughout the smartphone industry. Apple and Samsung accused each other of violating software patents, Apple's allegations also included some design patents. California jury on Friday ruled that Samsung on the majority of the relevant software, including features such as double-tap zoom and scroll-and suggested that Apple will be awarded more than $ 1 billion in damages had violated patents.
On the design front found many Samsung devices infringe hardware setup or style icon. Samsung is widely expected to appeal the verdict, but as it stands now, the judgment could significantly affect smartphone users, and other industry players. What happens to my Samsung phone? Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) and design software claims involved results of Samsung devices, including the Nexus S 4G and S II As a result of the scheme, Apple could request an injunction against the Samsung devices that have been found to have infringed on its patents. This means that Samsung might be forced to withdraw such devices from the market until they are changed. If you already have the equipment in question, but do not worry: even with a temporary injunction, no one can snatch the phone out
of his hand. But it is possible that your phone a software update that could get pinched as it looks and works. What about my Samsung Galaxy Tablet? This category offered one good news for Samsung, the jury ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab tablet is not on Apple's design patents for the iPad against. What does the judgment for Google and Android? Samsung was able to prove any of Apple's patents invalid, which is the main point of the other smartphone industry titans could affect. Armed with many significant patents now before the court to be invalid, Apple could still. To sue other Android manufacturers, namely Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) and its hardware partner companies. Samsung is the largest manufacturer of Android devices, and while the software manufacturer vary a bit, it's very similar.
So smartphone maker could be sued for copyright infringement similar software, and Google may be to tweak the Android interface. Google shares was approximately 1% in after-hours trading late Friday, while Apple's stock jumped nearly 2% to a record high of $ 675th. We see any changes to future mobile and tablet hardware? The verdict strengthened Apple's design identity can, and competitors now afraid to even walk the line of iDevices' "look and feel." Chris Carani, an intellectual property and design rights expert McAndrews, Held & Malloy, said that the ruling "a burst of creativity" in the design of future devices could spark.
Competitors are not willing to risk injury with a draft action is suggested in view of the fact that it costs so much money a new smartphone or tablet rolled out. "Competitors must return to the drawing board and give their designers more creative license" Carani said. "They have to create something completely different as far as the visual experience, and this election could be a great benefit to consumers." What happens now? Does Samsung have to pay? Before the verdict was even, industry experts predicted that an appeal in this complex case, everyone would be safe but. Samsung played strong up to this point in a statement via e-mail to CNN after the verdict: "This is not the last word out in this case or in battles in
courts and tribunals throughout the world, some of them already a lot of Apple's claims rejected." The statement continued: "It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give a company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners." Apple was naturally delighted with the result: "the mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung is copying went far deeper than we knew." Samsung has to be disappointed, but it has enough money to treat the judgment of $ 1 billion with relative ease: it earned $ 12 billion last year and has $ 14 billion in cash in the bank. When deciding Samsung appeal is unclear which follow timeline, Will move. The case involved 109 pages of instructions, a fact that headlines, although in a surprise move, the jury came to a verdict after only three days.