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Office supplies and eco labels. Eva Klintell, Scandinavian QSS Manager. Your office… our world. LYRECO SUBSIDIARIES EUROPE Austria Benelux Czech Rep Denmark France Finland Germany Hungary Ireland
Office supplies and eco labels Eva Klintell, Scandinavian QSS Manager
Your office… our world LYRECO SUBSIDIARIES EUROPE Austria Benelux Czech Rep Denmark France Finland Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Norway Poland Portugal Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK ASIA China Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore South Korea Thailand AUSTRALIA Australia We have a global vision and the appropriate competitive enablers that large international companies are looking for when it comes to the management of global purchasing portfolios of office supplies
Wide range of products Officesupplies Facilities NEW One StopSolution! Technology Personalised products Furniture NEW Personal protection equipment ENLARGED NEW Packaging Personalised Stamps We provide you with the most effective workplace products, services and solutions!
Our Mission: Our Ambition: We want to simplify life at work by offering the best in class workplace products and services to BtoB customers with a number 1 position in Europe and in Asia/Pacific. Our people will remain at the core of our strategy, complemented by the best in class tools. Our Values: Lyreco’s values are embedded throughout the whole Group and translate perfectly our focus, commitment and spirit. EXCELLENCE AGILITY PASSION RESPECT We strive for perfection in everything we do. We anticipate, innovate and adapt to change. We really care for our customers. We believe in trust, respect and ethical behaviour.
Our EcoFuture strategy Our VisionTo be the Reference for sustainable Workplace Supplies Solutions. It means we would like Lyreco to be a company where Sustainability is taken into account all times, at all levels, for any decision. Our Guiding Principles Environment Protection • Reduce our ecological footprint• Help our customers and suppliers to do the same Commitments 1. Develop environmentally preferable products & services2. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 3. Prevent and manage waste Key performanceindicators & targets 2017 Social responsability Reinforce our long term relationship focusing on human relationships and development Commitments 4. Ensure a safe and healthy working environment5. Contribute to the personal development of each individual 6. Focus on the development of our best talents 7. Promote education of children in developing countries Key performanceindicators & targets 2017 Economic success Build lasting customer relationships by providing solutions to their sustainability goals Commitments 8. Establish customer partnerships on sustainability 9. Establish supplier assessment programmes on sustainability 10. Develop sustainable innovations in products & services Key performanceindicators & targets 2017 Green products: 25% of sales Supplier Performance level: Increase of 10% per year CO2 emissions: reduction of 20% Working conditions: 90% of employees are satisfied Waste: 90% is recycled Suppliers Audited: 100% for the Lyreco branded products Training level: 90% of employees consider they are properly trained Go to our dedicated website : eco.lyreco.com LFE collection target Increases of 10% per year Lost working days Decreases of 10%
Sustainable development BEST IN CLASS GREEN PRODUCTS ASSESSMENT In order to support our customers in their sustainable approach, Lyreco has created a bespoke and unique methodology to assess environmentally preferable products, that brings clarity and transparency to choosing “green” products. The assessment is based on the worldwide ISO 14020 that covers both certified claims and self claims. * The “Lyreco Green Products Assessment” has been reviewed by SGS CTS Sustainability Services and approved as being in general conformance with the principles of the ISO 14020 standard and the ICC Framework for Environmental Claims. Self-declared environmental claims. 12 criteria can be used as: Compostable, Degradable, Designed for disassembly, Extended life product etc. Certified claims like: The method is also in compliance with the environmental guide issued by the international chamber of commerce. The whole method has been reviewed and approved by SGS. Our environmentally preferable products are shown on line and in our catalogue with a simple “green tree” icon. You can also download the green tree certificate.
Green products SE YTD 43% NO YTD 37% DK YTD 33%
Eco labeled products (sales in % of catalogue turnover)
Trends Requirements Eco labeledproducts in tenders • More tenders ask for x % of product basket to be ecolabeled. • Eco labeledproducts part of pre-qualifications • Productqualificationsincludingecolabelrequirementsevenwithout the cleardemand of the specificecolabel(easy way to go around former legislation) Requirements of ecolabeledproductscommon in tenders and contractsbutdoes not alwaysgive high points. Price often the parameter whenchosingsupplier of officesupplies.
Public procurement EU directive Denmark EU Public procurement directive opens up for Social economic aspects as well as higher demands on environmental protection in procurement – an opening to move away from full focus on price. New directive to be implemented 2016 at the latest. Danish Government has decided to secure sustainable wood in the state: “The government will ensure the procurement of documented sustainable wood and wood-based products in the state…” As a tool to help Public procurers the Danishministry of the environment in 2014 wrote a guide for ”ensuring sustainable wood in government procurement of goods-supplies…”
Risks Eco labels is a goodway to ensuresustainability and environmentallypreferableproductsbutwithout a controlfunction in the chain or by the customer, there is a risk of the ”good” not doinggood. • Ask for the certificationnumber • Check the certificationnumber • Is it valid? • Is it valid for the specificproduct? Customersasking for ecolabeledproductsbut are sometimestootrusting in regards to the information theyrecieveand do not check. This gives the possibility for some to offer an ”ecolabeled” product to a lowprice
Moving forward together With the right level of understanding, controland cooperationecolabelscanhelp the business (and customers) in regards to officeproducts, but to get therewealsoneedfocus and communication.