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RBSSO Protocol: Sequence

RBSSO Protocol: Sequence. , 7. Initialization: Cloud machine instances initializes and sent ServiceToken from Service Controller. Authentication: Client sends AuthRequest to AuthenticationService .

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RBSSO Protocol: Sequence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RBSSO Protocol: Sequence , 7 Initialization: Cloud machine instances initializes and sent ServiceToken from Service Controller. Authentication: Client sends AuthRequest to AuthenticationService. AuthenticationService requests user information from a credential store (database, LDAP, etc). AuthenticationService sends client a AuthToken. Start Session with Cloud Service: Client requests instance’s ServiceToken. Instance sends client it’s ServiceToken. Client sends SessionKey and optionally first request. Request: Client sends RequestToken and Request. Service sends response. , 8

  2. RBSSO Protocol: ServiceToken Header (5 bytes) Body ServiceToken Tail

  3. RBSSO Protocol: AuthRequest Header (9 bytes) Body (Encrypted with CKsec) AuthRequest Tail (Encrypted with AKencpub)

  4. RBSSO Protocol: AuthToken Header (5 bytes) Encrypted with CKsec Body AuthToken Tail

  5. RBSSO Protocol: SessionKey Header (5 bytes) Encrypted with SKpub Body SessionKey

  6. RBSSO Protocol: RequestToken Header (5 bytes) Encrypted with SEKsec Body RequestToken Tail

  7. Performance Implementation of AuthSrever and Client created using Java TCP sockets. Authentication performance evaluated against a SSL connection and Kerberos. Performance measured in average time per request on low latency local network and higher latency, nosier wide area network. Each protocol was tested with 10,000 authentication requests for each network. Lakehead University's private cloud computing testbed

  8. Authentication Performance Based on 1,000 requests per run per protocol.

  9. Authentication Performance Based on 1,000 requests per run per protocol.

  10. Authentication Performance Based on 10,000 requests per protocol.

  11. Future Work Expand on roll model. Performance testing of all parts of the protocol. Formal security evaluation of the protocol. Securing data on the cloud.

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