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“ Structuring of the river tourist offer along the course of Volano Po ” By DELTA 2000 – Giancarlo Malacarne. Big River Conference 24 th November 2011 Sofia, Bulgaria. PILOT PROJECT “ Structuring of the river tourist offer along the course of Volano Po ”.
“Structuring of the river tourist offer along the course of Volano Po”By DELTA 2000 – Giancarlo Malacarne Big River Conference 24th November 2011 Sofia, Bulgaria
PILOT PROJECT “Structuring of the river tourist offer along the course of Volano Po” Geographical location: Emilia Romagna Region – Ferrara Province – Municipalitiescrossedby Volano Po river (Bondeno, Ferrara, Copparo, Formignana (Valpagliaro), Tresigallo (Final di Rero), Migliaro, Migliarino, Massa Fiscaglia, Lagosanto, Codigoro, Lido di Volano - Comacchio) and Municipalitiescrossedby Po River (Ferrara, Bondeno, Berra, Ro ferrarese, Goro, Mesola) OBJECTIVE: • organizing forms of river tourism • Structuring intermodal connections between the river and the historical, architectural and naturalistic realities that characterize the territory • to improve the fruition of the nearby rural areas • to promote the use of eco-friendly means of transport Budget:€ 50.800,00
justification of the option for study area • The course of the Volano Po represents one of the Great Po affluents in the Po Delta area • It crosses localities presenting naturalistic, historical and architectural characteristics that are not well non nor promoted enough • During the last years there were numerous structural interventions for sailing, docks ect. built by public bodies along the Volano Po. • And at the same time the awareness of private operators increased towards considering the “river” as a resource, to develop forms of river tourism in an eco-sustainable way
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • Increasing the naturalistic, historical and cultural offer along the Volano Po in order to make it easy to reach by river or by ground. • Organizing the territorial offer system along the Volano Po by promoting public-private cooperation nets. • Promoting the use of eco-friendly means for sailing along internal waterways.
Target group Direct & indirect beneficiaries • Directbeneficiaries: Local bodies crossed by Volano Po Associations and organizations of river tourism Private operators operating in tourism sector and in tourist services • Indirectbeneficiaries: Community Tourists Schools
MAIN ACTIVITIES • Activation of a local piloting committee:local Committee made of delegates of the Municipalities crossed by Volano Po, of the Province of Ferrara and of the Organizations and associations operating on the territory on river tourism • Activation of a technical group:made of experts of the river tourism sector and experts in territorial planning and organization with particular reference to the internal water sailing • Local animation: workshops, door to door meetings, focused mailings in order to increase the awareness of the river resource as an opportunity to develop river tourism forms • Ideation of an itinerary with exchange points:possibleriver and ground proposals for itineraries that can be implemented by eco-friendly means. Identifying “exchange” stations in order to allow tourist visiting the territory of the Volano Po in a autonomous way, also with the help of informative promotional material, and the use of eco-friendly means (electric boats, bicycles, etc.) • Organization of a demonstrative event:visitors, community and schools will be invited to “test” the possible courses through the use of eco-friendly means
Sailing and Cycling is Special along Volano Po 4 Experimental free intermodal itineraries created: 21st May 2011 – The Ancient Salt Way: from Codigoro dock to Pomposa Abbey 22nd May 2011 – Oasis and tastes of the Lagoon: from Goro port to Volano Po mouth 28th May 2011 – Estensi’s Delizie along Volano Po: from Ferrara to Villa Mensa 29th May 2011 – History and Nature in middle lands: from Tresigallo, XX Century town, until Massafiscaglia for the River Party
Implemented tourist offer through: • New intermodal connections: train, boat combined with bicycle, bicycle rental, electric boat free services • Great main event in Massafiscaglia: River Event with demonstration area hosting river-fluvial operators, educational laboratories for children, kitchen laboratories, entertainment
POINTS OF STRENGHT AND CRITICALITIES Itinerary of 21st May 2011: The ancient Salt Way: from Codigoro Dock to Pomposa Abbey: • main infrastructural obstacles for uninterrupted sailing on the river - the begining of this experimental itinerary started from Codigoro dock, and precisely by the head office of Volano Nautical Club, facing Riviera Cavallotti • the collaboration with the Nautical Club was requested to involve associations and local operators that could start relevant entrepreneurial initiatives and activities, for an organized river tourist development. 9
POINTS OF STRENGHT AND CRITICALITIES Itinerary of 22nd May 2011: Lagoon Oasis and Tastes: from Goro Port to Volano Po mouth: • A better structuring of the course, favouring an increase of tourist presences, would allow a major economic sustainability, deriving from the reduction of the costs related to sailing and cycling. • The private operator, facing bigger presences and the consequent increase of businesses, would be able to decreasing costs for the service. • This course also could be usable in a continuous and segmented way, also by individuals and small groups. 10
POINTS OF STRENGHT AND CRITICALITIES Itinerary of 28th May 2011: Estensi’s Delizie along Volano Po: from Ferrara to Villa Mensa: • Necessity of infrastructural interventions and logistic and organizational improvements along the course from Ferrara to Villa Mensa. • The increase of the attractiveness of places, deriving from infrastructural interventions as well as from proposed logistic and organizational improvements, will stimulate its fruition. • Facing an increase of tourist presences, the consequent structuring of the course and the related increase of the economic sustainability, deriving from the decrease of costs related to sailing, is hypothesized. 11
POINTS OF STRENGHT AND CRITICALITIES Itinerary of 29th May 2011: History and nature in the middle lands: from Tresigallo, XX Century Town, to Massafiscaglia, for the River Party • main organizational difficulties were found from Migliaro to Massafiscaglia, because of the lack of a cycle path and a safe course, • a mixed course, white roads as well as very low traffic asphalt roads have been followed. 12
SPECIFIC RESULTS • Organization of new river tourist courses for the fruition of Volano Po • Creation of new services for river tourism • To Increase of the number of tourists in the Delta area and to increase the use of eco-friendly means of transport for the fruition of the river and the territorial resources 13
Main outputs: • N. 200 participants to the experimental intermodal itineraries (sold out) • N. 350 participants to the River Party • N. 2000 leaflets • N. 100 posters • N. 500 roadbooks
STRATEGIC RESULTS Fundamental to realize this and other itineraries was the collaboration with the different economic operators of the territory, showing the necessity of a tight synergy between public and private sectors for a successful event. • The strategy followed in the implementation of the pilot project led to the creation of a regional network for the development of river tourism products. It operates under two directives: • Events Program for the promotion and development of the river area. • Realization of a river tour for houseboats that touches all areas involved in the project and the construction of operative bases for boats (with the collaboration of Ferrara province and a specialized company). 8 houseboats are ready to start with this important new tourism offer for the Po Volano river. Name, Place
Thanksforyourattention GIANCARLO MALACARNE DELTA 2000 Strada Luigia 8 44020 San Giovanni di Ostellato (FE) Tel. 0533 57693 -4 @ deltaduemila@tin.it