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A laboratory demonstration of high dynamic range imaging using single-mode fiber pupil remapping system FIRST. T. Kotani a,b , S. Lacour b , E. Choque b , G. Perrin b , P. Fedou b. a ISAS/JAXA, b LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, section Meudon, France. Lenslet array. Single-mode fibers.
A laboratory demonstration of high dynamic range imaging using single-mode fiber pupil remapping system FIRST T. Kotania,b, S. Lacourb, E. Choqueb, G. Perrinb, P. Fedoub aISAS/JAXA, bLESIA, Observatoire de Paris, section Meudon, France Lenslet array Single-mode fibers Flat wavefront after calibration Non-Redundant Array + Spatially Filtered Wavefront Redundant Array + Corrugated Wavefront 1D non-redundant array Reconstruction fromvisibility measurements 2D-Fiber Array Interferogram CCD Image First lab-demonstration of image reconstruction by using a pupil remapping system
A Wavefront Correction System for SPICA Coronagraph Instrument T. Kotani1, K. Enya1, T. Nakagawa1, L. Abe2, T. Miyata3, S. Sako3, T. Nakamura3, K. Haze1,4, S. Higuchi1,3, Y. Tange5 1: ISAS/JAXA; 2: Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis; 3: University of Tokyo; 4: The Graduate University for Advanced Studies; 5: EORC/JAXA SPICA telescope Candidate Pupil Mask 3D layout of Coronagraph Optics SPICA and Coronagraph Instrument - SPICA is the Japanese led, joint JAXA-ESA mission - 3-meter class cryogenic space telescope - Coronagraph Instrument for characterization of Jovian planets from 3.5 to 27 μm - High-contrast imaging and spectroscopy (R=200) up to 106 contrast PSF Wavefront correction system Over 106 contrast at 3.5 ~10 λ/D After Speckle nulling Before Speckle nulling • MEMS deformable mirror (DM) and • afast tip-tilt correction system • - will have a potential of higher contrast than coronagraphs of JWST Speckle Nulling Demonstration - Laboratory testbed (at room temperature) - Contrast of over 106 from 3.5 to 10 λ/D region - Cryogenic test-bed is being built at JAXA over 106 contrast from 3.5 to 10 λ/D 10 λ/D
All Sky Transit Observer (ASTrO) • Spacecraft with 24 cameras (10 cm) @ L2 • Operation at 1.6 mm emphasizes M stars • Continuously monitor 24% of sky for 60d • 2 million stars in unconfused sky (>60%) • >2,000 planets overall; >150 rocky planets in/near HZ of nearby M stars • Bright targets for spectroscopic follow-up • No new technology • Probe Class, $500-600M, dep. on launch vehicle
Dynamical stability in the habitable zones of nearby extrasolar planetary systems Poster 54 B. Funk1, E. Pilat-Lohinger2, Á. Süli1, R. Schwarz2, S. Eggl2 1: Department of Astronomy - Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest 2: Institute for Astronomy - University of Vienna http://www.univie.ac.at/adg/hzcat/ This investigation tackles the dynamical stability of potential additional terrestrial planets in nearby (within 30 pc) extrasolar planetary systems.
Ground-based Transmission Spectrocopy Project with the Subaru HDS • Norio Narita (NAOJ) and the Subaru HDS collaboration Other targets and nights: HD189733b: 2 nights (2009) HD149026b: 2 nights (2009) HAT-P-2b: 1 night (2009) HD17156b: 1 night (2009) HD80606b: 1 night (2010) Poster No.81 • Result of HD189733b: 2007 July 12
Poster No.82 Discovery of a Retrograde Exoplanet Narita N., Sato B., Hirano T., Tamura M. (2009) PASJ Letters, Vol. 61, L35-L40 (arXiv:0908.1673) The Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect of HAT-P-7b
Habitable planets in compact close-in planetary systems R. Schwarz1, B. Funk2,E. Pilat Lohinger1 1: Institute for Astronomy – University of Vienna, Austria 2: Department of Astronomy – Eötvös University, Budapest Poster Nr. 53 The scheme for the three different models: (upper graph) stability for a compact close-in systems with 11planets with a star of 0.3 Msun (middle graph) stability of planets in the HZ for 0.3 Msun and 0.5 Msun (lower graph).
SIM-Lite Instrument Description, Operation and Performance • SIM Lite would search about 60-100 nearby Sun-like stars for planets of mass down to one Earth mass, in the Habitable Zone. • SIM-Lite will also perform global astrometry on a variety of astrophysics objects, reaching 4 μas absolute position and parallax measurement accuracy on objects brighter than 16th visual magnitude and 10 μas at magnitude 20. • The instrument consists of: • A 6m Optical Michelson stellar interferometer • A 4.2m “Guide” Michelson stellar interferometer • A 30cm “Guide” Telescope. • The first interferometer chopsbetween the target star and a set of reference stars. • The second interferometer monitors the attitude of the instrument in the direction of the target star. • The telescope monitors the attitude of the instrument in the other two directions. Science Guide 1 Guide 2 Guide 4.2-meter Baseline Guide 1 Science R2 Bay 1 R1 R3 Science 6-meter Baseline T R4 Astrometric Beam Combiners Bay 2 Renaud Goullioud