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Discover the journey of William Johns, a young classical guitar virtuoso breaking boundaries in the music world. Learn about his unique approach to citizenship and passion for the delicate, expressive instrument. Follow his international success as he embarks on a tour down under.
Polar Opposites Steps & Example
News Article: Visiting Guitarist • William Johns--young superstar of the classical guitar--considers himself to be a Euro-American or world citizen. “Music, rather than artificial national boundaries, determines my citizenry,” he declared.
The 27-year-old Johns left high school in Davenport, Iowa at the age of 16 to study with master guitarists in Britain and Europe. “I don’t have much formal education,” he boasted. “Had I stayed in school, I probably wouldn’t have anything anyway,” he snickered. “I was totatally absorbed in music.” Describing his love of the classical guitar, Johns commented, “It is a very delicate, expressive, soft-spoken instrument.”“In fact,” he charged, “I don’t believe any really sensitive person could be deaf to its charms.” William Johns cont’d
Johns appeared at Carnegie Hall on Friday and Saturday. He leaves the United States tomorrow to begin a two month tour of Australia and New Zealand. “I’m sure my show will be well received,” he bragged, “because my records have always enjoyed good sales overseas.” William Johns cont’d
Polar Opposites • Directions: Place an X closest to the adjective that you feel most accurately describes Johns. Why? • 1. Warm __ __ __ __ __ Cold • 2. Modest __ __ __ __ __ Conceited • 3. Likeable __ __ __ __ __ Unlikeable
References • Bean, T. W., Readence, J. E., & Baldwin, R. S. (2011). Content arealiteracy: An integrated approach (10th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. • Vaughan, J. L., Anders, P. L. (Eds.). (1980). Research on reading in secondary schools:Monograph No. 5 (p. 68). Tuscon, AZ: Reading Department, University of Arizona.
Testing ( with John Oliver) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6lyURyVz7k • Your turn: In teams of 4: create a 5 item Polar Opposite Frame for this video. Exchange with the other pair. Remember to be able to defend your position