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Technology Partners to Architects and Designers throughout the North West

Technology Partners to Architects and Designers throughout the North West. Neil Taylor - Smart Home Consultant. “CEDIA’s members specialise in the Planning, Design and Installation of Automated Electronic Systems for the Modern Intelligent Home”.

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Technology Partners to Architects and Designers throughout the North West

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Technology Partners to Architects and Designers throughout the North West Neil Taylor - Smart Home Consultant

  2. “CEDIA’s members specialise in the Planning, Design and Installation of Automated Electronic Systems for the Modern Intelligent Home” Electronic Systems Professional Members since 2006 CEDIA Qualifications Level 1 Certified Installers Level 1 Systems Designer - 96% - Highest Score Ever Home Cinema Designer Home Networks Qualified to deliver RIBA CPD Training

  3. Multiroom Music Home Cinema Intelligent Lighting Home Security Heating, Ventilation and Automation

  4. CAD Design

  5. CAD Design

  6. CAD Design

  7. Multiroom Music Design meets Reality

  8. ? Why work with We’ll delight your client. We’ll manage your project. We’ll mark up your CAD drawings.

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