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SEARCH Implementation

SEARCH Implementation. Presentation SEARCH Open Science Meeting Seattle, Washington Wednesday, October 29, 2003. Jamie Morison Polar Science Center, University of Washington morison@apl.washington.edu. SEARCH. Motivation

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SEARCH Implementation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SEARCH Implementation Presentation SEARCH Open Science Meeting Seattle, Washington Wednesday, October 29, 2003 Jamie Morison Polar Science Center, University of Washington morison@apl.washington.edu

  2. SEARCH Motivation Axiom - The Arctic has been characterized in recent decades by a complex of significant, interrelated, pan-Arctic changes (Unaami). Hypothesis 1 - Unaami is related to a spin up of the atmospheric Polar Vortex. Hypothesis 2 - Unaami is a component of climate change. Hypothesis 3 - Feedbacks among the ocean, the land, and the atmosphere are critical to Unaami. Hypothesis 4 - The physical changes of Unaami have large impacts on the Arctic ecosystems and society. Implementation To test these hypotheses and help society deal with change requires a program long-term, large-scale observations, analysis, and modeling.

  3. SEARCHImplementation Strategy http://psc.apl.washington.edu/search/index.html Activities http://psc.apl.washington.edu/search/Activities/activities.html

  4. ASR - Arctic System Reanalysis

  5. SSC Present and New (2004) Present SSC Jamie Morison (Chair) Lou Codispoti (ExCom) Jim Overland (ExCom) Mark Serreze (ExCom) Vera Alexander Tom Delworth Bob Dickson Hajo Eicken Jackie Grebmeier Konrad Hughen George Hunt Jack Kruse Dennis Lettenmaier Dave McGuire Peter Schlosser Gus Shaver John Walsh New SSC Peter Schlosser (Chair) Larry Hamilton (Vice-Chair) Jamie Morison (Past Chair) Bob Dickson Jennifer Francis Jackie Grebmeier Konrad Hughen George Hunt Dennis Lettenmaier Jim Maslanik Dave McGuire Peter Rhines Gus Shaver Koni Steffen John Walsh Past Members: Dave Battisti, Ed Carmack - Humphrey Melling, Doug Martinson, Jonathan Overpeck, Charlie Vorosmarty

  6. DQU: Detecting and Quantifying Unaami and Other Modes of Variability Use paleoclimate, historical, archeological records as well as more recent observations to better define the scope of Unaami and its relation to other modes of variability.

  7. DQU Proxy Sites

  8. DTO: Distributed Terrestrial Observatories Make large-scale atmospheric, hydrological, glaciological, and ecosystem observations in the terrestrial environment.

  9. Distributed Terrestrial Observatories

  10. DMO: Distributed Marine Observatories Make large-scale atmospheric, oceanographic, sea ice and ecosystem observations in the marine environment.

  11. Distributed Marine Observatories

  12. LAO: Large-scale Atmospheric Observatories Make large-scale atmospheric observations beyond the the marine or terrestrial observing systems.

  13. Large-scale Atmospheric Observatories

  14. LGC: Linkages and Global Coupling Use modeling and analysis * to elucidate the connections between Unaami and global climate and the connections within the arctic system as they pertain to Unaami. * use DQU, DMU, DTO, process studies as required

  15. ASR: Arctic System Reanalysis A program of data assimilation and modeling to develop optimum estimates of difficult or impossible to observe critical parameters of the arctic system.

  16. ASR: Arctic System Reanalysis

  17. SEI: Social and Economic Interaction Examine the interactions of the physical and biological elements of Unaami and the social and economic systems within the context of other forces of social change.

  18. SOR: Social Response Research social and economic adaptation to climate change in the past and apply research on Unaami to economic and social concerns in the future. Find ways to communicate the results of SEARCH to decision makers.

  19. SEI, SOR and Co-ops Decision Makers SEI SOR Information Community Co-ops Industry Co-ops

  20. Implementation “Opportunities” Internationalization Necessary. How do we do it? Fidelity of Action with Plans Important for a coordinated long-term program. How do we do it?

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