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Local Officers Training Seminar. The Basics. Local Officership 101. Army JARGON !. SS JS CSM CT CS YPSM CCG MS. WS RS HL/HLS CCM/LOM B/M S/L O & R P & P. DHQ DC DYS DMD CO CC PCC LO. The Body Of Christ. Spiritual Gifts. Affirmation for your LO role.
Local Officers Training Seminar
TheBasics LocalOfficership101 T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
ArmyJARGON! • SS • JS • CSM • CT • CS • YPSM • CCG • MS • WS • RS • HL/HLS • CCM/LOM • B/M • S/L • O & R • P & P • DHQ • DC • DYS • DMD • CO • CC • PCC • LO T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
The Body Of Christ T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Spiritual Gifts Affirmation for your LO role T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
TheMinistryofLocalOfficership • Ministry to the Body of Christ • Ministry = Service • Prayer • Growing as a disciple of Christ T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
The Character of a Local Officer EmpowerActs 1:8 Encourage I Thessalonians 4:18 EquipMatthew 28:18-20 Excellence Colossians 3:23 Commitment II Chronicles 16:9a PassionTitus 2:14 ServiceEph 6:7 CommunityActs 2:42,44 T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Local Officer as Supporter • Support role to Corps Officer • How? • Not a one man show! • As corps grows, needs are met • Support/care of the Body of Christ • Under general direction and oversight of the corps officer T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
What is a Local Officer? A Local Officer Is: • A Salvation Army soldier • Willing to accept a position of responsibility and leadership in a corps • Non-paid ministry leader position • One of at least 68 local officer positions in the O&R T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
General Qualifications for Local Officership • Character (1 Timothy, 1 Peter 5, Hebrews 13, Titus 3:1-2) • Godly (devoted to God) • Loyal • Devoted Salvationist • Men and women equally eligible • Possess some ability / spiritual gift for the position • Always seeking ways to equip themselves further for specific role T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Conditions of Local Officership Seniorsoldier Obedient to The Orders and Regulations for Soldiers Regularcorpsattendance Assist in the salvation of the people Christianwitness T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Local Officer Responsibilities Compliance with the corps officer and O&R Regulartithing Wear full Salvation Army uniform T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Be encouraged! You can and do make a difference!In your corpsIn your community. T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Local Officership 201 Teamwork T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Team Building Activity T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
DebriefingQuestions • How important was teamwork in this task? What would have happened if the team members could or would not work together? • What kinds of things did you have to do in order to work together as a team? What kinds of skills did you use? • Did different people naturally take on certain roles during the task? (ex: encourager, coach, organizer, task-master) T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
One Body, Many PartsI Corinthians 12:12 Challenge: Tie your shoes... Without Using Your Thumbs T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
CorpsGroupDiscussion(Take Notes) • What does is mean to say that we are a corps team? • What should we be working together to accomplish? • What are we actually working together to accomplish? • What strengths do we each bring to the table? • Where are some areas where we each can improve to better support each other? Each team member should answer for themself. T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Active D I Active, TaskOriented Active, People Oriented People Oriented Task Oriented Passive, People Oriented Passive, Task Oriented C S Passive Disc Profiles T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
The Power of Love • Read I Corinthians 13 out loud in your corps groups. • Look at the context. Both chapters 12 and 14 discuss spiritual gifts. Why do you think the author put a discussion about love in the midst of this? • Look at vs. 4-8. What do you think is the most powerful characteristic of love? T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
TheImportanceofLove(Discuss in Groups) • Local officers, what could you do to show love for (and support of) your corps officer? • Corps officers, what could you do to show love for (and support of) your local officers? • In your discussion, offer affirmation about the kinds of things you are already doing to show love and support for one another. T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
The Power of Prayer “ Be alert, and always keep praying for all the saints.” -Ephesians 6:18b • Spend a moment developing a short prayer list. • Spend some time in prayer: □In adoration of God for who he is. □ In confession of God as Lord, and of your own sinfulness. □ In petition for the needs on the list, lifting up one another in. ---prayer □ In thanksgiving for all that God has done, is doing, and will do. • Commit to praying for this list, and each other, daily. • If you have not already done so, plan a regular time to meet together for prayer. T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Local Officership 301 Defining Our Roles T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
DivisionalCommander (Ex Oficio) Corps Officer Corps Sergeant Major Corps Treasurer Corps Secretary Recruiting Sergeant Young People’s Sergeant Major Corps Cadet Guardian Bandmaster Songster Leader Home League Secretary Youth Group Leader Over-60 Club Secretary Stewardship Secretary The Pastoral Care Council Includes: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Pray for the corps Pastoral care Use consensus Meet quarterly, annually, and on specific occasions Vote Break Confidentiality Give uneven Authority The Pastoral Care Council Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Divisional Commander (Ex Oficio) Corps Officer All members of the Pastoral Care Committee Up to seven other members, including young people and friends of the Army May form subcommittees for special purposes Corps Council members who are not part of the Pastoral Care Committee serve one year terms The Corps Council Includes: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Advise and assist the CO Event planning and support Meet at least once a quarter Make policies Hold authority over the corps officer Run every corps program The Corps Council Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Act as senior LO Assist with meetings Coordinate outreach efforts Temporarily command corps in the CO’s absence Speak on the CO’s behalf w/o permission Supervise all LOs Do everything The Corps Sergeant Major (CSM) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Keep financial records Educate corps members Promote giving Control corps funds Borrow corps funds Audit corps finances Count collection money alone The Corps Treasurer (CT) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Oversee corps records Filing Report preparation Share confidential records Withhold public records The Corps Secretary (CS) Does Not: Does: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Help coordinate and supervise youth programs Youth worker support Pastoral care of youth Teacheverything Make all the decisions about youth The Young People’s Sergeant Major (YPSM) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Corps Cadet Counselor Youth leadership development Paperwork Take personal interest Recruiting Grade Corps Cadet tests Issue certificates of completion. The Corps Cadet Guardian (CCG) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Report on other countries Mobilize mission resources Works with the corps treasurer Work without the corps treasurer Request missions offering in place of tithe The Missionary Sergeant (MS) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Visitor greeting Visitor follow-up Works with the recruiting sergeant Coerce visitors Show partiality to certain visitors over others The Welcome Sergeant (WS) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Discipleship Follow-up Teaching Prospective candidate preparation Coerce visitors Do personal discipleship with everyone The Recruiting Sergeant (RS) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Programplanning Personal contact Work with the CO Work without the CO Work without the HL committee The Home League Secretary (HLS) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Also League of Mercy Secretary (LOMS) Coordinate visitation Recruits Works with the CO Plan visits without the CO Order gifts without the CO Show partiality The Community Care Ministries Secretary (CCS) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Coordinate all brass music Spiritual leadership Leads the band Trains re-enforcements Work with the CO Receive pay Act without CO Show partiality The Bandmaster (B/M) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Coordinates all vocal musicians Spiritual leadership Leads the songsters Trains re-enforcements Work with the CO Receive pay Act without the CO Show partiality The Songster Leader (S/L) Does: Does Not: T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Other Important Positions T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Men’s Ministry Coordinator • An important but neglected position • Under Sergeants for Specific Duties in the O&R. • Develop job as necessary • Male recruitment and discipleship T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Women’s Ministry Secretary • Under Sergeants for Specific Duties in the O&R. • Oversee all women’s programs • New women’s programs for fellowship and discipleship • Develop job description as necessary T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Worship Leader • A music leader • Coordinates with CO and other music leaders • Worship planning • Develop job description as necessary T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
A Place ForEveryone To Serve! T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar
Individual Job Descriptions T.E.A.M. Discipleship and Leadership Development- Local Officers Training Seminar