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Advocacy 2.0 Creating a New OS for Advocacy. Carol Anne Costible -Heming, Univ. of North Texas Dawn Samples, Lexington School District One, SC. Essential questions for today. Identify – What is advocacy? What builds advocacy on a daily basis?
Advocacy 2.0Creating a New OS for Advocacy Carol Anne Costible-Heming, Univ. of North Texas Dawn Samples, Lexington School District One, SC SCOLT 2013 Birmingham, AL
Essential questions for today Identify – What is advocacy? What builds advocacy on a daily basis? What is our vision or goal for advocating in our schools/districts? What are our advocacy needs? What are our advocacy resources?
Goals for today Identify/discuss what we are already doing right. Identify what we might be capable of doing more of immediately. Identify what our needs are to make advocacy more systematic and systemic in our daily operations. Walk away with new ideas, a plan and a reflection of our role as advocators for WL’s
Every drop makes a difference… What are we currently doing in our school/districts to advocate for our programs? For our profession? For the need to learn another language?
How To Vote via Texting EXAMPLE Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20) We have no access to your phone number Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIPS
How To Vote via PollEv.com EXAMPLE Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIP
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Is this your first SCOLT conference?
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever gone to a school board mee...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever presented at a board meeti...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever voted in an election?
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever gone to a PTA meeting?
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever gone to your department ch...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever held parent informtion mee...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Have you ever advocated to recruit for l...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Do you know who your decision makers are...
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Do you attend your state conference?
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Do you attend your state AAT meeting?
Don’t forget: You can copy-paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Are you part of any profesional organiza...
What does this data tell us so far about our daily advocacy practices?
Think, pair, share… Classroom/student level? Course recruitment? Building level? District level? Community/parents level? State? Region? National levels?
National Level JNCL-NCLIS ACTFL Advocacy Resources NELL NADSFL NCSSFL US House of Representatives US Senate See information from Dr. Bill Rivers, JNCL on SCOLT’s wikispace(scolt13.wikispaces.com)
Regional Level SCOLT Central States Conference on Language Teaching (All regional conferences – NECTFL, SWCOLT, etc…)
State Level, cont. SCFLTA TFLA TFLTA Virgin Islands Modern Foreign Language Association WVFLTA
What are your successes? You have 3 minutes to brainstorm and write down as MANY successes you have had OR HEARD OF, with regard to advocacy at any level.
Reflection What is our vision? How do we address these needs?
What is your plan… When you walk away from this conference, what will you commit to trying upon your return to advocate for world language? Who do you need to contact? What information do you need to know more about? How can SCOLT or your state organization assist you in this plan?
Contact us: • Dawn Samples, Coordinator for World Languages and Partial Immersion, Lexington School District One, SC • dsamples@lexington1.net • Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, University of North Texas