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More Ornithology Practice. Numero dos 1/4/10. A. B. Passeriformes; Parulidae; Icteria virens (Yellow-breasted Chat) Large size, stout bill, long tail; display flight--hovering with slow, deep-flapping wings and dangling feet; also mimics other birds’ songs.
More Ornithology Practice Numero dos 1/4/10
A B • Passeriformes; Parulidae; Icteria virens (Yellow-breasted Chat) • Large size, stout bill, long tail; display flight--hovering with slow, deep-flapping wings and dangling feet; also mimics other birds’ songs. • Habitat loss from deforestation, which also leads to increased brood parasitism from Brown-headed Cowbirds
A B C • A: Charadriiformes, Jacanidae, Jacana spinosa (Jacana spinosa) • B: Charadriiformes, Recurvirostridae, Recurvirostraamericana (American Avocet) • C: Gruiformes, Rallidae, Rallus longirostris (Clapper Rail) • Extreeeeeemely long toes and claws allow it to walk on floating plantsappears to walk on water • Breeding adult has entire head and neck a darker rusty color. Winter adult has gray head and neck. • “Saltmarshes and mangrove swamps”
Piciformes; Picidae; Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker) • Females—no colored stripe on chin area. • Mainly ants, also other insects. Forages on ground and uses long tongue to catch food. • Rising and falling, alternating flapping and gliding.
=O • Passeriformes; Tyrannidae; Tyrannus verticalis (Western Kingbird) • Pastures on the resulting land = lots of insects! • In trees or similar manmade things (poles, fence posts) • Wool, cotton, hair, feathers, cloth
A B • Both: Passeriformes; A: Icteridae, Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Bobolink); B: Emberizidae, Calamospiza melanocorys (Lark Bunting) • Only American bird with white on back and black below. Yellowish with brown streaks and stripes on crown. • Grasslands and meadows • Colorado • Attempting to drink from livestock water tanks.
Passeriformes; Alaudidae; Eremophila alpestris (Horned Lark) • Walking/running • Adults usually eat seeds, but feed insects to young • Open land—colonizes mowed areas around airports
Passeriformes; Emberizidae; Calcarius lapponicus (Lapland Longspur) • Black face and chest, yellowy eyestripe • Arctic tundra! • Longspur = elongated hind toe
Passeriformes; Cinclidae; Cinclus mexicanus (American Dipper) • Low metabolic rate, extra oxygen-carrying capacity in its blood, and a thick coat of feathers (yes, plagiarism =\) • In swift streams—swims and walks along river bottom • Domed/ball-like structure with two shells
A B B • Falconiformes!; Acciptridae; Buteo swainsoni (Swainson’s Hawk) • Western Kingbird, but I meant to ask for family here. Lo siento. Most likely defending its territory from that pesky intruding hawk. • Older ones kill and eat the younger ones… • Open grasslands, farmlands, shrublands
Passeriformes; Fringillidae; Coccothraustes vespertinus (Evening Grosbeak) • Coniferous forests • Crack open large seeds • Sunflower seeds