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Pupil Transportation Report

VAPT June 24, 2011. Pupil Transportation Report. Data can be used for future projections Data is used in determining the funding for transportation, which is included in Basic Aid. Why Prepare the PTR?. Completed once a year

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Pupil Transportation Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VAPT June 24, 2011 Pupil Transportation Report

  2. Data can be used for future projections Data is used in determining the funding for transportation, which is included in Basic Aid Why Prepare the PTR?

  3. Completed once a year Due to DOE in December (can’t be prepared until Annual School Report data is submitted) The Transportation Report

  4. Pupil Transportation Application

  5. Regular Transportation Mileage – miles traveled with pupils on board to and from school and not classified in any other classification. Exclusive Transportation Mileage – miles traveled to and from school with pupils who require a separate form of transportation service on exclusive schedule buses. Categories

  6. Special Trips mileage – miles traveled for special activities such as field trips, athletic trips, etc. Federal Programs mileage – miles traveled for programs funded with federal funds Categories

  7. Between School mileage – miles travel with students on board between schools during the regular school day for instructional programs Summer School mileage – miles traveled to transport students to and from summer school instructional programs Categories

  8. Deadhead mileage – miles traveled without students on board Example: Driver parks bus at home, picks up first student 5 miles later – 5 miles are deadhead miles Categories

  9. ONLY include Bus Attendants/Aides salaries and benefits Do not include the salaries/benefits of drivers School Bus Attendants S/Bus Attendants Sal & Benefits ______________

  10. Per Mile Cost is determined as follows: (Operational Cost – (School Bus Attendants Sal & Benefits)) / number of miles Example: ($995,643.04 – $15,000)/ 712,200 = $1.3769 The School Bus Attendants Salaries & Benefits are added to Exclusive Costs, which increases the Per Mile Cost ( ) Calculation of Per Mile Cost

  11. Total Cost at bottom of screen must equal the total operational costs shown on top screen. • Special Arrangements (Expenditures for these are reported on the Annual School Report ) • Public Carriers – Expenses for students who ride transit buses, taxis, airplanes, trains, etc. • Private Carriers – Expenses for pupils requiring transportation services other than those provided by exclusive schedule buses. (Example: special needs students who are transported by parents/guardians, or in county vehicles) • If no expenditures, no miles should be reported. Total Costs

  12. Third week of October • Count ridership in the morning • Count ridership in the afternoon • Take the higher of the two • At end of week take an average (total the 5 day highest counts and divide by 5) • Separate categories between regular, exclusive, Pre-K, etc. • This is the count you will report to DOE on your PTR Counting Ridership

  13. Total Ridership – Include all students, pre-k, non-public students, public carrier, private carrier and transportation through contract in the appropriate “boxes.” As data is entered, the counts for Pre-K, private carrier, etc., will be subtracted from the total ridership to determine the K-12 ridership count. Counting Ridership

  14. Will be subtracted Will be subtracted

  15. Prorate the time these students spend in private or public carrier transportation. Example: Student is transported by parent (private carrier) for 15 days of the 180 day year, [15 / 180 = .08] (.08 is reported under private carrier) The remaining .92 is reported under appropriate category, such as regular or exclusive. Special Arrangements Ridership Count

  16. Ridership will be compared to Responsible ADM. Responsible ADM – students the school division is responsible for transporting Ridership should never be higher than Responsible ADM. Comparing Ridership to Average Daily Membership (ADM)

  17. Report the number of buses in your fleet, regular and exclusive, separately. Include spare buses, but do not include those buses that are used for spare parts and will not be returned to operations. Buses

  18. Cost components • Number of Buses in Service • Number of Riders (Unduplicated Count) • Total Costs SOQ Funding Formula

  19. Categories that are included in funding • Regular Transportation • Exclusive Transportation • Special Arrangements • Public Transit • Deadhead Miles • Bus Replacement Funding of Pupil Transportation

  20. Divisions are grouped into similar clusters according to land area (U.S. Census data) and ridership for regular and exclusive. Land AreaPupil Count • Large/Low Ridership 0 – 2000 • Large/Medium Ridership Sq. Miles >= 80 2001-4100 • Large/High Ridership 4101 + • Small/Low Ridership 0 - 2000 • Small/Medium Ridership Sq. Miles <= 80 2001 - 4100 • Small/High Ridership 4101 + Clusters

  21. Regular– 6 clusters to determine prevailing per pupil amount • Exclusive – 5 clusters to determine prevailing per pupil amount • Special Arrangements – one statewide prevailing per pupil amount is calculated • Public Transit – Regular transportation prevailing per pupil amount is used • Note: Clusters are shown in detail on the Pupil Transportation Verification Report and are held constant for the biennium. Clusters

  22. For each of the 6 Regular and 5 Exclusive clusters, the linear weighted average (“prevailing average”) is calculated for both Cost Per Pupil and Buses Per 100 Pupils. The Prevailing Average Cost Per Pupil is also calculated for the Special Arrangement category. SOQ Funding Formula – Prevailing Averages

  23. Regular Transportation Cost / Pupils = Per Pupil Amount $1,165,370.70 / 1,960 = $594.58 A linear weighted average will be compiled from all those in the cluster, to determine a prevailing per pupil amount for the cluster. Examples of Funding Calculation

  24. Exclusive Transportation Cost / Pupils = Per Pupil Amount $7,980.83 / 37 = $215.70 A linear weighted average will be compiled from all those in the cluster, to determine a prevailing per pupil amount for the cluster. Funding Calculations (Cont)

  25. Special Arrangements Cost / Pupils = Per Pupil Amount $8,283 / 5 = $1,656.60 A linear weighted average will be calculated and applied to all school divisions. Funding Calculations (Cont)

  26. Public Transit The prevailing rate for regular transportation is used for public transit. Funding Calculations (Cont)

  27. Each division’s base year ridership is adjusted by its projected growth or decline in ADM. • Projected ridership for each year of the biennium is multiplied by the prevailing average Cost Per Pupil for the division’s cluster. • Example: if the prevailing average regular transportation cost per pupil for division X’s cluster is $500, X’s projected ridership is multiplied by $500. SOQ Funding Formula – Ridership Costs

  28. Deadhead Costs Deadhead costs are prorated back to regular and exclusive. Formula: Total Operational Costs / Regular Operational Costs = % % * Reported Deadhead Costs = Deadhead Costs to be applied to Regular Costs *Note = same for exclusive Funding Calculations (Cont)

  29. Bus Replacement Example: Buses = 43(Based on projected number of students) 43 /15 years (replacement) = 2.86 (number of replacement buses) $77,443 (replacement bus price) * 2.9 = $224,585.59 Note: Type C=63% and Type D=37% of contract A linear weighted average will be computed for all in the cluster. Funding Calculations (Cont)

  30. (Number of regular pupils reported)/100 *prevailing number of regular students per 100 buses/100 • PLUS • (Number of exclusive reported)/100 * prevailing number of exclusive students per 100 buses/100/15 • Times • Contract bus price(includes average weighted price of type c and d) Bus Replacement

  31. Example (regular transportation) • Pupils reported = 1960 • Projected pupils = 1826 • Replacement cycle = 15 yrs • Base year avg. weigh bus cost = $77,443 • 1960/100 = 1.96(individual rate ) *1826 = 3578.96/100 = 35.78 reg. buses • 35.78/15 = 2.38 (this is added to the exclusive calculation) • 2.38 * $77,443 = $184,314.34 added to transportation cost. • Note = same process for exclusive buses Bus Replacement

  32. Group PPA Buses 1 669.29 2.33 2 535.56 1.92 3 436.37 1.41 4 307.99 1.24 5 212.43 0.82 6 371.72 0.98 Example of Cluster AmountsRegular Transportation

  33. Pupil Transportation Superintendent’s Verification Report

  34. The sum of the projected costs based on ridership, bus replacement, and public transit is adjusted by the Composite Index and loaded into the SOQ Model. Pupil Transportation Cost is updated every two years and held constant for the biennium. SOQ Funding Formula – Total Costs

  35. The SOQ Model adds projected transportation cost into each division’s total Basic Aid cost, as calculated by the SOQ Model, then divides by ADM to derive the Basic Aid Per Pupil Amount (PPA). The portion of Basic Aid allocated for Transportation is shown on the “Basic Aid” sheet in the calculation template: SOQ Model Output

  36. SOQ Model Output

  37. The Instruction Manual will be updated and placed on the SSWS system under the PTR You are encouraged to read and review this data before beginning your PTR reporting If you have questions, contact the Pupil Transportation Service at 804-225-2037 Detailed Instructions for Preparing the PTR

  38. Detailed questions concerning funding should be addressed to the Budget Office 804-225-2025 Questions concerning Funding

  39. Questions?

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