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SANDPIPERS. BY SHERRY OWENS. TAXONOMY. CLASS- Aves ORDER- Charadriiformes FAMILY- Scolopacidae. HISTORY. 87 species of sandpipers 23 found in the U.S 11 of which can be seen in KY Found on shores and in wetlands They do not swim Beak and tongue allow to eat “biofilm”.

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  2. TAXONOMY • CLASS- Aves • ORDER- Charadriiformes • FAMILY- Scolopacidae

  3. HISTORY • 87 species of sandpipers • 23 found in the U.S • 11 of which can be seen in KY • Found on shores and in wetlands • They do not swim • Beak and tongue allow to eat “biofilm”

  4. Many breed in the arctic and establish a territory for 2 months Nest in the ground Depend on prairie potholes as a “stopover” At this time they double their weight in a few weeks Can fly 70hrs. At 60mph and cover 2,000 miles MIGRATION

  5. Develop complex plumage for winter and breeding Courtship displays include the “wing up” Pair bond is formed through incubation Re-nesting may occur Male and female participate in nesting One part on nest 95% of the time MATING

  6. Wing-up

  7. Young can feed themselves after hatching However are brooded for 1 week Are accompanied by an adult for 2 weeks YOUNG

  8. Length- 7 in. Small, long, greenish legs Bold white eye ring Dark rump and underwing Clutch Size- 4 Incubation- 23-24 days? Diet: aquatic invertebrates Sexes similar Common migrant in KY SOLITARY SANDPIPERTringa solitaria

  9. Solitary

  10. Length- 10in. Long neck and small head Long yellow legs Thin, short bill Large dark eyes, pale face Black rump, long tail with dark bars Sexes similar Neotropical migrant Breeding- grassland Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 21-27 days Diet: insect Some worms and seeds UPLAND SANDPIPERBartramia longicauda

  11. Upland

  12. Length- 5 in. Dark legs Short, thin bill Thin, white wing stripe Gray crown and cheeks Black back feathers Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 18-22 days Diet: aquatic invertebrates Some seeds SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERCalidris pusilla

  13. Semipalmated

  14. Length- 5.25 in Dark legs White underparts Very similar to semipalmated Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 20-22 days Diet: aquatic invertebrates WESTERN SANDPIPERCalidris mauri

  15. Western

  16. Length- 4.75 in Yellow legs Dark, slightly curved bill Brown head White underparts Brown breast with black spotting Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 19-23 days LEAST SANDPIPERCalidris minutilla

  17. Least

  18. Length- 6.25 in Black legs Short, thin curved bill Long wings Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 21-22 days Diet: aquatic inver. Some plant matter WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERCalidris fuscicollis

  19. White-Rumped

  20. Length- 6 in Black legs Short, thin dark bill Long wings Pale brown head with dark streaks Pale brown breast with white underparts Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 20-22 days Diet: aquatic inver. BAIRD’S SANDPIPERCalidris bairdii

  21. Baird’s

  22. Length- 7.5 in Medium, thin, dark bill Yellow legs Brown head with dark streaks Brown breast w/ fine streaks ending abruptly Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 21-23 days Diet: aquatic invertebrates Some plant matter PECTORAL SANDPIPERCalidris melanotos

  23. Pectoral

  24. Length- 7 in Black legs Curved bill White rump Reddish-brown head, mantle, belly, breast Rare in the U.S. Sexes similar Clutch size-4 Incubation- ? Diet: ? CURLEW SANDPIPERCalidris ferruginea

  25. Curlew

  26. Length- 7.25 in Greenish legs Long bill curved at the tip Reddish-brown crown and cheeks Underparts barred with black Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- 19-21 days Diet: aquatic inver. Some plant matter STILT SANDPIPERCalidris himantopus

  27. Stilt

  28. Length- 6.5 in Yellow legs Short, dark bill Buff plumage Black spots on side of breast White underwings Sexes similar Clutch size- 4 Incubation- ? Diet: aquatic inver. BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERTryngites subruficollis

  29. Buffbreasted

  30. Threats • Pollution • Human development • Loss of habitat • Global warming • International Shorebird Survey Program • U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan

  31. Which Is Which???

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