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FileStore 5.5. FileStore Continues Symantec’s File System Leadership. FileStore. Clustered File System 2000 2008. File System 1991. App. App / Clustered NFS. App. App. CFS. SF. SF. FileStore. Storage Foundation First journaled UNIX file system. CFS
FileStore Continues Symantec’s File System Leadership FileStore Clustered File System 2000 2008 File System 1991 App App / Clustered NFS App App CFS SF SF FileStore Storage Foundation First journaled UNIX file system CFS Mission critical transactional apps (RAC, SAP, Tibco) FileStore Enterprise and high performance file serving 2
Traditional NAS Bottlenecks Limited System Throughput 1 File Server 1 Data Fragmented Across Multiple Filers Clients 2 File Server 2 LAN NDMP Backups are Slooow AV Services Slow Down the LAN 4 3 Backup Server AV Server 3
Introduction to FileStore Customer Advisory
A Scalable Architecture FileStore NAS Storage Arrays NFS FC-SAN / SAS / iSCSI LAN / WAN / Cloud …… Clients CIFS FileStore Core Technology Veritas Cluster File System (…up to 16 nodes) Veritas Cluster Volume Mgr FTP Veritas Cluster Server 5
Delivery Options FileStore can be delivered in two ways: • Soft-appliance: A software package that can be installed on off-the-shelf hardware. • Reference configurations available for major hardware vendors. • OEM: System vendors offer storage solutions based on Symantec FileStore products. 1 2 6
FileStore Key Values Industry Leading Performance / Scalability Built-in Information Services
Exceptional Scaling of Both Performance and Capacity SPECsfs 2008 IOPS Ranking #1 – FileStore – 176,728 ops/sec #2 – BlueArc – 146K ops/sec #3 – HP – 135K ops/sec (using VxFS) #5 – NetApp FAS6080 – 120K ops/sec Linear scaling Performance Scaling: • Industry-leading performance • Up to 16 nodes serving a common set of data • Excellent small and large file performance Capacity Scaling: • 256TB file systems • 200 million files per file system • 2PB clusters Availability: • <20sec failover times 8
An Information Services Platform Anti-Virus Dynamic Storage Tiering Reduce costs with native virus scanning Intelligently move data to low-cost disk (and back) AV Symantec AV Drive Price SSD FileStore SAS SATA Backup Decrease backup windows with embedded NetBackup • Higher performance • Simpler administration • Fewer servers required 9
FileStore – NetBackup Integration Advantages • FileStore ships with an embedded NetBackup SAN Client, which allows customers to run backup jobs directly over a SAN. • The SAN Client has significant advantages over NDMP: • Faster backups: SAN client backups run 5-10x faster than NDMP. • SAN Client @ 400MBps-500MBps / NDMP @ 30MBps-70MBps • Easier configuration/admin: With SAN client pre-installed, a user need not walk through an NDMP configuration and authentication process. • File-level recovery: NetBackup allows fast, simple recovery of files. Decrease backup windows with embedded NetBackup • Higher performance • Simpler administration • Fewer servers required Presentation Identifier Goes Here
FileStore – Symantec AV Integration Advantages • FileStore ships with an embedded Symantec AV client, which enables users to run AV directly on the FileStore cluster. Users can dispense with external AV servers. • Advantages of embedded AV: • Faster file access • Reduce network overhead by 20% • Easier administration: Control AV from the FileStore GUI Reduce costs with native virus scanning AV Symantec AV FileStore Presentation Identifier Goes Here
FileStore – Symantec Storage Tiering Advantages • FileStore users can activate storage tiering, which automatically moves data between disk tiers based on usage patterns. • Advantages of storage tiering: • Reduce storage spending by storing less used files on low-cost disk. • Flexible policies – demote by inactive days; promote by “heat”score Intelligently move data to low-cost disk (and back) Drive Price SSD SAS SATA Presentation Identifier Goes Here
Coming Soon • Enterprise Vault target integration • VMWare optimization – cloning; VCenter integration • DLP integration Presentation Identifier Goes Here
A Flexible NAS Platform That Fits Many Workloads FileStore Customers • Why is FileStore used so broadly? • Performance/feature benefits across workloads. • Easy scaling from small to large workloads. • Best in class price / performance * Internet Game (Live Game Sessions) * Top-10 Internet Retailer (Online Images) * Top-3 Mobile Provider (Media Delivery) Performance Requirement * Regional Hospital (PACS) * University (Document Library) 10TB 2PB Scale Requirement
Appendix Customer Advisory 15
A Hub for the Cloud Web Client Store data on an internal cloud(via FileStore web API) 2 Backup over the cloud(via NetBackup OST) Serve cloud compute platforms(VMDKs on FileStore) 1 3 Internal Cloud NBU Media Server VMWare Hosts Host FileStore Tier data to an external cloud 4 Cloud Gateway Cloud Storage (eg S3) RAID Arrays 16
FileStore - Disk Pools Disk Pools are shared across the FileStore cluster. Snapshots available using Veritas checkpoints. (copy on write). Filesystems can be dynamically resized (grow / shrink). Filesystem size up to 256TB Hundreds of millions of files supported. SCSI-3 LUNs / Shared Storage Storage Pools NFS/CIFS export fs NFS/CIFS export fs NFS/CIFS export fs NFS/CIFS export fs 17
Traditional NAS A/V NFS / CIFS Clients IPNetwork A/V requests go over network Traditional NAS Deployment Servers running Anti-Virus Software Trend / Symantec / McAfee In a traditional NAS architecture, on-demand requests for A/V run over the network using ICAP, to separate servers running A/V software such as Symantec / Trend, etc. 18
SFS Cluster with integrated Anti-Virus Clients SFS Cluster DNS based load balancing NFS / CIFS Access IPNetwork IPNetwork SEP 11 Linux SEP 11 Linux SEP 11 Linux SEP 11 Linux Private Cluster Interconnect • SEP for Linux installed on all SFS nodes • Each node can scan for viruses on-demand or sweep-scan • We can scan multiple protocols: NFS, CIFS, and FTP 19
/current /forecast /2005 /new_app /2004 /history FileStore Storage Tiering • Single name space: • one filesystem. • dual storage tiers. • Administrator defines policy on when to relocate files based on access time. • 30 / 60 / 90 / #x day policy options for atime. • Place files in secondary tiers and promote to primary based on I/O throughput. • Manually move files/folders as needed. • Files go where they should when they should automatically and transparently. /one_file_system /sales /financial /development FC Attach Storage TIER 1 – SSD / FC TIER 2 – SATA FC SATA 20
FileStore NFS connection Management FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n FS Node n VIP13 VIP14 VIP9 VIP10 VIP11 VIP12 VIP15 VIP16 VIP1 VIP2 VIP3 VIP4 VIP7 VIP8 VIP5 VIP6 NFS Clients DNS based load balancing Round Robin DNS provides balanced access to nodes. Evenly allocate Virtual IP addresses across active nodes Administrator can move VIPs to new nodes Always-on NFS/CIFS serving IP addresses NFS shares export on all nodes creating a single namespace VIP failover by VCS VCS Monitored Resources Cluster File System /vx/nfs_share 21
FileStore: CIFS Configuration for file sharing FileStore Clients • All nodes run samba instance • Each instance serves a fs • Node owns the fs • Referrals are used to redirect • Client caches all referrals CIFS / SMB Connections • Directories are not supported as shares (1 share per fs) • Multiple file systems can be used for home directories • For regular (non home-directory) shares • User visible share is a proxy share w/ single target DFS referral • Load balancing is done by moving a VIP w/ its shares to another node • For home-directory shares • Exposed as DFS links (single target DFS referrals) • The target share is the homedir file system & exists on one node • Load balancing is done by moving VIP w/ homedir (all homedirshares) DFS RR DNS FS Node m VIP2 /vx/homedir FS Node q VIP3 FS Node n VIP1 /vx/fsA FileStore Cluster 22
FileStore Replication Overview • FileStore Cluster replication: • Asynchronous file-based replication. • Complete file or block delta transfers. • Multiple filesystems supported with directional reversal. • Uses known rsync for transport between nodes. • Prevents need for separate network configurations to support proprietary protocol. • Uses Veritas technology to know which files changed without walking filesystem. (Veritas FCL). • Destination can be on-line for reads. Updates are applied to non-live FS image (checkpoint) and then ‘flipped’ to live FS. • FileStore Replication pricing and licensing still to be finalized. 23
FileStore Replication In Detail Cluster #1 Cluster #2 /apps source Filesystem /apps Destination Filesystem Replication on Node #1. Block delta or whole files are transferred rsync transport Replication node uses snapshots and the Veritas FCL to monitor changes made to the filesystem NFS or CIFS clients NFS or CIFS clients Replication is performed on a per filesystem basis. Destination Filesystem can be online for reads Changes are then applied to a snapshot and then ‘flipped’ into the live filesystem once update is complete. 24