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Local Authorities Executive Commit-tee’s EU-panel. LGDK, International Network. Local Authorities. CEMR. NALAD Board. The Danish Representation. NALAD Board of Directors. Nordic Co-operation. The Danish Parliament’s Europe Committee. Other national associations (ELAN).
Local Authorities Executive Commit-tee’s EU-panel LGDK, International Network Local Authorities CEMR NALAD Board The Danish Representation NALAD Board of Directors Nordic Co-operation The Danish Parliament’s Europe Committee Other national associations (ELAN) Program Committees Local Government Denmark Dept. of International Relations Brussels /Copenhagen CEEP CLRAE • Local Parties: • ACCD • Municipality of Copenhagen • Municipality of Frederiksberg IULA Committee of the Regions NALAD Dept.’s European Parliament NALAD International Committee European Commission Special Committees
Lobbying in EU institutionsAgenda • LGDK – national and international • Official and unofficial connections in the EU • 3 cases • Convention on the future of Europe • Repretureship of a Danish politician • Town-Twinning Foundation • Observations and conclusions in regard to lobbying in EU institutions
LGDK spheres of influence in the EU-system: • Direct representation in The Committee of the Regions • Co-operation with the Danish members of the European Parliament • Contact to the Commission (working groups, individual cases etc.) • Representation in the Danish ministerial EU special committees • Contact to the Danish Parliament’s European Committee • Representation in several European co-operation arrangements • (CEMR, CEEP, CLRAE, networks in Brussels etc.)
The Danish Parliament’s European Committee The European Parliament The Commission Expert- and working groups LGDK The Committee of Regions Ministries and special committees A “clear” model of LGDK spheres of influence in the decision making procedure of the EU! Denmark Brussels The European Council of Ministers The Danish representation Minister The Press CEEP
Conclusions/ experiences • Documentation/ argumentation is decisive • Messenger service less important • Complexity = possibilities • EU takes time => Personal contact and continuity/ credibility is important. Timing is decisive • LGDK is not a group of private lobbyists, but public interests!!
NALAD representation in national policymaking process on international affairs EU-level National level EU-level Commission Government and central government Parliament Council Government Foreign Policy Committee and the EC-Committee Council decision Commission proposal Committee of European Affairs Special committees NALAD-Representation
Political levels in The European Union ”By-pass”-strategy: Local/regional channels of influence: - Committee of the Regions - Partnerships EU EU influence on local/regional level: - Legislation - Regional policy - Programmes / funds National states ”Go-through”-strategy: Normal national EU decision process Local and regional authorities
Local Authorities EU-Panel IULA Danish Representation European Affairs Committee The Danish Local Government Partners Other national associations LGDK Board of directors CEEP LGDK International Committee BRX. CPH. Department of International Relations Committe of the Regions Political Groups LGDK professional offices European Parlament CEMR European Commission
Brussels Copenhagen - the other way around Big fish in little sea - Lots of actors - Alliances necessary - Changing co-operation patterns - Few actors - Culture known - Permanent co-operation patterns Different environments
LGDK’s political structure Congress 14 regional associations of local authorities Advisory council Committee on technical and environmental affairs Political board 17 members Committee on children and culture Chairmanship 5 members Committee on industrial affairs and administration Chairman 1st deputy chairman 2nd deputy chairman Committee on social affairs and labour market Committee on wages and personnel Committee on international affairs
EU Lobbying Who are the actors • Private company’s - alone or in association with others • Interest organisations - pressure groups • Local and regional representatives of EU member states • Accession countries
Lobbyism – important to remember • You should be well-prepared • You should be professional and understand the connection • You should give information which is easy to understand • Specific examples and experiences are important tools • You should start as early in the process as possible • A good idea to “network”
Committe of Regions Plenary (222) DK 9 pladser President: Bore (GB) (PSE) Vice president: Zaplana (E) (PPE) Ad-hoc udvalg om forretningsordenen Laust Grove Vejlstrup (KL/K) Budget Committee Formand: Stanislaw Tillich (D/PPE) 2 viceformænd (PPE & PSE) Bureau DK 2 pladser Henning Jensen (KL/S) Knud Andersen (ARF/V) Commission for Terretorial Cohesion Policy (COTER) Økonomisk og Social samhørighed Territorial sam- hørighed Strukturfonde Interregionalt og Grænseoverskridende Samarbejde osv. Formand: Rafaelle Fittio (I/PPE) DK-medl.: Henning Jensen (KL/S) Jens K. Mikkelsen (Kbh/S) Vibeke S. Rasmussen (ARF/S) Commission for Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) Beskæftigelse Socialpolitik og social Beskyttelse Lige muligheder Erhvervspolitik, Konkurrence og skatte- forhold Økonomisk og monetær Politik Indre marked osv. Formand: Francisco M. Machado (E/PSE) DK-medl.: Johnny Søtrup (KL/V) Johannes F. Jensen (ARF/S) Vibeke S. Rasmussen (ARF/S) Commission for Substainable Development (DEVE) Miljø og natur- ressourcer Fælles landbrugs- Politik og land- disktriktsudvikling Fiskeri Energi og trans- europæiske Energinet Forbrugerpolitik osv. Formand: Wim v. Gelder (NL/PPE) DK-medl.: Laust Grove Vejlstrup (KL/K) Johannes F. Jensen (ARF/S) Jens K. Mikkelsen (Køb/S) Commission for Culture and Education (EDUC) Kulturel forskellighed Ungdom Sport Uddannelse, læring og udbredelse af Sprog, herunder mindretalssprog Erhversuddannelse Forskning og teknologi, Herunder etiske spørgsmål Informationssamfundet osv. Formand: Henning Jensen (KL/S) (DK/PES) DK-medl.: Lars Abel (ARF/K) Johnny Søtrup (KL/V) Commission for Constitutional Affairs and European Governance (CONST) Europæisk integration og de lokale og regionale myndigheders rolle Iværksættelse og evaluering af EU-Traktaten Institutionelle konsekvenser af udvidelsen Fordeling af kometencerne I EU subsadiaritet osv. Formand: Graham Tope (UK/ELDR) DK-medl.: Knud Andersen (ARF/V) Laust Grove Vejlstrup (KL/K) Helene Lund (KL/SF) Commission for External Relations (RELEX) Udvidelsen, herunder koordinering af de blandede udvalg Euro-middelhavs- partnerskab Den nordlige dimension Den atlantiske dimension Balkan Nord-syd dialog WTO osv. Formand: Christos Paleológos (EL/PSE) DK-medl.: Lars Abel (ARF/K) Helene Lund (KL/SF) Knud Andersen (ARF/V)
EU Lobbying - thinks to remember • Be aware of languages and cultural differences • Think about witch massage is being send • Avoid “glittering” information • Avoid to smart behaviour and exaggerated self-confidence • Know who you are dealing with
Networks • The Danish lobbyist club • ELAN (all local/regional organisations i Brux – each month) • Roundtable discussions • Conferences • Networks on specific areas of interest • briefings