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Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Engaging Multidimensional Learners

This guide provides practical tips on organizing classroom seating, collecting papers, dealing with late work, managing student absences, maintaining discipline, and engaging all students simultaneously. Learn techniques for maximizing teaching time, handling transitions smoothly, and enforcing rules empathetically. Discover ways to support special education students within a structured and inclusive environment.

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Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Engaging Multidimensional Learners

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classroom Management Multidimensional, simultaneous, immediate, unpredictable, public, historical

  2. Organization • How will you organize the seating in your room? • T formation • Rows versus U formation • Children with disabilities (e.g. hearing)

  3. How will you collect papers? • How will you deal with the collection of late papers? • How will you handle the students who were absent the day before in terms of handouts and perhaps returned tests or quizzes?

  4. How will you take roll? • How can you help students come to class with the appropriate books, etc.? • How can you guarantee to start class on time? • How can you assure a high rate of time on task (or engaged time)? • How do you make a smooth transition from one activity to another?

  5. How can you be sure homework is complete without collecting it every day? • How can you engage all the students without putting them on the spot? • How will you deal with students who want to go to the bathroom? nurse? guidance counselor?

  6. How will you deal with late work? • How will you enforce your rules and procedures? • How will you establish a hierarchy of consequences?

  7. How do you avoid discipline problems? • Withitness (overlapping) • How do you demonstrate it? • Group Focus • One person writing on board • Movement Management • How do you pace an activity?

  8. How can you stop misbehavior without involving the entire class? • Eye contact • Proximity control • One-to-one reminder of the rules • Put consequence into effect • Comment on behavior, not the person • Make the punishment fit the “crime”

  9. Token Reinforcement • Contract Programs • Empathetic Listening • Parental contact • POST THE RULES! • MAKE THE RULES KNOWN!

  10. Special Education Students and Discipline • Time limit on suspensions • May not be expelled • Must check IEP for details

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