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Looking to Study in Australia, then explore your dream through Newedge having experts provides you the best guidance and support for pursuing quality education in Australia. Provides you valuable information for studying abroad in Australia including courses, costs, tuition fees, scholarships, visa information and many more. Our Australia study abroad programs provide opportunities to pursue elective and major studies, part time and full time internships.Australia is evolving as one of the prominent destination for students seeking international credentials. Australian economy has undergone a tremendous upheaval in the past decade opening up new sectors of economy for heavy investment thus generating multitude of career opportunities for students. Australian government has shown real zeal in developing Australia into a premier educational destination. Australia’s most active cities are located along the coastlines, and each city has something special to offer. A recent study on students seeking graduate studies abroad, Australia was found to be the third most preferred destination.
WhyAustralia? • Largelandarea,sixth largest countryin the world andhas the lowestpopulationdensityper squarekilometer. • Safelearningenvironment. • Multiculturalsociety. • Relativelywarm climate. • Standardof living& cost isviable. • Part time job opportunities are available. • IELTS,TOEFL,PTE&CAE scoresare acceptable.
Why Australia? • ELICOS(Pre-sessionalEnglish)programsareavailable. • Worldclassqualification. • Studentscan work 40 hours per fortnightwhen the course isin session and40hrs/weekduringscheduledcoursebreaks. • ChancesofgettingPermanentResidencebygathering 60points. • Introductionof newSimplifiedStudentVisaFramework(SSVF) hassimplifiedthevisa process. • PostStudyWorkVisaof2yearsforthestudentswho completeat least 2 academicyears ofdegree(Masters orBachelors)inAustralia. • If studentsstudyinRegionalareasin Australiathey get5extra pointswhich support in achieving60pointsforPR.
TypesofEducationalInstitutions • Colleges • PublicColleges • PrivateColleges Offering • Englishlanguagecourses, • Vocational(work-training)courses, • UniversitypathwayprogramsandBachelors degrees. • Universities • Offering majorlyMaster’s& Bachelor’sdegrees.
Some important domestic groupings are as follows: • These are research intensive universities and are amongst the oldest in Australia. • They are regularly listed towards the top of any ranking scheme that includes Australian universities. • They also: • receive over 70% of national research grants, • employ 80% of university researchers, • produce 60% of research publications, • generate 80% of the most highly cited university publications. • Group of 8(Go8)
Australian Technology Network of Universities(ATN) • This is a grouping of five universities that share a common focus regarding the practical application of tertiary studies and research. • The members are: • Curtin University of Technology • University of South Australia • RMIT University • University of Technology Sydney • Queensland University of Technology
SalientFeatures InternationalRankings
Popular Courses Business, Management & Accounting Education and Teaching Pharmacy Information Technology & ComputerScience Engineering & Project Management Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences Architecture & Urban Planning Hospitality and Tourism MBBS, Nursing andPublic Health
PackagedProgram • AcademicRequirement • Minimum 60%in class12th • IELTSRequirement • Overall6.0with no bandlessthan5.5 • TuitionFees • •AUD19000to26000/year • Intakes • February,July &October
Studyoptionsaftercompleting differentlevelsofeducation COMPLETED LEVEL Year12 leads to STUDYOPTION(S) • Foundation program. • Diploma. • Universityundergraduate(ifacceptableresults) Diploma leadsto • Undergraduateprograminyear2attheUniversity dependingonthe recognition by University. Bachelors Degree leadsto • Bachelors(Honours)degree • Apostgraduate qualification
Illustrativecomparisonof English LanguageProficiencyTests IELTS/ TOEFL/PTE/CAE- allareacceptedin Australia. Each university has different parameterstocheck theequivalenceofTOEFL/PTE. Itis suggestedtocheck therespectiveuniversitywebsiteforcorrectrequirement.
EntryRequirements • Academics • Diploma:Minimum 60% inclass12th. • Bachelors:Minimum academicpercentagerequiredisaround60%+ in class 12th • forthestudentsfromCBSEboardand65%+ forICSE/StateBoard. • Masters:MinimumacademicpercentageinaBachelorsdegreeshouldbesecond classiftheUniversity isfallingunder section 1 and 2 ofthe NOOSR guidelinesor firstclassiftheuniversity isfallingunderthe section3 of the NOOSRguidelines. • Foundation/Packagedprogramareavailableforthestudents whoarenotdirectly eligiblefortheBachelorsProgram.
EntryRequirements • EnglishLanguageRequirement: • Diploma:Overall6.0 with nobandlessthan 5.5 • Bachelors:Overall6.0 with nobandlessthan 5.5 • Masters:Overall6.5withnobandlessthan6.0 Pre-sessionalEnglishLanguageProgram(ELICOS/EAP)isavailableinAustralian UniversitiesforthestudentsnotmeetingtheIELTSrequirementsofthe University.WecanofferEnglishLanguageprogramupto10weeksmaximumat present.MinimumacceptableIELTSscoreisoverall6withnobandslessthan5(for theofferto bepackagedwithELICOS.
FinancialRequirementfor AustralianStudentVisa Total funds tobeshown forvisaareasperthe table. •Tuitionfees •Amountofliving &travelisstandard amountdecidedby the AustralianHigh Commission.
AustralianStudentVisa Requirements: To get a student visa,thestudent: • Shouldhavea validpassport. • Shouldhavean unconditional offer letter&ane-COE for thecourse. If the • student’s finalyear/semesterresultispendingandtheintakeisapproaching, universitiescanissueaconditionalCOEonthebasisofthestudentsperformancein thepastyearsofthedegreecourse.Visacanbefiledonthebasisofaconditional COE. However, the student needstoprovidethe finalresultbefore enrolment. • Submit a studentvisaapplication • PaytheapplicationfeesofA$550using a creditcard equivalentto Rs.29,200. • Should have therequiredamountoffunds througheducationloanorfunds in savingsaccount/FDs,3monthsold(preferred,notmandatory). • The currentexchangerate consideredforcalculatingthe funds is: A$1= Rs. 59
FAQs • 1. Are gaps in education acceptable? • Ans: Gaps after/between education are acceptable, provided the student has some work • experience and proper documents like salary account statements/Form 16 for the same • duration to justify the experience or some justifiable explanation for the gap (like medical • reason etc.) • 2. Are Scholarships available in Australia for International students? • Ans: Yes. But below points need to be considered: • Not all universities provide scholarships. • Scholarships are available for exceptional profiles (students scoring 65-80% throughout) • Approximately 10-25% scholarships are given to International students. • 3. Are Australian Degrees recognized in India or worldwide? • Ans: Yes. • As Indian degrees are recognized in Australia, similarly Australian degrees are recognized • in India. Australian universities are recognized worldwide with almost 21 universities among • the top 400 universities in the world. • 4. What are the work rights of students? • Ans: Students can work for 40 hrs per fortnight during sessions and 40 hrs per week during • vacations. In case students have not exhausted 20 hrs of part time work hours in a week, • they can utilize that in next week, such that any two weeks clubbed should not exceed 40 • hrs.
5. Can student start working as soon as they reach in Australia? Ans. No. Student cannot start working immediately. They can work only after course commencement. 6. Can Dependent(accompanying applicant) work in Australia? Ans: Yes. Dependents can work full time i.e., 40 hrs per week after the student’s course commencement. 7. Can a student change an education provider after reaching Australia? Ans. If the student has not completed 6 months of principal course, and wants to change his education provider, he requires to have permission of existing education provider in order to transfer to another education provider. Moreover, student’s must remain enrolled in courses of the same Australian Qualification Framework (AQF level) (or higher) i.e. no downgrading from Bachelor to Advanced Diploma will be permitted.