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Plant Health in Brazil. Alexandre Moreira Palma Agronomist /Federal Inspector alexandre.palma@agricultura.gov.br dsv@agricultura.gov.br 55.61.3218.2898. PAPAYA EXPORTS TO U.S.A. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Foodsupply.
Plant Health in Brazil Alexandre Moreira Palma Agronomist /Federal Inspector alexandre.palma@agricultura.gov.br dsv@agricultura.gov.br 55.61.3218.2898 PAPAYA EXPORTS TO U.S.A..
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Foodsupply • MISSION: Promoting sustainable development and competitiveness of agribusiness for the benefit of Brazilian society.
Future Vision • To be recognized for the quality and speed in implementing policies and providing services for the sustainable development of agribusiness.
Legislation • Internacional legislation
International Guidelines • The WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) • International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC/FAO), • (recognized by the WTO as a body responsible for standardization of the SPS Agreement) Regional Guidelines • South Cone Plant Health Committee – Cosave • Regional Plant Protection Organization: Brasil, Argentina, • Chile, Paraguai, Uruguai e Bolívia • Plant Protection Commission of Mercosur-SGT-8 and its Working Group
IPPC Text in Brazil • Decree 5759/2006 - promulgates the revised text of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC/FAO) adopted at the 29th Conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO on 17 November 1997.
What is the IPPC/FAO? A multilateral treaty for international cooperation in plant protection. A global tool for hamonization of phytosanitary measures applied in the international trade. The organization designated by WTO/SPS Aggrement to make International Standards on Phytosanitary Measures.
ARTICLE IVGeneral provisions relating to the organizationalArrangements for national plant protection • Each contracting party shall make provision, to the best of its ability, for an official national plant protection organization (NPPO) with the main responsibilities set out in this Article. NPPO Responsabilities • the issuance of certificates relating to the phytosanitary regulations of the importing contracting party for consignments of plants, plant products and other regulated articles; • the surveillance of growing plants, including both areas under cultivation (inter alia fields, plantations, nurseries, gardens, greenhouses and laboratories) and wild flora, and of plants and plant products in storage or in transportation, particularly with the object of reporting the occurrence, outbreak and spread of pests, and of controlling those pests, including the reporting referred to under Article VIII paragraph 1(a); • the inspection of consignments of plants and plant products moving in international traffic and, where appropriate, the inspection of other regulated articles, particularly with the object of preventing the introduction and/or spread of pests;
the disinfestation or disinfection of consignments of plants, plant products and other regulated articles moving in international traffic, to meet phytosanitary requirements; • the protection of endangered areas and the designation, maintenance and surveillance of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence; • the conduct of pest risk analyses; • to ensure through appropriate procedures that the phytosanitary security of consignments after certification regarding composition, substitution and reinfestation is maintained prior to export; • training and development of staff.
Each contracting party shall make provision, to the best of its ability, for the following:. • the distribution of information within the territory of the contracting party regarding regulated pests and the means of their prevention and control; • research and investigation in the field of plant protection; • the issuance of phytosanitary regulations; and • the performance of such other functions as may be required for the implementation of this Convention.
RELEVANT ASPECTS OF PLANT HEALTH(SPS AGREEMENT AND IPPC/FAO1997) • only be applied to the intensity necessary to protecthealth of plants; • technically justified ; • not discriminate among its members; • based on International Standards; • not more restrictive than necessary to achieve the appropriate • level of protection, and • established and managed in a transparent manner.
South Cone Plant Health Committee – Cosave • Regional Plant Protection Organization: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay • Council of Ministers - Ministers of Agriculture (or equivalent) • Steering Committee – NPPOs Directors • Technical working groups : Issues Related to IPPC/FAO/Comission on Phytossanitary Measures, Forestry, Quarantine, Surveillance, Pesticides, etc. • 01 Coordination Secretariat (Ezequiel Fierro-Argentina) www.cosave.org
PURPOSE OF COSAVE • Strengthen regional phytosanitary integration and to develop integrated actions through the harmonization of procedures, standards and phytosanitary requirements of common interest to member countries.
Plant Protection Commission of Mercosur-SGT-8 • MERCOSUR Plant Health (NPPO) directors: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. • Responsible for the technical aspects related to policy and Plant Health in MERCOSUR (SGT-8-Agriculture). • Stablish the phytosanitary requirements for importation of plants and their parts, analyzing the technical proposals prepared by the Permanent Working Group of Plant Quarantine of Mercosur, and propose to SGT-8 draft resolutions on the phytosanitary matters.
Plant Health Department (Departamento de Sanidade Vegetal-DSV)Brazilian National Plant Protection Organization
Ministro Órgãos de assistência Direta Outras Secretarias Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária Departamento de Sanidade Vegetal (ONPF) Outros Departamentos Assist. Técnico Coord. Fiscalização do Trânsito de Vegetais Coord. Geral de Proteção de Plantas Div. Prev. e Controle Div. Quarentena Div. de ARP Div. Contr. e Fisc. do Trânsito Div. Certificação Fitossanitária Serv. de Campanhas e Programas Fitossanitários Serviço de Educação Fitossanitária
DSV as NPPO SDA Normative Instruction No. 9 (17/03/05) • DSV has the responsibilities and functions inherent to National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO), according to Article IV of the IPPC; • DSV is representative in national and international forums where are being discussed plant health issues of interest to Brazil.
Decree N º 7127/2010 - regimental structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply • Art. 15. Plant Health Department: • I - draft guidelines for government action to plant health, in order to contribute to the formulation of agricultural policy;II - plan, coordinate and promote the implementation of activities:a) plant surveillance ;b) prevention and control of pests;c) monitoring the movement of plants;d) promotion of education campaigns and other actions of defense plant; • III - (...)
106 Unidades do Sistema VIGIAGRO • PORTOS - 31 • AEROPORTOS - 26 • FRONTEIRAS - 26 • ADUANAS INTERIORES - 27
Program for Prevention and control of fruit fly - Ceratitis capitata, and eradication of papaya mosaic virus. • Export of papaya to USA from South of Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rio Grande do Norte. • Official recognition of the free areas of Anastrepha grandis in cucurbitcrops in the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceara. Exports to the U.S. and Argentina. • Implementation of Risk Mitigation Systems - Anastrepha grandis in cucurbit crops in the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Goias. Exports to Argentina. • Eradication program - Carambola fly (Bactrocera carambolae), State of Amapá.
Monitoring of fruit flies for export of mangoes to the U.S., Chile, Argentina, Japan and EU. • Citrus: prevention and control of black spot, scab, black fly, greening and citrus canker eradication. • Programs to eradicate the Moko Banana, prevention and control of Banana Moth and Black Sigatoka. • Program for Prevention and Control of Black Sigatoka: Implementation of free areas where the pest is not present and Risk Mitigation System, where the pest was detected.
Increase the number of quarantine stations and restructuring, together with Laboratory Coordination, the network of accredited laboratories; • Gathering information on pests associated with different groups of cultures worldwide, to support the establishment of phytosanitary requirements for trade in plants; • Update of the laws and accreditation of phytosanitary quarantine stations and collaborating centers; • E-cert: Phytosanitary Certificate, Phytosanitary Certificate of Origin, Plant Transit Permit;
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