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To Determine if Technology Can Improve Student Retention & Raise Test Grades?. Presented by Anjum Najmi CECS 5610/030 Final Paper Design. To determine the effectiveness of technology (inspiration software) in improving student retention and raising test grades. Hypothesis.
To Determine if Technology Can Improve Student Retention & Raise Test Grades? Presented by Anjum Najmi CECS 5610/030 Final Paper Design
To determine the effectiveness of technology (inspiration software) in improving student retention and raising test grades. Hypothesis • The study spans over 6 weeks: • One pretest; One post-test • Eight problem solving practice sessions (twice a week, 40 min each) • At week six, the experimental and control groups would be given the post-test (50 min).
Design • Experimental Pre & Post test control group design • R O X O • R O O • Two Independent Variables: • 1. Between-Group (independent variable) • Control Group (not using inspiration software) • Experimental Group (using inspiration software) • 2. Within-Group (independent variable) • “Test” divided into pre & post tests • Dependant Variable: • Student Pre & Post Test Scores
Procedure * Students in thecontrol groupwill copy glossary words from a power-point presentation, write the terms and their definitions in a spiral and use that as a review sheet for learning. * Students in theexperimental groupare to use Inspiration software they will diagram the glossary words, their meanings and their definitions and learn the terms. Internal Validity: The computer grades the multiple choice tests and the Inspiration Diagrams are free from interpretation bias they are either done correctly or not. External Validity: Another teacher should be able to get the same results with the same group of children if the same process is followed.
Sample of Diagram Outline View menu that lists commands file menu a command in edit menu find disk made of flexible plastic that stores data floppy disk place to store documents folder collection of letters numbers etc. font single grid of spreadsheet cell To save document save as Folder File Menu Desktop Font Find Cell Save As
Data Analysis • Mean and Standard Deviations are determined for pre and post test scores • A p < 0.05 significance level is adopted • To check for variances within groups, a homogeneity test can be considered • A two way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine • Determine the average difference between-group Means • Determine the average variance within-groups • F-value is used to reduce the incidence of error • Possible significancebetween groups and within groups would reveal if they are statistically significant enough to be important
Educational Significance • Improves student retention through a step-by-step approach to learning. • Learning more challenging and meaningful • Reducesstudent frustration in learning, as the system would give guidance and feedback during the learning process • This type of learning can benefit other students i.e.special education as it is visual and graphic and easy to follow • Findings can be reported to students, teacher and administrators involved. If positive;a report could be done district wide or during in-service meetings so that other teachers could use the same method in their classrooms
References 1. Chang, Kuo-En & Lin, Shiu-Feng. (2006). Computer-Assisted Learning for Mathematical Problem Solving. Computers and Education.Vol. 46, Issue 2. Pages 140-151.National Taiwan University. Department of Information and Computer Education. Retrieved March 3rd, 2006 from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science? 2. Campbell, D., Stanley, J. (1963). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for ResearchBoston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 3. Liu, Min. (2006) The Effect of a Hypermedia Learning Environment on Middle School Students' Motivation, Attitude, and Science Knowledge. Computers in the Schools.Vol 22, Issue: 3/4 159-171 The Haworth Press, Inc. Retrieved March 6th, 2006 from https://www.haworthpress.com/store/ArticleAbstract.asp?sid=X00GALFRMC8M9L1N5RKQFTPSX1FGAG12&ID=60087 4. Muir-Herzig, Rozalind G. (2004). Technology and its Impact in the Classroom. Computers & Education.Pages 111-131. Volume 42, Issue 2. Retrieved April 2nd, 2006 from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCJ-497YSWN 1/2/c7676ca2e82b6047f30264946da069a9 5. Urdan, Timothy C. (2005). Statistics in Plain English.Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New Jersey.