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CSci 4011. INHERENT LIMITATIONS OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS. RICE ’ S THEOREM. Let P be a language of Turing machine encodings. IF P satisfies the following properties :. For all TMs M 1 and M 2 , where L(M 1 ) = L(M 2 ), 〈M 1 〉 P if and only if 〈M 2 〉 P.
RICE’S THEOREM Let P be a language of Turing machine encodings. IF P satisfies the following properties: For all TMs M1 and M2, where L(M1) = L(M2), 〈M1〉 P if and only if 〈M2〉 P There exist TMs 〈MIN〉 P and 〈MOUT〉 P (i.e. P is a “nontrivialproperty of the r.e. languages.”) THEN P is undecidable. EXTREMELY POWERFUL
EXAMPLES Aε = { 〈M〉 | M is a TM and L(M) = {ε} } CFTM = {〈M〉 | M is a TM and L(M) is context-free} OLTM = {〈M〉 | M is a TM and accepts only odd length strings} Use Rice’s Theorem to prove that Aε , CFTM, and OLTM are undecidable.
Let EH = { 〈M〉 | M is a TM and ∃w. M(w) halts } Rice’s Theorem does not apply to EH: Let M1(s) = “reject.”, M2(s) = “loop forever.” Then L(M1) = L(M2) but 〈M1〉∈ EH and 〈M2〉 EH. EH is undecidable. Proof: HALTTM ≤m EH: ƒ(〈M,w〉) = “PMw(s): if (s w): loop forever. else: return M(s).” WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY!
GREAT RESPONSIBILITY Prove that Rice’s Theorem does not apply to: Let ULTM = { 〈M〉 | M is a TM with a useless state } WRITE-2-1s = { 〈M〉 | M is a TM that writes exactly two ones to its tape on some input} *state q is useless if for all s, M(s) is never in state q
((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))))) Print the next sentence twice, the second time in quotes. “Print the next sentence twice, the second time in quotes.” Can we make a TM that does the same? WARNING: HEADACHES AHEAD
Q Pw Theorem: There is a computable q : Σ* Σ*, where for any string w, q(w) is the description of a TM Pw that on any input, prints out w and then accepts s w w
CM P〈CM〉 A TM THAT PRINTS ITSELF s P〈CM〉 w CM SELF Run the “cannibal maker” on itself!
SELF-REFERENCE UNDECIDABILITY There are problems that no computer can solve INCOMPLETENESS There are true theorems that have no proof
R T THE RECURSION THEOREM Theorem: Let T be a Turing machine that computes a function t : Σ* Σ* Σ*. There is a Turing machine R that computes a function r :Σ* Σ*, where for every w r(w) = t(〈R〉, w) (a,b) t(a,b) w t(〈R〉,w)
s CM T P’〈M〉 , w 〈M,s〉 M M(〈M〉,s) Proof: (a,b) t(a,b) 〈M〉 CM’ 〈M,w〉
s P’〈CM’→T〉 CM’ T , w CM’ T T t(〈P’→CM’→T〉,s) Proof: (a,b) t(a,b) 〈M,w〉 CM’ P’〈CM’→T〉 w t(〈R〉,w)
A Turing machine can obtain its own description and then go on to compute with it • Design TM t(M,w) that assumes M is code for t(w) 2. Use recursion theorem to get TM R(w) = t(〈R〉,w)
Theorem: ATM is undecidable Proof (using the recursion theorem): Assume H decides ATM Construct machine B such that on input w: 1. Obtains, via the recursion theorem, its own description B 2. Runs H on 〈B,w〉 and flips the output Running B on input w does the opposite of what H says it should!
INCOMPLETENESS There are truestatements that have no proof
GREAT LOGICIANS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY James T. Kirk Kurt Gödel “This sentence is a lie.” “This sentence has no proof.” Like Gödel, we will build a formal statement that is true but unprovable
STATEMENTS We want to express mathematical statements, eg: “If x < y and y < z then x < z” ∀ x,y,z [ (x < y) ∧(y < z) → (x < z) ] “There are infinitely many prime numbers” ∀q∃p∀x,y [ p > q ∧ (x,y > 1 → xy p) ]
STATEMENTS We can make a formal grammar for statements: Σ = { ∨, ∧, ¬, [, ], (, ), ∀, ∃, x, R, ;} S →Q [ F ] Q →∀X Q | ∃X Q | ∀X | ∃X F →A | F ∧ F | F ∨ F |¬F | (F) A → RA | R(L) X →xX | x L →X | X; L A statement is a string from this grammar with: nofree variables: if xi appears in F, it appears in Q well-formedrelations: each appearance of Ri has the same number of arguments.
STATEMENTS ∀x1∃x2∃x3[ R1(x1) ∧ R2(x1;x2;x3) ] ∀x1 ∃x2[ R1(x1;x2) ∨ R1(x2;x1) ] ∃x [ R(x) ] NOT STATEMENTS R1(x) ∨¬R2(x) ∀x1[ R(x1; x2) ] ∀x1∃x2[ R(x1) ∧ R(x1;x2) ]
TRUTH & MODELS A modelM is a k-tuple (U, P1, …, Pk) where: U is the universe of values each xi can have P1 … Pk are relations over U M assigns “meaning” or “truth” to a statement: Ri(u1,u2,…) is true iff (u1,u2…) ∈Pi ∀xSis true iff for every x ∈U, S is true ∃xSis true iff for some x ∈U, S is true. ∧,∨,¬ have the usual meanings.
EXAMPLE Let M = (ℝ, {(x,y,z) : x+y=z}). Then: “∀xƎy [ R(y,y,x) ]” is true. “Ǝy∀x [ R(y,y,x) ]” is false. “∀y ∃x [ R(y,x) ]” is ill-formed.
EXAMPLE Let M = (ℕ, {(x,y) : x≤y}, {(x,y,z) : z = x⨉y} ). Then: “∀x ∀y [ R1(y,x) ∨ R1(x,y) ]” is true. “∃y ∀x [ R1(x,y) ]” is false. “∃y ∀x [ R1(y,x,x) ]” is ill-formed.
LANGUAGE & THEORY Let M= (U, P1, …, Pk) be a model. The language of M, L(M) is the set of well-formed statements under M. The theory of M, Th(M) is the set of true statements in L(M).
PROOFS …are sequences of statements that “logically follow” from each other. For example S follows from T in first-order logic if: S is a tautology; or S is an axiom; or S = ∀x T ( where x T); or S ≡ and T ≡ () ∧ (⇒ ); etc… In general, a logic is a decidable subset of S ⨉ S A sequence S1…Sm where for each i, (Sj<i, Si) ∈ or (ε, Si) ∈, is a proof of Smin logic .
Given a logic and a model M, define the set Provable(M) = { S ∈L(M): S has a proof in } Theorem: Provable(M) is Turing recognizable. Proof: Since a proof is just a string, we can check if S is provable by checking all possible proofs:
defis_provable(S): for π in {0,1,00,01,10,11,100,…}: (S1,…,Sm) = parse_as_stmt_list(π) S0 = None is_proof = True for i in{1,…,m}: follows[i] = S[i] ∈L(M) and (S[:i],S[i]) ∈. is_proof = is_proof and follows[i] if (is_proof and (S[m] == S)): return True
INCOMPLETENESS I Theorem: For every TM M and string w, there is a computable formula M,w(x) 2 L(N,+,⨉) such that ∃x M,w(x) is true iff M(w) accepts. Proof: We make a sentence that says “x encodes an accepting computation history of M on w:” (x mod bλ = q0w) ∧ ∀i [ (u = x div biλmod bλ ) ∧ (v = x div b(i+1)λ mod bλ) (u ⇒Mv) ] Ǝλ Ǝj [ x div bj mod b = qaccept ] ∧
INCOMPLETENESS II Theorem: For every TM M and string w, there is a computable formula M,w(x)L(ℕ,+,) such that ƎxM,w(x) is true iff M(w) accepts. Corollary: Th(ℕ, +, ⨉) is undecidable. Proof: Suppose Th(ℕ,+,) was decidable. Then we could write a program accepts to decide ATM as follows: def accepts(M,w): if “Ǝx M,w(x)” Th(ℕ,+, ): return True else: return False
INCOMPLETENESS III Theorem: For every TM M and string w, there is a computable formula M,w(x)L(ℕ,+,) such that Ǝx M,w(x) is true iff M(w) accepts. Corollary: Th(ℕ, +, ⨉) is undecidable. Corollary: There is a sentence in Th(ℕ,+,⨉) that is not provable. Proof: Suppose Th(ℕ,+,⨉) ⊆ Provable(ℕ,+,⨉). Then for all 〈M,w〉, either “∃x M,w(x)”∈Provable or “∀x¬M,w(x)”∈Provable. This gives an algorithm for ATM!
accepts(M,w): In parallel: accept if is_provable(“∃x M,w(x)”) accepts reject if is_provable(“∀x¬M,w(x)”) accepts accepts(M,w) works if is: sound: you cannot prove “false” in . complete: Every true is provable in . This gives “Gödel’s incompleteness theorem:” every logic for (ℕ,+,⨉) is unsound or incomplete.
THIS SLIDE HAS NO PROOF Theorem: the statement ψK,ε≝“∀x ¬K,ε(x)” is true but not provable, where: • K(w) = • Use recursion theorem to obtain code for K • Use code for K to construct K,w(x). • Run is_provable(“∀x ¬K,w(x)”) Proof: Suppose that K(ε) accepts. If is sound, then K(ε) cannot accept. Thus is_provable(ψK,ε) must loop forever without finding a proof. But this means ψK,ε is true: K(ε) does not accept!