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Unit 6

Unit 6. Section 2: Communism vs. Capitalism. Essential Questions. How did capitalism differ from communism? Where was communism spreading?. Capitalism vs. Communism. CAPITALISM -Strong fair market economy is the key to success -Based on FREE MARKET— government=HANDS OFF (laissez-faire)

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Unit 6

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  1. Unit 6 Section 2: Communism vs. Capitalism

  2. Essential Questions • How did capitalism differ from communism? • Where was communism spreading?

  3. Capitalism vs. Communism • CAPITALISM -Strong fair market economy is the key to success -Based on FREE MARKET—government=HANDS OFF (laissez-faire) -Can move up or down in society -Created by Adam Smith • COMMUNISM -No private property -Government owns transportation, factories, communication, etc -Resources are SHARED -People should work for the good of the community, not themselves -Created by Karl Marx

  4. Why do you think most Americans were against communism? (think about what kind of people live in the USA…their origins..etc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIPDJ1Cc_uw (1:30)

  5. Communism in China • China during WWII was in a depression of sorts—the poor were very poor • Mao Zedong encouraged the poor to rise up and rebel, with him as the commander • In 1949, Mao, under the influence of communism, created the government of the People’s Republic of China • Mao formed the Red Guard in which members spied on citizens to make sure everyone followed communist rule

  6. Communism in Cuba • Dictator Fidel Castro received aid in the form of military weapons from the Soviet Union • This led to the creation of communist rule in Cuba, a relatively poor nation

  7. Berlin Wall

  8. Unit 6 Section 3: Origins of the Cold War

  9. Essential Question • Why did the Soviet Union and USA mistrust each other? • How did each country attempt to protect themselves from opposing countries?

  10. Why all of the mistrust? • Soviet leader Stalin had originally agreed to promise free elections in all of the Soviet occupied states after WWII but instead promoted strict pro-Soviet (communist) governments • Stalin did this because he feared that free elections might result in the election of anti-Soviet governments and therefore the loss of land

  11. Mistrust Continued • The United States, on the other hand, believed that Stalin intended on spreading communism world wide and that he needed to be stopped • The theory that if one country turns to communism, others will follow is called the domino theory • This mistrust resulted in the creation of treaty alliances, just in case another war began

  12. Creation of NATO • In 1948, some countries feared a communist takeover. To help prevent this, several countries formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which included the United States, Canada, and 10 Western European nations

  13. Creation of Warsaw Pact • In response to the creation of NATO, the Soviet Union and several European nations formed the Warsaw Pact • “Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance” • Signed on May 14, 1955 in Warsaw, Poland

  14. An Iron Curtain • “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent…”—Winston Churchill • President Truman’s main goal was to contain this iron curtain and to stop communism from spreading, through the policy of containment

  15. Unit 6 Section 4: The U.S. Reacts

  16. Essential Question • How did the United States react to the spread of communism?

  17. Truman Doctrine • Truman, afraid of what communism could do if it spread, created the Truman Doctrine • This document stated that the U.S. would aid any country controlled by communism or non-democratic rule • Essentially, it gave the U.S. the right to intervene in international affairs and promote democracy

  18. HUAC • Fear of communism in the U.S. increased with the creation of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • HUAC targeted people suspected of having any communist ties. • Some were blacklisted, some lost job, some were executed

  19. McCarthyism • Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy supported HUAC and increased American’s fear of communism • He declared that he had a list of 205 State Department officials who were communist. • These charges were never proven, but it did launch a sort of witch hunt for more communist supporters

  20. Propaganda—Duck and Cover • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60

  21. Hollywood and the Cold War • The Hollywood blacklist was the mid-20th-century practice of denying employment to screenwriters, actors, directors, musicians, and other U.S. entertainment professionals because of their suspected political beliefs or associations • This ruined many actors’ careers

  22. Unit 6 Section 5: Arms Race

  23. Essential Question • What effect did the development of nuclear weapons have one peace throughout the world?

  24. From Truman to Eisenhower • Though Truman had taken over the presidency when Roosevelt died, he needed to be elected in 1948 in order to keep his title • After winning the 1948 election, he presented Congress with a package of reforms called the Fair Deal • It called for new projects to create jobs, build public housing, and end racial discrimination in hiring. • Congress, however, blocked his plans • In 1952, Eisenhower won the presidential election by a landslide • Dwight Eisenhower was a World War Two hero

  25. Cold War tensions escalate (Tues) • In 1949, Americans learned that the Soviet Union had produced an atomic bomb • In 1952, to outpace the Soviet Union, the U.S. built a hydrogen bomb (h-bomb) • 3 year later, the Soviet Union tested their own H-bomb • This “race” to build the next most destructive weapon was called the arms race

  26. Space Race (Tues) • In 1957, the superpowers began a space race • The Soviet Union launched the world’s first space satellite, the Sputnik • Why do you think this is important? • This meant the Soviet Union had a missile powerful enough to reach the U.S. • After the Sputnik was launched, U.S. Congress set aside billions of dollars for space research

  27. Brinksmanship (Tues) • While Truman was president, he believed in a policy of containment • However, John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of State under Eisenhower, believed containment was not enough • In 1956, he announced that the U.S. would go to the brink of war to beat communism. • This was known as brinksmanship

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