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Trade and I nvestment Queensland

Trade and I nvestment Queensland. Overview of International Education John Giles 23/6/14. Presentation/Discussion Road Map. Drivers for the sector Australian performance Queensland performance Importance of the regions for Queensland Making the Business Case Measuring impacts

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Trade and I nvestment Queensland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trade and Investment Queensland Overview of International Education John Giles 23/6/14

  2. Presentation/Discussion Road Map • Drivers for the sector • Australian performance • Queensland performance • Importance of the regions for Queensland • Making the Business Case • Measuring impacts • Building the case and engaging stakeholders • Winning support to perform better • Grow the national, state and regional pie • Discussion

  3. Why students come? • Invest in education to achieve national and personal goals • Cost effective investment • English as the world language • Increasing incomes/middle class in Asia • Higher proportion of increasing incomes are invested in education • Demand exceeds supply in home countries • Good quality of Australian education (but expensive)

  4. How does Australia perform? • Main destinations are United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia • Australia punches well above its weight • Australia benefits from Asian demand • High quality education and training • Active marketing (C’wth and States) • Education is big business, third most important Australian export sector ($15b), behind Iron ore and Coal and most important services export

  5. How important is the sector?2013($b)

  6. What are the recent trends?Rate of Change in Commencements Australia and Queensland 2003-2013 % change year on year

  7. How many students?(2013 Enrolments)

  8. Where do students come from? • Over 120++ countries • Top 10 account for nearly 70% • Asia accounts for about 70% (9/10 top ten) • China accounts for nearly 30% for Australia (150,116), 21% for Qld • Important differences between States • Important differences between sectors • Regional differences likely to be important

  9. How does Queensland perform? • International Education the second most important services export for Queensland, behind Tourism • Direct expenditure in Queensland by students on fees and living expenses $2.3 billion in 2013 • Roughly 50/50 on fees and living expenses (housing, food, travel, communications, entertainment)

  10. What is Queensland’s market share?Market share of Commencements by Sector 2003-2013 Queensland share (%)

  11. Why Queensland is different? • More decentralised • Regional concentrations of international students • Queensland performance more dependent on regions than other states • ‘Place’ is nearly as important as the institution for students and Queensland has more ‘places’ • Can provide a greater range of experiences for students • Can use regions to grow national pie, the State pie and also contribute to regional economic objectives • But regional data and businesses case sometimes lacking

  12. How can international education contribute to regional economic growth? • Clean, green, knowledge-based • Direct impacts on regional economy • Fees and spending in other sectors • Associated impacts • Employment, Induced tourism, Family investment, Additional capacity for domestic students • Measure flow-on impacts on other sectors of the regional economy • Show the spread of benefits to other sectors

  13. How to measure, engage and win support? • Determine enrolments as the base • AEI student visa definitions (Higher Ed, VET, ELICOS, Schools and Other) • Add in non student visa enrolments (English, Working Holidays, Study Tours, Specialised) • Remove double counting to get unique students • Apply per capita fees and other expenses • Differentiate between sectoral impacts • Assess additional direct economic effects (employment, tourism, investment, capacity increases, etc) • Apply flow on multipliers (with care) • Make the case about direct, associated and flow-on impacts • Engage and win support

  14. What issues to manage? Regulatory change Employment Accommodation Public transport The ‘pipeline’ Value adding KPIs

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