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This is a sort preview into my course. Week 1 I learnt a bit of skills to do with rafting and team building which was fun. I would like to do this again as I like the water. I went to sports hall and gym we did mat sliding before I went down ill.
Week 1 I learnt a bit of skills to do with rafting and team building which was fun. I would like to do this again as I like the water.
I went to sports hall and gym we did mat sliding before I went down ill.
I learnt about mussels in the human body and which part of the body they belonged to.
I learnt how to use a map and follow map instructions I learnt that some of the posts was missing. I got 3 out of 10 posts.
I did this week lots of sports like badminton kick rounders and 5 aside football. I learnt new rules in badminton, I also learnt how to control kicks in rounders.
I went out to the woods to do more navigating. It was good I liked it a lot. We got 7 out of 11 posts from navigating. I have improved a lot.
I went to the gym and had pictures took of me using different equipment in the gym. I also did basketball were I became the star of the week which felt awesome.
I learnt a healthy diet plan and what foods are best for healthy diets and gives more energy.
We learnt what enrichments was available for us before signing up for a few.
Week 5 • I went into the woods and used the map with navigation with minimum help off other class mates. Also we had too locate some posts missing and far away and move them to a safer place so that its more visible to see.
I did computer design were we had to make a mini game using game maker it was fun and was interesting.
I went threw woods with Jordan and took my spade with me and replanted some of the posts we had to search for so that it makes it more visible to see. (we got 6/6)
We did cooking which was Lucy's choice it was good fun I enjoyed it we cooked like pasta mix with vegetables and meat and a nice caramel and jam and cream cake
This week I did wood navigation exam and got 5/5 which felt good and relieved to find out I passed the exam. • This week I was also votes student of the term .
This week I did volleyball which was fun though did leave mark on my arm. But I did loose a ball to the roof when it got stuck above the fan.
This week also I went to the gym and did 20 minutes on cycling before going on different equipments as I couldn’t do much weights due to my left arm hurting. I also learnt some badminton rules which was good fun and easy to do once learnt.
Week 8 • We went to the Vanson Centre and had a tour of the place were we learnt there are 58 types of chillies. We also learnt how hot each chilli was.
This week I did a test on muscles and bones I had to name each bone. • Also this week I did beach volleyball it was good getting more shots on target.
This week we learnt how to control our serves in badminton and we learnt how to smash grab and drop shot.
I wasn’t in much of that week as I was ill I did show up for Thursdays lesson of badminton were we learnt servers and shots.
This week I had a bleep test which went well I got 4.7 in bleep test which is very good improvement. • This week my class had a badminton tournament it was good fun I got 5 points in total. I beat mike in badminton.
This week mike brought us a pair of walking trainers from sports direct so that we can use them while working out in the community.
This week I had kick boxing it was good fun we learnt high kicks and how to block them though to warm up first we had to do a circuit training that existed of 10 exercises including press-ups.
This week we had to record exercises we did in the gym were we had to write down what we did in gym and how much reps and weight we did. • Also this week we did football which was great we had to pass ball to each other and we got a football game out of it
During this week me and my class mates had to make a quiz about sports and Christmas. Then we had to do mikes quiz that was on a PowerPoint. Mine Lucy's and Jordan's team won.
During this week we played a game were we had to shoot a football at the bench then we played football match were I scored a goal past mike.
On Friday we went bowling and to a Chinese restaurant were the foods there was nice though I couldn’t believe my mate Jordan managed to get threw 20 sausages I had 1 plate of dinner and 2 glasses of ice-cream.
During this week is the first week back after Christmas we was made to loose about 300 calories at the gym before being allowed to go home. it wasn't hard for me too loose 300 calories as I been exercising over Christmas.
During this week we prepared for our basketball exam were I fount it good fun as I like playing basketball I scored the final basket for my team in the last 2 minutes of the match to make the team win the match. It felt great .
This week we went to Bradley woods were we had to walk 8 miles it was good fun apart from how wet the mud was.
this week we had to play football outside due to sports hall double booked it was fun though was well cold we played a game were we had to keep our ball in a cretin area and the last one who did this won.
This week we had to design and use our own workout in the gym it was good fun but sometimes I wish I could spend 2 hours in the gym.
During this week me and Lucy and David had to stand up in front of the class and do coaching we chose basketball were we taught dribbling and passing and shooting to our 15 minutes students.
During this week we did boxing were we had to learn stances and learn the jab punch. It was good as I am kind of light on my feet and can switch stances easy.
This week I went to the gym were I had to finish work from last week for my personal workout plan. It felt good when I can run fast and tone up.
This week we had a basket ball exam it was good fun we did 4 laps of the sport hall doing lots of warm ups b4 going on to practical work. We did different bounces, dribbling and shooting then we had 4 Minnie basketball games.
during this week I went to college gym to increase my stamina to try and get better in speed.
During this week we played football I was good in goal though still lack the confidence to go for the ball.
During this week we learnt how to block and parry in boxing we also learnt a combination punch. Which was good to learn.
During this week we had to play football out side didn’t like it was far to cold to consecrate on football though I suppose ill get used to the cold.
This week we had to finish off the healthy poster to show healthy eating and healthy exercises to keep people fit and healthy.
During this week we played wheel chair basketball it was good fun I fount it easy to use as I used to play this when I was in school 6 years go
During this week I walked out of gym as I couldn’t be in same room as someone who accuses me of something I have not done!!
During this week we did boxing were we learnt hook punches and we played a few games like dodge the glove which was awesome
During this week we had our rounder’s exam it was good fun though we got well beat by the level 1s. I scored 1 rounder before being caught out . I could have tried harder.
During this week we played kickball rounder’s and bulldog it was good fun I fount a new way of running faster. this was good because I have seen improvement in my speed.
During this week we took pictures of the health and safety poster we made. felt uncomfortable in that picture as I can't be near no one who accuses me of something I have not done.