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FUTURE COMBAT SYSTEMS. BG N. Lee S. Price Deputy Program Manager, Future Combat Systems (BCT) Networks and Complementary Systems. Class IV Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) XM 157. Mounted Combat System (MCS) XM1202. Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV) XM1206. Command and Control Vehicle (C2V) XM1209.
FUTURE COMBAT SYSTEMS BG N. Lee S. Price Deputy Program Manager, Future Combat Systems (BCT)Networks and Complementary Systems
Class IV Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) XM 157 Mounted Combat System (MCS) XM1202 Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV) XM1206 Command and Control Vehicle (C2V) XM1209 Centralized Controller Medium Range Munitions MRM Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle (RSV)XM1201 APS Non-Line of Sight Mortar (NLOS-M) XM1204 Common Chassis Non-Line of Sight Cannon (NLOS-C) XM1203 Medical Vehicle Treatment (MV-T)XM1208 MULE-T XM1217 Field Recovery and Maintenance Vehicle (FRMV) XM1205 Armed Robotic Vehicle – Assault Light (ARV-AL) XM1219 Multifunctional Utility/ Logistics and Equipment Countermine and Transport Medical Vehicle Evacuation (MV-E) XM1207 MULE-C XM1218 FCS Brigade Combat Team... IBCT Early Spin Out Brigade Combat Team... Manned Ground Vehicles (MGV) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Class I Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) XM 156 Unattended Systems T-UGS(AN/GSR-10 (T)) U-UGS(AN/GSR-9 (U)) Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) XM 501 Tactical and Urban Unattended Ground Sensors Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Small UGV (SUGV) XM1216
Logic for FCS Enabled Soldier x x x • Adversaries thrive on instability at all levels – local to global – in complex environments…where people live. • Expeditionary and Campaign Quality Organizations comprised of • Well Trained Soldiers and Leaders enabled by a • Robust Network and Advanced Platforms that • producePrecision Effects across • the Full Spectrum of Conflictrequire • Future Combat Systems Spin Out Enabled Modular BCTs FBCT Enabling the Soldier…No Fair Fights!
One Team 39 States, 203 Congressional Districts, 586 Suppliers As of 31 March 2008 “One Team” Management Framework Best of Industry Approach
B-Kit in HMMWV Program Accomplishments Class IV UAV B-Kit in M1151A1 C2V Demonstrator SUGV Video Imagery Sent to B-Kitted HMMWV During Spin Out P-LUT NLOS-M Firing Platform Unattended Ground Sensors JEFX08 MCS Ammo Handling System MULE Spin Out P-LUT at AETF NLOS – LS Transport MGV Assembly Test Bench at SoSIL APS Intercept MCS Turret P1 Firing at YPG NLOS – LS Test Soldier & Prototype Testing On-going PLAY VIDEO
FR MV NLOS-M NLOS-C MCS C2V ICV RSV MV FCS (BCT) Schedule Now CY08 CY09 CY10 CY11 CY12 CY13 CY14 CY15 CY16 CY17 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Major Elements Program Milestones SoS PDR FRP DAB IPR SoS CDR SoS DRR MS C IOC DAB FOC CDD Update FUE BLRIP SO LRIP Spin Outs CPD Update SO MS C P-LUT TFT/FDT&E/LUT IBCT OA IVT/FDT&E/IOTE IBCT Prod TFT/LUT FDT&E SoS Testing IMT 1 IMT 2 IMT 3 IMT IOTE MGV FUSL TFT3/FDTE3/LUT3 B2E/B2F FQT B2E Pre-FQT B2F Pre-FQT SW Build 1 B3F B3E SW Build 2 Software SW Build 3 B4F SW Build 4 Full Capability CDR CDR PDR S/W PDR H/W Network Network Systems Development (31) MGV Prototype Deliveries Manned Ground Vehicles (MGV) PDR CDR NLOS-C SpI Deliveries (T1-T18) NLOS-C Prototype Deliveries (P1-P8) LRIP FRP EDM Flight Prototype Deliveries (10) Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) PDR Payload CDR 1st SDD Delivery CDR 1st SDD Flight LRIP Payload PDR Class I FRP CL 1 Blk0 Spin Out Production PDR First Flight CDR ASTAMIDS CDR SAR CDR LRIP Prototype Deliveries (8) Class IV FRP Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) First Delivery CDR MULE Prototype Deliveries 5 MULE-T, 5 MULE-CM, 6 ARV-A-(L) 8 PDR Engineering Evaluation Unit LRIP Mule-T Mule-C ARV-A-L FRP First Delivery LRIP PDR CDR 8 SUGV Prototype Deliveries(6) SUGV Blk1 Spin Out Production SUGV FRP IQT Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) NET Spin Out Production Prototype Deliveries (10 T-UGS) U-UGS T-UGS LRIP FF CDR FRP Prototype Deliveries (16 U-UGS) NLOS-LS OT Flt Test CLU Deliveries Flight LUT Spin Out Production LRIP 1 CA FRP IOC LRIP 2 CA LRIP Testing FRP 23 Jul 08
Standard Edition Real Time Edition Micro Edition FCS Integrated Network • Networked Sensors • Commonality RSV Sensors CLIV • Common Warfighter Interface • Rapid Visualization of the Fight • Shared Information/Planning/Execution • Embedded Training and Logistics Battle Command SOSCOE • Role Based Access • Information Assurance • Interoperability JTRS HMS JTRS GMR • Network-enabled Battle Command on the Move • Timeliness of Information To Squad Level in Seconds • Units “Self-synchronize” as They Re-establish Network Connectivity ICS WIN-T JC4ISR
IBCT Early Spin Out Brigade Combat Team...FCS Brigade Combat Team… Class IV Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) XM 157 Mounted Combat System (MCS) XM1202 Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV) XM1206 Command and Control Vehicle (C2V) XM1209 Centralized Controller Medium Range Munitions MRM Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle (RSV)XM1201 APS Non-Line of Sight Mortar (NLOS-M) XM1204 Common Chassis Non-Line of Sight Cannon (NLOS-C) XM1203 Medical Vehicle Treatment (MV-T)XM1208 MULE-T XM1217 Field Recovery and Maintenance Vehicle (FRMV) XM1205 Armed Robotic Vehicle – Assault Light (ARV-AL) XM1219 Multifunctional Utility/ Logistics and Equipment Countermine and Transport Medical Vehicle Evacuation (MV-E) XM1207 MULE-C XM1218 = Spin Out (IBCT) Manned Ground Vehicles (MGV) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Class I Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) XM 156 Unattended Systems T-UGS(AN/GSR-10 (T)) U-UGS(AN/GSR-9 (U)) Non-Line of Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS) XM 501 Tactical and Urban Unattended Ground Sensors Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Small UGV (SUGV) XM1216
New way of doing businessbrings FCS to life….. Developing New Doctrine and Tactics, Techniques & Procedures (TTPs) Doctrine Personnel & Facilities Organization Executing Network Enabled Operations FFID Training Leadership Materiel Real Soldiers and Leaders… Operating in live and virtual events… To deliver real answers Conducting Integrated Training Evaluating Material ….. Integrating capabilities for the current and future modular force!!
Capability You Get Urban Unattended Ground Sensors Tactical Unattended Ground Sensors Blue Force Tracker Non Line of Sight Launch System 105 mm Howitzer Ground Soldier System Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Network Integration Kits FCS-Enabled Infantry BCT Modular Infantry BCT Original Spin-Out 1 Added to Spin-Out 1 Raven Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Command Post of The Future Class I Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle Merging the Modular Force with FCS Capability Yielding a Networked and Precision Capable Force
AETF Preliminary-Limited User Test Emplacing U-UGS SUGV on Point Emplacing T-UGS CL1 UAV in Overwatch
DAB (T) Hull Fabrication, 26 Turret Fabrication, 24 Chassis IA&C, 17 Turret IA&C, 15 Vehicle IA&C, 5 T1 T2 T3 T4 Exp 2.3 Exp 2.2 Tech Test SQD/PLT STX Company STX TFT A OA LUT TFT B FY09/10 Plan Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 FY10 FY09 ProgramReviews SoS PDR SOMS C NLOS-C SpI MS C CDR PDR Software Requirements B2E B2F B3E Software Builds BCS B2F Eng Rel 1 SOSCOE Build 3.0 BCS B2F Eng Rel 2Eng Rel 3 WMIS Build 2.5 BCS B2E SO CVT SOSCOE Build 2.5 BCS B2E FutureForce P4 P7 P8 P6 P5 CL I UAV, NLOS-LS, UGS, and SUGV Spin Out Production FRMV/RSV/MCS/ICV/NLOS-M Hull Fabrication, 7 MV T/E and C2V Hardware Prototypes Prototype Fabrication, Integration, and Assembly CL IV UAV Long Lead Prototype Deliveries, 2 Prototype Deliveries, 3 Prototype Deliveries, 7 CL I UAV Long Lead Prototype Fabrication, Integration, and Assembly MULE Long Lead Prototype Fabrication, Integration, and Assembly Prototype Deliveries, 4 SUGV Long Lead Prototype Fabrication, Integration, and Assembly Prototype Deliveries, 6 MGV Common Armor Development Testing MCS Armament Proof/Safety Testing, MCS Firing Fix/Firing Test Rig IMT 1 IMT 2 JTRS GMR Testing Test and Evaluation Dry Runs Spin Out GMR SIT GMR LUT Integration
Summary • FCS is the Army’s modernization approach • Program executing to achieve successful ‘09 DAB • Platform and Network PDRs • Systems of Systems Preliminary Design Review • FCS accelerating capabilities to current force • IBCT TFT/FDT&E/LUT • Supporting testing and technologies on track • FCS Program is healthy and meeting commitments Equipping our Joint Warfighters with the World’s Best Capabilities